Author: Linda Garmon
Linda - Lord, I love You and I thank You for Your sweet wrap-around presence.
When I come to You with my heart heavy from seeing so many that I care about hurting, bound by depression, anxiety, addictions and Lord I know You have the answer for every situation. Thank You that You hear and answer my prayers. I know Your power and I have witnessed Your miracles firsthand. Thank You for all You have done for my family, for my sweet grandson who You healed from stage 4 cancer that had metastasized to almost every major organ. Thank You, Lord.
In other situations when I suffered losses, You were there when I cried and You held me and restored my peace. Thank You, Lord.
Jesus - I am your compassionate High Priest, beloved. I know the pain and suffering you experience in this clay flesh body. How easily it can be marred or broken. That is why I want you to come to Me. In My presence, you will experience peace and joy to strengthen and sustain you. In My presence you will experience recreation… but I want you to see it like this: re-creation, for I will re-create all those places that the world has left you marred, chipped, or damaged.
It pleases Me when you look at the broken ones with My eyes, feel with My heart of compassion, hear My words bubble up inside of you, and courageously speak My will wrapped in My love.
I wish you could see the effect your prayers have. Trust Me, beloved, when I say the power of faith-filled prayers is explosive. Be bold in your prayers, and never shrink back because it looks impossible, for nothing is too difficult for Me.
I love you, Linda!
Linda - I love You, too, Lord!
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