Posted 1 year ago
Author: Peg Yarbrough
Author: Peg Yarbrough
Seven Spirit-Led Steps:
- Opening prayer: The first thing I do is pray for Jesus to be present in both our hearts, a hedge of protection, and thank God for his gift of healing.
- Building trust: If it’s someone I have never met I ask Jesus to show me how to build their trust, to open up completely with me.
- Jesus told me years ago, to ask questions. Get specific. What do they want/need?
- Big meetings with high faith: In a large formal meeting with teachings and music, the “temperature” (faith) can run high, I can often minister in a few minutes, and SEE the results.
- If it is physical, I ask the recipient to do something they could not do before the healing: bend their leg, see clearly, is the pain gone, etc.
- In a one-on-one counselor/ healer situation, we are not in that spiritually ‘charged' atmosphere. These encounters usually take 1-hour plus.
- One of the main goals, in that case, is to “till the soil”
- Build trust that God WILL heal them.
- Remove anything that is subconsciously keeping the person from receiving the gift of healing from the Lord.
- I ask the client to keep their eyes closed through the session to keep out as much external distraction as possible.
- When I do multiple sessions with one person, we get to the results much quicker each time.
- Once trust is built, they are seeing consistent results
- Peeling the onion
- Rarely with anybody is just one thing.
- It's body, soul, and spirit. They didn’t get messed up overnight. And in reality, it usually takes several sessions to see the BIG deliverance on all 3 levels, body, soul, and spirit.
- If at all possible I only ask simple questions, such as, “Ask Jesus to show you... When you think of your current situation, what emotion comes to mind?” That is always a negative emotion. They are here because they have a problem/need. And we go from there. Then we can get into past traumas, generational curses, word curses, soul ties, forgiving someone — you never know.
- Always, always, always, JESUS is the great Counselor. NOT ME!
- My preference is to only ask questions and let Jesus speak directly to the client’s spirit, and then they tell me what he said to them. I literally let Jesus DO the counseling, I just keep the ball rolling. (I invite them to picture Jesus with them and see what thought flows into their mind.)
- Some folks have a very hard time getting into the flow, so when all else fails, I will ask Spirit-guided questions, and ask the client if Jesus is telling them “yes” or “no’. That often shakes things free so they can now hear him, and get in the flow themselves. Kind of like priming the pump.
- Frequently I ask the Lord to show them where the negative energy/spirit/belief was stored in their body. This is often VERY powerful as we cast out the darkness, and JESUS fills that place with LIGHT, healing, a new godly emotion, and often a new cellular vibration that affects the whole body positively. It’s all connected. Always fill the empty ‘hole’ with light, or 7 more wicked will come back to roost. We fill it and seal it.
- If I make any suggestions at the end, it is ONLY inspired utterance! I work diligently to stay out of the way with my “solutions”, my guesswork, and what I would do in their situation; all those are dead-end streets. I don’t know anything; Jesus knows everything.
- The greatest thing for me is to have zero judgments, and overflowing love, PATIENCE, and compassion.
- You cannot rush Jesus at work.
- I am almost always surprised by what Jesus speaks to the client. Something I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years. I find all of this quite thrilling; to participate in watching the LORD do his thing in their heart and soul. It’s utterly fascinating.
- Sometimes I thought a session was dead in the water, and we were getting nowhere, 30 or 40 minutes into the session, something would break loose and it’s like a puzzle suddenly coming together — and then — it is great JOY, and their healing comes to pass!!!
- If possible, I like to see the client rather than just talk by phone, because you can see on their face when Jesus has touched them. It is often tears of joy, genuine relief, or just a huge smile!
- I could talk about healing for days on end. I am constantly remembering healings I had forgotten I was part of, and they come back to my memory and bless me all over again. Or someone will call or email and say, “You changed/ saved my life 40 years ago…” etc.
- At some point I do have clients repeat after me, because the Bible plainly says, "Believe in your heart, and CONFESS with your mouth!"
- There is something powerful about speaking a blessing over yourself.
For me it’s…
- Fix our eyes on Jesus.
- Pray - build trust in the promises of God.
- Ask the person, “What do you want the Lord to do for you today?” This sets their expectation.
- And from there, I NEVER know where it is going to go! I just stay relaxed and go with Jesus’ plan.
No two healings are ever alike
- If someone is going to passionately go after healing and deliverance, I say, “Expect the unexpected!”
- And have LOTS and lots of patience -- don’t rush the Lord.
- For decades I have studied every single healing Jesus did, studied them in-depth, and the one thing I learned is — EVERY healing is different and unique!!!
- Because everyone’s life experience is different and unique. So that’s the way I roll…
- It’s all very intuitive.
Healing is part of proclaiming the Kingdom
- When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. (Luke 9:1,2)
- Healing, both giving and receiving, is one of many ways we proclaim the Kingdom of God. Isn’t that wonderful? To God be the glory!
- The best source to learn about Peg's method of healing more in-depth is her book, I Saw the Light — BUT He Saw Me First (Note especially Chapter 22 “He Restores My Soul.”)
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