Author: Patti Virkler
Weekend Roundup Aug 27 2021
We confess: Lord, You have placed within me a hunger for truth (2 Thess. 2:10). The truth sets me free (Jn. 8:32). I fear God, love truth, and hate dishonest gain (Ex. 18:21). I will lead in the area God has assigned me to.
What is your assignment in this battle? Are you active in it? It is only as the Church of Jesus Christ rises up and each one of us does what God is asking us to do that there is any hope for restoration in our nation and our world. Following I am providing 1) an update on world events, as well as 2) examples of people rising up to do what God has called them to do to release Christ to our world. Do you know what God has assigned you to do and are you doing it? We need every hand on deck. We need you active in releasing Christ into our nation and our world!
One of my assignments is to be a teacher who shares life-giving truths, which I do below.
We have been waiting for God to pour out and He has been waiting for the Church to rise up.
Patti's inspirational story...
To inspire you to honor the passion God has put in your heart, I am going to share with you a story from my wife, Patti. It is how shock and grief created a passion which is now blessing hundreds of families in Western New York. Here it is in Patti's own words.
Way back in the mid-1980’s, trips to the local public library were a regular part of homeschooling our elementary-age children. Being a naïve, trusting person, I thought it was safe to let my children read any book they chose from their age and reading-level sections. That belief was shattered when 8-year-old Chari asked me a question about male adolescent biology which had been discussed in a book she was reading by Judy Blume. That day the Lord placed in my heart a dream to create a library where childhood innocence would be protected and parents could safely allow their children to read any book they chose.
I began building libraries for the churches we attended and even set apart a space in our garage where homeschoolers could find materials that supported their beliefs. Finally, 20 years after the Lord gave me the vision, He provided the finances and facility to open The Love Story Christian Family Library and Homeschool Resource Center.
My children were already grown and my grandchildren moved to another state, so the vision was not just for my family. It was hard for me to leave “my” library when we moved to Florida, but the Lord sent two wonderful women to take it over who shared my passion for books and homeschooling. Because of their efforts, the library was prepared to be a lighthouse in western New York for such a time as this. The Love Story Library has become the resource people in the area turn to when they know they can no longer send their children to the public school, whether because of vaccine mandates, CRT, LGBT or any of the other forces that are making public school unsafe for God’s most vulnerable children.
Homeschooling was the single most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. If the Lord is stirring up your heart against the indoctrination your children are receiving in their schools and planting a desire to homeschool in your heart, don’t be afraid to follow His leading! You may not have anything like The Love Story in your community, but there are resources available to help you.
Home school resources recommended by our experts
- HSLDA - www.hslda.org - resources, legal help. As soon as you make the decision to homeschool, you should join HSLDA. They have a wealth of resources and, if you are a member, they will help you with any legal issues you face or hassles your school may try to throw at you.
- Homeschool laws by state - https://hslda.org/legal/ - part of HSLDA’s website
- The HomeScholar (Lee Binz) - https://www.homehighschoolhelp.com/ - helping parents homeschool middle school and high school
- Rainbow Resources - https://www.rainbowresource.com/ - catalog of over 50,000 educational resources
Curriculum providers
- My Father’s World - https://www.mfwbooks.com/ - Christian homeschool curriculum combines the best of Charlotte Mason's ideas, classical education, and unit studies with a biblical worldview and global focus.
- Masterbooks - https://www.masterbooks.com/ - Where Faith Grows/Where Creation Inspires Education
- Sonlight - https://www.sonlight.com/ - Love to Learn, Love to Teach
- Notgrass History - https://history.notgrass.com/ - Notgrass History helps history learners become history makers
- Abeka - https://www.abeka.com/ - Excellence in Education from a Christian Perspective
- Bob Jones University Press - https://www.bjupresshomeschool.com/content/home - Christian Educational Curriculum
- Veritas Press - https://veritaspress.com/ - Classical Education from a Christian Worldview
- The Well-Trained Mind - https://welltrainedmind.com/ - Your Trusted Guide to Home Education
- Memoria Press - https://www.memoriapress.com/ - Classical Christian Education
- Five in a Row - https://fiveinarow.com/ - Uses children’s literature as the basis of weekly unit studies
- Christian Liberty Press - https://www.christianliberty.com/ -Partnering with Families to Provide an Education that Fits
- The Good and the Beautiful - https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/ - Making Homeschool Beautiful and Easy
- Apologia - https://www.apologia.com/ - Christ-Centered, Award-Winning Homeschool Curriculum
(This is not an exhaustive list.)
Mark's reflections
Patti's pain now nurtures hundreds of families in Western New York. My greatest pain was that no one could teach me how to hear God's voice. Overcoming that pain has resulted in me co-authoring with Patti over 60 books, building Christian Leadership University with over 100 courses where the voice of God is in the center of each course and in each week's assignment, and CLU School of the Spirit. Over 60 people have written books including the four keys to hearing God's voice and over a million have learned to hear God's voice through the army that is spreading this message. The four keys to hearing God's voice have been freely translated into 55 languages.
Did Patti and I know that acting on a solution from God that resolved the thing that upset us the most was going to turn into a ministry that blessed multitudes? NO! We simply walked in obedience, building what we saw needed to be built.
What troubles you the most? It is likely your assignment from God to fix. Will it take years? Probably, but you will be the same number of years older whether you embrace God's commission or don't, so why not build something that fixes some problem? Check out this blog for help in discerning your passion and call from God.
Be strengthened in the fight
If you are decimated by the news surrounding you, then turn it off and do what David did, go strengthen yourself in the Lord.
Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God (1 Sam. 30:6).
Folks, today is our day to do the same thing!
News Update - Honest, faith-building Reporting of world events
- Here is some inspiration from Flashpoint - Live interview with Don Trump Jr., prophetic words concerning the remainder of 2021 and more...
- Intercessors For America - Contains links here to many interesting articles. Here is a link discussing the U.S. Mask mandate during the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak in the U.S.
- Flashpoint update from Afghanistan - God is granting revelation to believers which is helping them escape. Some are choosing to stay and convert the Taliban!
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