Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda – O precious Jesus, how I praise you, Lord. You alone are mighty. You alone keep your word and honor it even above your name. You alone, Lord. I stand in AWE of you, Lord.
I see me laying at your feet, Lord. I am crying tears of overwhelm at your presence. Forgive this heart, Lord, that has made you to be like me. That has made you common by participating in sin, and by disregarding your Word, Lord. O let me only lift you up today. Let me see you as you truly are, Lord, instead of who I make you to be. O Jesus, it is so easy to see you only as the kind shepherd, teacher and friend and forget that you are the Almighty God who created the world, who is holy and hates sin. Help me to never forget this, Lord, and know that you are both. I worship you this morning, Lord. I praise you. Never let me forget the glory, majesty and holiness of who you are.
Jesus – My precious, LaWanda, YES, I am the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe in all its glory. It is indeed a reflection of me. And you should not forget this. But do not let this become a barrier to our closeness. For while I am the Almighty, I am ALSO your Savior and your Friend. If I was just the Almighty, you would never be able to approach me. Salvation makes the way for you to do just that. Salvation is the bridge.
So never forget my holiness, the awesomeness of my glory, where you cannot even stand for its power is so great. Reverence me. Respect Me. Love Me. Just because I am all of these unreachable things, does not mean that I am unreachable. Even as My glory knocks you off of your feet, My love covers you and holds you close to My heart. My peace fills you until it turns into joy overflowing. I am all these things and more, LaWanda, and I am all of them to you.
Never let your reverence and awe of Me prevent you from coming BOLDLY to the throne of My grace. It was never meant to keep you away but rather to inspire you, to touch you, to move you toward Me. Always toward Me, LaWanda, never away. Remember these moments of AWE when you see Me as Holy God, Almighty God and take them with you. Keep them in your heart even as you come as friend, as lover, as bride. Let the very thought of them move you, touching your heart and moving you closer to mine.
I love you, dear one, and want you near to Me. Always near and nearer still. In this moment choose to move close to Me. I want you there.
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