By Dr. Robin Harfouche
What is a developed soul? In the realm of the Spirit, there is the realm of the Holy Spirit and then there’s the psychic realm. The psychic realm doesn’t just encompass people that move in the counterfeit gifts. It’s not just the person operating in ESP. The psychic realm is the realm of the mind. It’s not the realm of the renewed mind of Christ. It’s the realm of the soulish mind, the old man, the carnal nature, or the realm of the flesh. The psychic realm is the realm of psychology.
Thank God for Christian psychologists who know that Jesus is the answer! If they don’t know the Healer, then they can’t point you to deliverance. They may figure out what your problem is, but they can’t heal you.
I had several psychologists before I met Jesus. They figured out that I attracted destructive relationships because I grew up in a sexually abusive situation. They counseled me to walk around saying, “I attracted abusive relationships, so I need to stop attracting abusive relationship.”
When a person doesn’t have Christ, it’s very hard to change an area of their life that has a stronghold. Why? There’s a spiritual entity involved that repeatedly thrusts that individual into cyclical behavior patterns. That thing requires deliverance. Only the power of God can set that person free. True freedom only comes through the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Word. Like I said earlier, thank God for Christian psychologists – sometimes they are needed – as long as they keep the focus on Jesus Christ. He is the bottom line of deliverance. He’s the Deliverer – not a mindset, not an attitude.
A developed soul is a soul that is propelled by a will. That will is under the influence of a demonic stronghold. It’s not submitted to the plans and purposes of God. Many times saints have mistaken people with developed souls as mature Christians.
However, a developed soul is not spiritual maturity. It takes discernment to know the difference between a grown up child of God and someone with a developed soul. They may talk the talk. They may look holy, but where’s the fruit?
A developed soul decides God’s will for God. They make a decision and then work it into being. Instead of going before the throne of God and submitting to His plan for their life, they orchestrate their own life. They don’t consult the Word of God.
Instead they attempt to work God into their plans. They try to work the Word to justify sin and selfishness. God is not deceived.
Suggested Resource: Soul Ties Book
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: In 1986, God gave Dr. Robin a vision to train and equip a generation of 400,000 miracle workers for the final harvest of souls. Today, Dr. Robin travels the globe with her husband, Dr. Christian Harfouche, literally running to keep up with that divine mandate.
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