Hearing intelligent discussions (Prov. 18:17) about where our world is at and what we can do to be involved in the process of restoring the world to righteousness is an activity we all must be involved in. This Tucker Carson interview on December 7th is an opportunity to hear one side.

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Within one week it had 22 million views. During this same week, “X” (formally Twitter), invited the man being interviewed to come back online to share his messages (though Twitter had de-platformed him a couple of years back). Great to see discourse, dialogue and debate brought back to the public square.

As the light of the world, we need to understand the times we live in and discern God-ordained approaches to overcoming the darkness. I want to be informed. I want to be part of the solution. We want to bring light where there is darkness. This is the commission to the church, to disciple all nations! Below is a briefsummary of the key themes in the book.

All of history tells the story of the cycle below, which is constantly repeated.

  1. Revival: A strong, righteous, remnant restores repentance and righteous leadership.
  2. Backsliding: People prosper and become soft under God’s blessings.
  3. Evil arises: Evil rulers enslave the masses, and pain ensues.
  4. Revival: A remnant restores repentance and strong godly leadership, and revival ensues.

Yup, right now we are in stage three, “Evil arises.”  So let’s participate in bringing forth stage four! Here’s what we can do.

General problems 

Specific issues generated

Our specific responses

Usurping authority


Removing God’s authority and insisting they are the authority. Human life is not of value.

Restore the Bible and the voice of God everywhere. Protect human life.



Satan is the father of lies, mixing truth with error to deceive.

Know Scripture and God’s voice and share this everywhere.

Outlawing dissenting opinions


No debate, de-platform those with different beliefs (see Prov. 18:13).

Support platforms where lively interchange takes place. Disagree without becoming disagreeable.

Fear of loss

Confiscate your bank account or your job if you don’t toe the line

Fear God and not man. Ask for God’s wisdom in every action.

Fostering division

Class wars, social credit scores

Honor and love all and point them to Christ.

Let us shine God's light rather than curse the darkness!

Personal application

Lord, what would You have me do to bring Your light into my world to dispel the darkness?

Dig deeper – by referencing these Christian resources

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