Author: Mark Virkler
Linda - I love you, Lord. Lord, you know me inside and out. You know that working through the dirt and hurts of the past is not my favorite thing. However, I have already seen the evidence of unresolved issues, so I willingly submit to you. It’s still dark outside, yet I hear birds praising you. They know the light is about to shine. OK Lord, show me how you see me in these heart-healing sessions.
Vision - I see a potter bent over his clay that he is working on at the wheel. He is joyfully singing and whistling as he creates and positions the lump of clay. I can tell that he loves this work. His hands are cupping the clay and the clay is all over his hands, as he holds it. He joyfully and lovingly presses into and shapes his creation as it turns on the wheel.
Jesus - Linda, listen as I sing over you while I joyfully spin you around. I am not a distant God. I have been right there every moment of your life. I am not surprised or upset about the small stones or hardened clay spots I find. My expert hands can feel those hurtful pebbles that have remained buried within your heart. These have to be extracted because they damage and create weak spots in my beloved vessel. I also know how to soften and repurpose clay that has hardened. I don’t care how long it takes to complete a piece. My joy is in the creation of vessels of honor, vessels of purpose, vessels filled with glory, and vessels available to pour from and to be refilled. Your part, my beloved, is to willingly submit to the process of this dance as I hold you in my hands and spin you into freedom and your destiny.
Linda - Yes, Lord… Yes!
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