Author: Mark Virkler
The foundational beliefs which anchor us in times of distress
- God is in control (Rom. 8:28)
- God loves us (Jn. 3:16)
- Blessings flow to those who live out of His voice and curses for those who don’t (Deut. 28)
Why Do You Hide Yourself?
Psa 10:1 Lord, you seem so far away when evil is near! Why do you stand so far off as though you don’t care? Why have you hidden yourself when I need you the most?
Psa 10:2 The arrogant in their elitist pride persecute the poor and helpless. May you pour out upon them the very evil they’ve planned against others!
Psa 10:3 How they brag and boast of their cravings, exalting the greedy. They congratulate themselves as they despise you.
Psa 10:4 These arrogant ones, so smug and secure! In their delusion the wicked boast, saying, “God doesn’t care about what we do. There’s nothing to worry about! Our wealth will last a lifetime.”
Psa 10:5 So seemingly successful are they in their schemes, prosperous in all their plans and scoffing at any restraint.
Psa 10:6 They boast that neither God nor men will bring them down. They sneer at all their enemies, saying in their hearts, “We’ll have success in all we do and never have to face trouble”—never realizing that they are speaking this in vain.
Psa 10:7 Their mouths spout out cursing, lies, and threats. Only trouble and turmoil come from all their plans.
Psa 10:8-9 Like beasts lurking in the shadows of the city they crouch silently in ambush for the people to pass by. Pouncing on the poor, they catch them in their snare to murder their prey in secret as they plunder their helpless victims.
Psa 10:10 They crush the lowly as they fall beneath their brutal blows, watching their victims collapse in defeat!
Psa 10:11 Then they say to themselves, “The Lofty One is not watching while we do this. He doesn’t even care! We can get away with it!”
Psa 10:12 Now is the time to arise, Lord! Crush them once and for all! Don’t forget the forgotten and the helpless.
Psa 10:13 How dare the wicked think they’ll escape judgment, believing that you would not call them to account for all their ways. Don’t let the wicked get away with their contempt of you!
Psa 10:14 Lord, I know you see all that they’re doing, noting their each and every deed. You know the trouble and turmoil they’ve caused. Now punish them thoroughly for all that they’ve done! The poor and helpless ones trust in you, Lord, for you are famous for being the helper of the fatherless. I know you won’t let them down.
Psa 10:15 Break the power of the wicked and all their strong-arm tactics. Search them out and destroy them for the evil things they’ve done.
Psa 10:16 You, Lord, are King forever and ever! You will see to it that all the nations perish from your land.
Psa 10:17 Lord, you know and understand all the hopes of the humble and will hear their cries and comfort their hearts, helping them all!
Psa 10:18 The orphans and the oppressed will be terrified no longer, for you will bring them justice, and no one will trouble them.
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