Author: Mark Virkler
Jesus healed some people with instantaneous miracles, but most of the time it does not say that the healing was manifest "at that very moment.”
Different settings - different results
People frequently report that when they are on the street evangelizing and praying for non-believers, more people are healed more quickly than when they minister in churches.
Paul’s thorn in the flesh (which may have been a physical weakness) was not removed because of the greatness of Paul's revelations. God allowed Paul to experience it to keep him humble (2 Cor. 12:7).
The Israelites could have crossed the desert into the Promised Land in just 12 days, but because they failed 10 tests of trust and obedience (Num. 14:22), they did not walk into their promise for 40 years!
What Job feared is what came upon him (Job 3:25). It is likely that his fear was the open door that allowed satan to attack.
These examples indicate that God's greatest priority is the development of our faith, obedience, character and hearts. At times, we may experience a delay in the healing of our physical bodies if that is necessary to achieve His goals for our spiritual lives.
So if God’s blessings are not flowing in an area of our lives, we need to be journaling and asking what we need to learn or change to release His grace. On several occasions I have done this, and God has revealed the answer. As I have been obedient, the blessing or healing has flowed. One time He specifically told me He would not heal my back because if He did, I would go right back to doing the thing He had told me to quit doing. He was right! And it took a long time for my back to heal.
God sometimes has different priorities than we do. When we feel pain, all we care about is having it removed - immediately! But God says that the condition of our inner man is primary, and our outer man then follows.
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. (3 Jn. 1:2)
Journaling question
Lord, what would You have me learn so my soul and my body both prosper?
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