Author: Anne Bolick
Question in homework assignment: "Lord, please talk to me about becoming still. What avenues are most effective in bringing me to inner stillness? What are Your thoughts concerning stillness?"

As I read the above questions, "Lord, please talk to me about becoming still," stood out.
The first thing that stood out in the question was the word, "please." That’s not usually a word I use with God or anyone else. I may say their name, then speak, but I can’t remember using the word, please. Huh. I can’t think of a time it was used in the Bible. In looking that up, it is used in the sense that I want to please God, but not a polite introduction to a request.
Me: Lord, talk to me.
God: "Please" is a byproduct of Love. Love is my essence. It is who I am. I please mankind with promises fulfilled. Mankind pleases me with obedience.
Me: So the way I am thinking of the word, "please" is an acceptable nicety of society?
God: Yes.
Me: I want to start using it more. I think it shows honor, respect, and love. Honor, respect, and love. Honor, respect, and love vibrate through my mind.
God: That is becoming more like Me, and that is your main desire. To step into Me. To step into who I am. To be the image of Christ.
Vision: I see myself being hugged by Jesus. I am crying. I want more of the experience of Jesus. More reality. More emotion.
God. It will come. Follow My lead. I will lead you down the path of love. Love opens intimacy between two lovers. I love My Church. I want intimacy with My Church. Every member of My Church. I have ordained intimacy – a love relationship – with each person who has called upon My name.
Vision: I see Jesus sitting alone. He is waiting for His bride – each individual member – to come and spend time with Him. He is waiting patiently. He knows sometimes He will sit there alone until the person gets to heaven, but He wants us to know that He loves us and is willing to wait for us to learn to hear His voice and spend time with Him.
I remember Matthew 11, verses 28 to 30... Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
I hear, "I am gentle and lowly in heart" (humble). The words, gentle and humble, gentle and humble vibrate through my mind.
Me: I am trying to process God as gentle and humble. I approach life as “see a task and get it done.” Polite and gentle, sometimes, maybe, in a focused way, but not truly gentle and humble.
Vision: I see myself on a bicycle riding down a lane.
God: You ride that bicycle well in many areas. Now, let Me put you on a tricycle. (Meaning teach me a life lesson.)
Me: I think a tricycle is safe. You can’t fall off. It is not like not knowing how to ride a bicycle and being put on it and having to fall and hurt yourself many times before you learn.
God: I never teach you in an unsafe way. I am gentle and I teach you in a gentle way. I am not a harsh taskmaster. I want you to succeed. I want you to feel safe and secure.
Me: For some reason, I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s image on a poster.
God: The world thinks that violence accomplishes the task. But violence produces violence. Violence is like baking soda and vinegar. It burns the soul. I am here to heal. I am gentle and humble. I am love. Let Me teach you gently and humbly.
Me: As I think about this, I realize that the way I focus on learning is task-oriented. I have to get it done. I am going to fail (enemy talking). I must succeed.
Gentle and humble is a new thought process. A new life lesson.
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