Author: Mark Virkler
I had a dream last night that I was not at all prepared for a major test that was coming up. I was frantic. There was no way I could prepare in the short time remaining before the exam. I awoke in turmoil.
I journaled - Lord, what have I not prepared for?
For intimacy with Me. You have been consumed with other activities and have not come to hear My voice. Come that we may be together and I may share with you the things that are on My heart for you to hear and to do.
Lord, I repent. I come to You now. What would You desire to speak to me?
The world is at a climactic point. It is cataclysmic. It is changing. It needs fervent prayer from the saints, for righteousness to be exalted and wickedness to be removed. It needs the saints to pray for the binding and casting down of principalities and powers and for a spiritual revival that releases intimacy and My power in My Church. This is My desire. This is what I desire to do. However, I need My Church to come into agreement with My purposes so that My purposes may be fulfilled.
In the wilderness, the Israelites would NOT come into agreement with My words and My desires and so many died in the wilderness, never achieving the goal I had promised to them. Today is no different. If My people who are called by My name will not humble themselves and hear My voice and obey it, they too will die in the wilderness, believing the lies of the enemy rather than the truth of My word.
Warn My Church to renounce the lies and to listen to My voice and to do My bidding. Throw off the cloak of religion and tradition and enter into an intimate relationship with Me. Hear My voice. See My vision. Experience My miracle-working power by praying for those who are sick and in need. See My glory released as they are healed!
A revival of My glory and My power will restore your land. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
End of journaling
A biblical example of not listening to His voice
Surely all the men who have seen My glory and My signs which I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice, shall by no means see the land which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who spurned Me see it. But My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land which he entered, and his descendants shall take possession of it...."How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who are grumbling against Me? I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel, which they are making against Me. "Say to them, 'As I live,' says the LORD, 'just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will surely do to you'" (Num. 14:22-28).
Specific prayer focus
- In Jesus' name, I bind and cast down the demons of deception, fear, lies, control, domination, destruction, and death.
- I pray for miracles of healing for all who are sick. I lay my hands on them and command healing in Jesus' name. (Do this – search out the sick and pray and lay hands on them.)
- I pray for righteousness to be exalted and for the wicked to be removed. Lord, preserve knowledge and overthrow the words of the treacherous man (Prov. 22:12).
- I pray for a Holy Spirit revival to sweep the Church.
- I pray for the Church to cast off the traditions of man and to embrace the voice, vision, and power of God.
- I pray for Christians to lead and not follow as God has destined for His people (Deut. 28:1-14).
- I pray for the Church to fix their eyes upon Jesus and NOWHERE else - not on evil or the antichrist (Heb. 12:1,2).
Available resources
- Ways to Pray
- If you are unsure of how to hear God's voice, it is as simple as quieting yourself down, picturing Jesus at your right hand, recognizing His voice as spontaneous flowing thoughts which light upon your mind, and journaling out that flow of thoughts and flow of pictures. More in-depth training on these four keys is available at: www.CWGministries.org/4keys.
Related Resources:
Spiritual Transformations
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