Author: Greg Locke
Pastor Greg Locke created the movie, Come Out in Jesus Name, and it was shown in hundreds of theaters across America with deliverance following the movie where many experienced demons leaving.
I believe deliverance is a growing movement being ushered in worldwide. This is truly exciting. People are extremely needy and broken right now. Most are being oppressed by demons. The only solution is deliverance. Between 1/4 to 1/3 of Jesus’ prayers for healing included the casting out of demons. Jesus knows the best healing methodology available. I can’t imagine why we would want to ignore the 13 times Jesus cast demons out of people and they were made whole.
- Here is a cool Charisma interview with Greg Locke where they discuss “Come Out in Jesus Name.”
- Here is a website that lets you know how you can view this movie. This website includes a free downloadable handbook on deliverance which includes all the Gospel stories of deliverance taking place.
Complete easy-to-use approach to deliverance
“Prayers That Heal the Heart” is a hands-on process which includes deliverance. You can easily take yourself or your group through this training series and experience an amazing new freedom in Christ. Order here or here.
My close friend Rev. Don Paprocky is skilled in being a seminar speaker on Prayers That Heal the Heart, and you can book him here to do a seminar via Zoom or in person, or for a personal deliverance ministry time.
The Disciples Cast Out Demons and Healed the Sick
- The commission for Christians to cast out demons is given in Matthew 10:8; Mark 3:15; 6:7,13; 16:17-18; and Luke 9:1-2.
- At the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people…people who were sick or afflicted (harassed) with unclean spirits… were all being healed (Acts 5:12,16).
Complementary resources for health and wellbeing
- Register for the free worldwide video event - Take Charge of Your Health (August 8-16)
- Register for a free interactive zoom session - Hear About Our Latest Discovery to Advance Your Health & Longevity (August 21 at 7:30 PM EDT)
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