Author: LaWanda
LaWanda – ♪♪ “Who is like you Lord in all the earth? Matchless beauty, endless worth. Nothing in this world will satisfy. Jesus you’re the cup that won’t run dry. O Jesus, O Jesus, your presence is heaven to me. O Jesus, O Jesus, your presence is heaven to me.” ♪♪ Thank you, Jesus, that you ARE the cup that won’t run dry.
How do I see you today, Lord? I see you walking, Lord, with a small group around you. You are walking at a moderate pace, not too slowly but not racing forward either. One person asks a question and then another. We all have something we want to know it seems, and of course, you are the One who can answer them all. You take each one and slowly engage the person asking as though to see the heart beneath the question. And when you answer, we all sigh and say, “Yes, of course” because we had that question, too, but did not ask it. And now we know the answer.
O Jesus, you know us so well. Thank you for your tender mercies, which are new every morning. O how I need them, Lord, and how grateful I am for them, precious Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me so. Thank you, Lord, that I was one of the “joys” set before you as you faced the Cross. Thank you for the Cross, Lord.
Jesus – LaWanda, dear one, my precious, precious one. My mercies ARE new every day and they are new every day for YOU! Can you imagine how desolate your heart would be if you came to me and I told you I was all out of mercy today? This will NEVER happen, for at the Cross, everything that needed to happen, happened. I meant it when I said, “It is Finished!” I am not working from a “to do list” of things I need to do. What I did on the Cross took care of everything. EVERYTHING. There is nothing you need that was not provided for through My work on the Cross, LaWanda. Once you accepted Me, EVERY need was satisfied. It is your job to call it down from heaven to earth. My Kingdom come My Will be done on earth as it ALREADY is in heaven. O LaWanda, step into My Glory as you surrender everything to Me. As I have said so many times before: Surrender is not the end. It is the beginning and where you always must start.
Precious one, just keep coming to the secret place and sit near Me. If you do, I will surely do My part and pour out the revelation-secrets of My promises to you. It is one thing to have My promises, which every believer does. It is another thing altogether to have the secrets of those promises revealed to you personally by the One who spoke them in the beginning. This is My will for you, dear one, for I cannot resist a surrendered heart laid down before Me.
Hear Me now, dear one…
“There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, who sit near Me and receive the revelation-secrets of My promises.” Psalm 25:14
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1
"I declare the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.” Isaiah 46;10
Yes, My dear one, I will accomplish my purpose in YOU and My counsel SHALL stand, INDEED!
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