How many of the following are true?

  1. Effective communication skills are natural.
  2. Effective communication skills are something we must learn.
  3. The keys to effective communication skills are laid out in the Bible.
  4. Disagreement can be a gift to my success.
  5. In disagreement, one must lose, and the other wins.
  6. Biblically speaking, there is no value in disagreement.
  7. The Bible states specific values in disagreements.


Dive deeper and learn which statements are true in Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams.

Get access to the WORLD PREMIERE of Dr. Mark Virkler’s new series during our free video event going on now! Through Unique Gifts Make Winning Teams you will be guided into a fuller revelation of your special gifts and talents and who God desires to be on your support team, so you can fully achieve the call and destiny He has for your life. Register today!

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