Author: Peg Yarbrough
This morning in my journaling/meditation I heard billions of angels, surrounding the earth, BLOWING SHOFARS.
All I could think of is “this is holy week when everything changed forever because of the resurrection.”
The sound of all these shofars was beautiful beyond words. It lasted for about 10 minutes. I felt both awestruck and yet peaceful.
In my vision, I also saw brilliant straight lines of LIGHT BEAMS shooting outward from the continents all over the whole earth.
Again, powerful and peaceful. It was as if the music and the lights were joining in the air to shake the prince of the power of the air.
It sends demons running in fear! Fear and awe of Almighty God.
Like they know their day of judgment is coming.
They feared Messiah's LIGHT and SPIRIT being manifest through so many believers around the globe.
They knew there is nothing but fire and torment for them. For US there is bliss, peace, and eternity in Love with God and His Son.
It left me awestruck, HOPEFUL, and very peaceful inside.
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