Author: Mark Virkler
Everything I Disagree With Is Misinformation
I am aware that if I make a stupid decision, it will bring pain into my life. Who needs pain? So I do everything I can to avoid making bad decisions.
The wisest king in the world was Solomon. God said: I have given you a wise and discerning heart, so that there has been no one like you before you, nor shall one like you arise after you. (1 Kgs. 3:12)
Solomon lets us know the steps to making a wise decision
Step 1 – I need to hear both sides
The first to plead his case seems right until another comes and examines him. (Prov. 18:17)
We are living in a culture where only one side of the discussion is allowed on network news and social media (and even in some churches). Any countering views or cross-examination of this “government” position is NOT allowed. It is labeled misinformation, regardless of how well it is backed up by science and the facts of life.
Well, this ensures that one will not make a wise decision, because he does not have all the facts at his disposal. So what is one to do? In addition to being aware of the standard government message, which is available on all standard news stations, you will want to access alternative newscasters so you hear the cross-examination and alternative facts which have been removed from the “government’s message.”
Here are some places I can find alternative viewpoints
- Truth for Health Foundation - Resources galore
- FlashPoint - Faith, Truth, Revival (many links on home screen) Make this your first broadcast to view!
- The Western Journal – Excellent worldwide news
- Million Voices – How to get involved in saving our nation
- Charisma News - Worldwide news with a Christian perspective
- Gateway Pundit - Conservative news
- America's Frontline Doctors - Trusted health information
- American Center for Law and Justice – News, petitions, legal help
- Coffee and Covid – A fun, encouraging morning read by an attorney about the absurdity of today's world
- Home School Legal Defense - Get assistance when you need it
- WallBuilders - Christian history of America
- Love Your Law - Helping Churches and Ministries Understand Law and Tax
Step 2 – I need to have wise counselors
Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory. (Prov. 11:14)
We need several counselors who are biblically knowledgeable, sensitive to the Holy Spirit, lovers of truth, and who can provide insights from a variety of perspectives (i.e. not “yes men” who simply agree with me).
I like counselors who are extremely knowledgable in the field they are talking about and provide a different heart motivation than mine.
Five Main Underlying Heart Motivations which I want to hear from my counselors:
- Apostles - Heart for the whole
- Prophets - Heart for inspirational creativity
- Evangelists - Heart for convincing the unbelieving
- Pastors - Heart to love people
- Teachers - Heart to release truth
Ephesians 4:11-16 discusses these five as crucial for coming to maturity.
Step 3 - It is the Spirit that leads us to truth
- This blog lists all nine verses where Jesus discusses how one comes to truth
- This blog discusses the need for revelation encounters if one is to come to the truth
Who will never be able to come to the truth?
They did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false. (2 Thess. 2:10,11)
Those who do not love the truth more than they want their own way or their own life are not going to experience salvation. Instead, they are going to experience deception. God is going to send upon them a deluding influence. I am assuming this will come in the form of a demon who will cloud their minds with lies and deceptions. At this point, logic will no longer work when talking to them, because their minds and hearts are veiled by demonic interference. One will need to bind the evil spirits before striking up a conversation. However, if they are not willing to repent and love the truth, they are clearly headed for destruction (2 Thess. 2:12).
If I am not willing to lay down my life to follow Jesus, I am not worthy of Jesus (Matt. 10:38,39). Loving the truth means I will put truth above preserving my job, or my role in my church. I recall the church where I was saved would not allow musical instruments in the church. At age 16 I showed the elders that David in the Psalms commanded us to worship the Lord with instruments (Ps. 150:4). Their response was, "We don't do it that way." So I had the opportunity to be excommunicated or to drop my membership. I dropped my membership. This is the first of many such occasions where I have laid down my life for the truth.
Make sure you are willing to lay down your life for the truth, so you are not sent a deluding influence that causes you to believe what is false.
Action step
Lord, I choose to love the truth above all else. I will lay down my life and my job for the truth. Lord, I will listen to the best sources on both sides of an issue before making up my mind. Lord, I will seek out multi-gifted counselors who love and know You and Your Word and Your Spirit and ask for their counsel. I will listen to the voice of Holy Spirit within my heart as You have promised that He will lead me into all truth.
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