Author: Linda Garmon
Linda: I love you, Lord. Thank You for the rain today. Thank You for the greens in the garden. You blessed our garden this year so that we had plenty to can, and some to share.
What do You want to say to me about You being my life? Tell me how this life works.
Vision: I see the rocker-glider and footstool in my quiet place.
Jesus: Linda, what do you do in this rocker, besides rock?
Linda: I envision You beside me and I worship You and I listen to You as You speak to me and share life-changing truths with me.
Jesus: Yes, that is true, but the truth I want you to see and embrace is that you sit. You are at rest, beloved one. You cease from your own striving and you simply come, sit down and rest. You listen and watch what I will say or do and you leave filled up.
Did you know that this was my lifestyle on earth? I would go to my quiet place to rest, and envision the Father before me. I also would worship and listen and watch to see what my Father was doing, so that I could go join Him. All the things that happened in my ministry years were things I saw my Father do during my quiet time of prayer. This lifestyle of rest is what I embraced while I walked this earth in ministry. This is the life I give to all who have gone from death to life.
Beloved, just like me you will have to strive, and even sacrifice to protect this valuable time. Many distractions and demands, even needs will pull at your time. I would sometimes have to sneak off in the middle of the night for that time of rest and refreshing with God and then return, recharged and filled with fresh vision and purpose. It is worth it, my beloved one.
Linda: Wow, Lord, thank You. I love You! Forgive me for all the times I tried to battle with my own strength and ended up frustrated. You are the strength inside me, Lord, when so many things try to pull at me. Your way and Your example are best!
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