Author: Mark Virkler
Lord, what do You want to say to me about Oasis? (I was asking about a ministry called Oasis, but He went a different direction with His answer. ☺️)
Oasis is a place of refreshing for the soul. Not just for you but for me. Remember the woman at the well? I was tired and hungry and asked her for a drink. She didn’t give me the natural water I asked for but I was refreshed by the touching of her soul. She let me in. She received me. Will you let me in? Will you receive me? Will you let me out of the restrictions you have placed me in in an effort to know me better? I’m fresh manna. Fresh everyday. Don’t hold tightly to yesterday’s bread. I have fresh bread today. Yesterday’s revelation was sufficient for the day but today is a new day. I’ll never run out. I’ll never fall short. All I need is an open vessel with room for me to pour. Don’t come to me already full. Let there always be an empty place for me to fill. Stone by stone. Measure by measure. Day by day. You can’t know it all at once. My heart is full when you let me fill yours. Make my joy complete.
Me - Is it real? Do you really want more and more closeness with people? Do you really focus on oneness in relationship with us. It seems like that’s too simple and doesn’t line up with the “work for Jesus” mindset that has so heavily been established in the church.
Jesus - When man takes over the leading of our relationship it always ends up in works. Just ask Eve. All we had was relationship. Once her eyes were opened they sought to do a work of the flesh to compensate for the separation they had from me. Hiding, sowing fig leaves together. That is why it is said I was slain from the foundation of the earth. My provision was already in place for them. They acted in fear and tried to provide for themselves. Although well meaning, their works were a dead end. As are man’s today. They mean well and want to teach others of me, but this is the day that my words are written on the heart. Man’s attempt to connect people with me often leads to a dead end. They can’t see me for the path that was laid before them. They see me as far off and hard to get to.
The simplicity of oneness with me is hard for fallen man to grasp. Still following in Eve’s footsteps, they think communion with me just can’t be enough. There must be something else I’m missing out on. And with that here comes the leaves. That resulted in their inability to remain in my presence. Man’s own righteousness and effort keeps them from fully experiencing my presence. They determine how close we can be by the quality of their own merits rather than on mine. My work is full, complete, and finished. If they would only see that and believe that, they would fully know me every time.
I’m not holding back. Though there are many blockages, move the blockages out of the way. Tell the people about me. Not how to get to me. I said you would know the way. The reason I said that was because the disciples already knew me. They spent time with me. They were familiar with me. Present me to people and I’ll show them the way. Your ways are limited and can become a blockage if they don’t seem to work. I have a straight line to the heart. Custom tailored for each soul. I know them well. Better than the sparrow.
Me - Do you want me to see your face? (I keep seeing His face partially when I see Him.)
Jesus - I want you to look into my eyes and find what you’ve always been looking for. My face is my identity just as yours is to you. Don’t be afraid. Look deep. Things I’ve wanted you to know that can only come through intense intimacy. Openness. Trust. Oneness. Look deep. Don’t be afraid to see. Receive all the gifts that I have for you. I’ll keep them coming if you’ll keep receiving. Don’t shut off the supply thinking that’s enough. It’s not enough. Maybe enough for you, but let your storehouse overflow. So many that I’d love to bless, but they don’t know how to receive. Make my joy complete and let me bless through you. Will you do it?
Me - Yes Lord! Let your joy be complete. I love to make you happy and delight your soul. I’m afraid. I don’t know what that will entail. Will I be snatched out of what is comfortable and stable for me?
Jesus - There is a price to pay but I will help you pay it. Fear will always lead you astray, away from me. This is a life of faith. It has to be. There’s no way you could understand all of my ways. Bits and pieces may be clear, but it takes faith to walk with me. It’s the comfort of my hand in yours, not that you know every step and where the journey will take you. Be comforted in our closeness and the fact that I am good. You can trust in me.
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