Author: Mark Virkler
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12 NASB).
The Greek words in this verse are very inspiring
“The word (logos) of God is living (zao) and active (energeo), and sharper than any two-edged sword."
- Logos = Entire communication process (written, spoken, stories, etc.)
- Energeo = Energizing
- Zao = to live, alive
The Bible is anointed and energized by God. It has the power to get down to the real issues, that is, what your heart thinks and believes and intends to do. It can release life and energy and transformation.
Journaling - The Lord Speaks
The Bible shows the pattern of HOW to live, the stories of the common mistakes one makes, and the stories of victories one can have. It is there to lead, to guide, to instruct and to confirm.
The Bible is NOT what you live out of. Follow My pattern. I lived and walked by the Spirit (Jn. 5:19,20,30). The Bible instructs you to also live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25).
My Spirit is to illumine Scriptures to your heart. Teach people to always focus on ensuring that THIS is what is happening as they approach the Bible. Teach them to listen to My voice as they approach the Scriptures. They are to meditate upon the Scriptures (Josh. 1:8). That is, they are to imagine, picture, pray over, speak aloud, tune to flow and ask Me to illumine Scripture to their understanding. This is what I did for the disciples on the Emmaus Road, and Paul on the Damascus Road, and Asaph as he came into My sanctuary through praise and worship and “perceived” (Ps. 73:17). This is PROPER use of My Word, and this is what I want to do for you as well.
Personal Application Journaling
Lord, am I approaching Your Word correctly? How would You have me approach the Bible?
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