Author: Mark-Virkler
The United States is seeking to finalize its most recent election. Two calls have gone out.
- No decision until every vote is counted.
- No decision until every legal vote is counted.
As a Christian, I go with number two above, as lawlessness leads to anarchy and is completely contrary to the word of God.
Emotions are running extremely high. It is very hard to find any balanced information. Most of the news stations and websites are calling for number one. There are a few networks sharing information on the other side of the coin and since I believe it is valuable to hear from both sides, I am going to post some of these lesser known networks. They include:
Of course, it is what God is speaking in your heart and through the prophets which bears the most weight. One well known prophet has said this won't be decided until January 18th. Wow! Really?
My prayer is for righteousness to be exalted and wickedness to be undermined and removed - wherever it may be.
Unfortunately, this national conflict is also being played out in many personal relationships, causing brokeness between friends and family members. Though we may not be able to do anything about the larger issues (except pray!), we are responsible to live at peace with all men, as much as it is possible. Love, honor, forgiveness, unity, peace - these are the hallmarks of the Kingdom. If you find yourself at odds with anyone, but especially someone close to you, prayerfully consider how the Lord wants you to apply these keys.
There are five keys to resolving conflict – regardless of the level they are on
(The section below is taken from Bill Dupley’s blog posted here)
1. Peacemaker:
You have to want to make peace. You have to be committed to a resolution. If this is not in your heart, then you will likely not resolve conflict. If your goal is to prove that you're right, and the other person is wrong, the likelihood of conflict resolution is low.
2. Humility:
Approach conflict resolution by acknowledging that you might be wrong, and the other person might be right. Be open to correction or even criticism.
3. Forgiveness:
Be willing to forgive and to ask forgiveness. We all make mistakes. We have all sinned. Jesus says in the Lord's prayer, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us."
4. Listen to each other:
- Yield to another's admonition or advice.
- Listen to the other person's point of view.
- Listen to their position, beliefs, and boundaries.
- Listen to their reasons respectfully.
- Listen without judgment.
- Put yourself in the other person's shoes and practice empathy.
- Don't be in a hurry to defend yourself or speak.
- Listening and empathy can do more for resolving conflict than anything else.
- Avoid confrontational responses
- It is said communication stops when the yelling begins.
- Avoid absolute statements like "you always" and "you never."
- No name-calling.
- Don't criticize or put down people.
- Ask questions and take time to clarify and confirm your understanding and reflect on what you hear respectfully.
- Be honest with yourself: if you find yourself being unreasonable or conflicted in your heart, be open to listening to another.
Journaling Application
- Lord, how do You want me to show honor toward all men?
- Lord, how do You want me to pray?
- Lord, what action would You have me take?
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