Author: Ken Day
My people, my people stand up and listen very, very carefully. I have given you a gem of knowledge yet you are satisfied to live with a curse.
You are not different from the people of old. You prefer to listen to others instead of the almighty God who has created you. I have given you the way to prosperity. Yes, I mean material prosperity. Yet, you say too much is said about money to my people. Is it really? How often do you hear my servants mention it in your church services? If you hear a week of teaching you say that is too much. You see it is because you just do not understand me and my kingdom. My kingdom is simple to understand. Just come to me as a child and listen.
Come unto me and I will teach you the secret to your financial problems. I will teach you the secret to your churches financial problems. Listen, listen, it is not a secret. You worship false idols. You worship the money itself. Have you forgot that I own it all? So listen very carefully. I will tell why? But will you obey? It is the tithe. The tithe is the instrument that I have given you so that the heavens will open up and bless you. I lay down a challenge to you. Obey my word spoke by Malachi the prophet. I want to bless you and make your crops flourish. I want to give you my cattle, my gold and silver. Why do you not taste of my word? Try my word and I will open heaven's blessings upon you. What else do you want from me? I am showing how to live a blessed and prosperous financial life. Why are you robbing me? Do you not know that by robbing me that you are robbing yourself?
My love for you is why I want your tithe. Just show me your love by obeying my voice. My love is a flooding river that will bless your finances. My son Jesus came and died for you to have an abundant life. Plant some seed and see if it will not grow. Plant the seeds of faith about my tithe. Tithing without faith is like planting seed and having no rain. Without the rain the seed is dead. Without faith the tithe will die also. Everything I tell you must be acted upon in faith. Test me. Test your manmade theology. See if I will not reverse the curse on your financial prosperity. Simply return unto me and trust what I say. I am waiting for my people to believe. so I can pour out a blessing they cannot perceive. My servants, read and meditate on Malachi 3:6-12. Come as a living sacrifice to me and let these scriptures renew your mind. Do not read once and then forget. Read them daily. Think about. Ponder the deeper meaning of them. Within them is the door to a gold highway of financial blessings upon you. Your faith is the key that opens the door.
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