Author: La Wanda
LaWanda - Lord, as I read your words to me here in this journal, I am undone. How I could not spend every waking moment here, I do not know. It is so precious to be in Your presence and have you speak so gently to me. Lord, forgive my laziness, my surrender to my flesh. I want more of you but know I don’t deserve it. I fall so short. Help me, Lord. From Song of Songs, “May your breath be upon me until I am fully yours. Spare nothing, Lord, until you make me your fruitful garden. Hold nothing back until I release Your fragrance. Come walk with me as you walked with Adam. Taste the fruits of Your life in me.”*
Jesus - LaWanda, my dear, precious one. I AM breathing on you. I am breathing the life of My Spirit within you. And, this breath is changing you. You may not even know He is at work but remember…”Even when you can’t see it, I’m working. Even when you can’t feel it, I’m working.” We are always working on your behalf. Even as satan stands before the Father accusing you, I am interceding for you. He will not prevail as long as you do not give up. Giving up is an open door for the enemy to come in. When you give up, you are inviting him to a seat at your table. And, he will bring with him doubt, fear, anger and despair and ALL that comes with them. You will look around and wonder how they got there??? But I am telling you now that it does not have to be this way. When you feel that you have fallen so short that it would be easier to give up than to cry out to me…CRY OUT TO ME, ANYWAY!
I am closer than the air that you breathe. If you cry out to me, the table will be full and you WILL be satisfied. If you give up, the table will be empty with all the sustenance taken by the doubt, the fear, the anger, the despair and there will be nothing left for you. It may seem easier, but the easy road is seldom the better way. Always remember… I am the better way. And then, choose me.
* I read this morning from Song of Songs 4:16 - 5:1 in The Passion Translation and it became my prayer.
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