Author: Linda Garmon
Here I am on my porch swing. Our swing Lord for you have met with me so many times in this spot. There is an amazing breeze blowing reminding me of your Spirit wind, your breath that breathes life into people. Lord I know that without your breath my life would be over physically and spiritually. Every literal breath a gift to the just and unjust. I see my absolute need for you in my life. Hahaha Now the wind is blowing stronger and the child in me wants to go grab my kite. First things first LORD what would you like to say to me?
Jesus - Total dependence will result in total access to all my benefits. Humility is a heart position. Yes, the air you breathe physically as well as spiritually IS my gift to you.
Let’s talk about my Spirit wind. It’s a baffling wind. You cannot fathom the power or the direction of it. Submit to this beloved and watch what happens. Think of the kite that is suddenly untethered…the wind now has the ability to carry it, dance with it, and soar with it in the heavens. Now Linda my beloved kite, the cares of this life can tie you down. Allow me to hold the string, I will let you soar, dance, be revived by my spirit wind. Times of refreshing and true restoration await all those who learn true humility.
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