Author: Mark Virkler
Andrea: Lord, what do you have to say to me about shame?
Jesus: Andrea, may I share my heart with you?
Andrea: Yes, certainly, Lord.
Jesus: You almost missed this because you wanted to watch your videos.
Andrea: Yes, Lord. I’m sorry, again. Please tell me your heart for me.
Jesus: For so long, my daughter, I cried, I wept, I mourned over you because you felt I didn’t love you because of your sin struggles and because you thought I saw that there was something inherently wrong with you. Your shame kept you from receiving from me, but my daughter, (Jesus is weeping now) the shame you carried came from those who had abused you. They put that on you. There was never anything wrong with you, my beloved daughter. And the shame they deserved fell on you. But you hadn’t done anything wrong, and how I wept, I cried, and I petitioned the Father over your suffering and your shame, my daughter. Because I know what it feels like to suffer intense shame – on the cross, and being a so-called illegitimate child.
My daughter, my daughter, I want you to see the true heart that I have for you. You suffered what your abusers should have suffered – but their shame fell on you. Oh, I would not stop weeping, day and night as I watched you deal with guilt and shame that no man, nor woman, nor child, should ever have to suffer. And that’s why I wanted to take you into my glory. That is why in 2019 I invited you into the throne room when that prophet petitioned you forward; because of your suffering.
You rebelled, pulled, hated, and dwelled in vengeance and revenge from perceived injustices – but all I wanted to show you was my love, my beloved. All I wanted was for you to understand my heart for you. Even the video I asked the prophet to make of me speaking to you – you grasped a small piece of my heart, but it didn’t fully soak into your spirit. But my beloved daughter and counselor have helped you to heal in me, so this day has come when you can finally and fully embrace my heart for you. Because you are seeing it for the first time. The goodness of my heart, and the intensity of my heart for you. My love for you. My desire for your presence with me, my beloved.
Not to think that I hate you, and are judging and condemning you, which is a lie you have believed for so long. I asked an intercessor to pray to uproot that lie in you: that you are hated. You have even felt hated by me.
Andrea, the time for consolation of all things is here. The breakthrough has been won. It has been fought for in the spiritual realm. Finally, after all those years of suffering that you have endured, you finally see that I love you with everything in me. You are being enabled for the first time to experience, feel, and know experientially from the place of a heart that is nearly fully healed, to see that I love you and that my heart is for you.
I have always loved you with a deep and passionate love that has been waiting and unrelenting and unstoppable. Through my tears, I have prayed for you all these years to know my love, and now with my perseverance in prayer, and in the perseverance of my prayer warriors, you are fully seeing my heart for you, and how much I love you, my beloved. And, my daughter, your heart is finally at peace. Yes, your heart is finally at peace, my angel.
Come here now. Come hither. I want to hold you in my arms. I, Jesus, know that I can talk to you directly, and you can feel my love and my arms around you in a way you never have before. An experiential love – which you have always grasped at, but never been fully able to receive because of the lies you’ve believed about what I thought about you.
Father God: Andrea, I couldn’t be prouder of you, this minute. I couldn’t be any prouder of you than what I am right now. Just like Jesus, he hadn’t done any miracles or signs or wonders or outward ministry acts, but I said to him: This is my son, in him I am well pleased. And the same I say to you, my beloved, my delight, my angel.
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