Author: Mark-Virkler
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Journaling from Mark Virkler:
Every vote counts! Every vote for righteousness and for My will is a vote against the forces of evil. You are not to listen to the voices of the world for all they provide is violence and confusion. You are to listen to My voice, saith the Lord of hosts. My voice paints the picture, points the way and brings release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind. My voice brings forth My purposes.
But, you say, both presidential candidates contain unrighteous elements.
Yes, that is true, but do not all men contain unrighteous elements? Does that mean they are not in Me? Does that mean I do not use them? NO! I am Almighty God and I rule over all. So trust Me in the midst of the turmoil. Come and hear My voice, and I will tell you whom I have chosen to raise up to lead your land during this time of turmoil.
Pray for angelic hosts to be released to bring down the forces of wickedness, and to undergird the feet of the righteous. I hear and I answer such prayers and My will is released on the earth.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Lord.
Powerful prophetic words to our nation for RIGHT NOW… just days before the election
This conference held in the last week at Catch the Fire church in Raleigh, NC has two main speakers. Both are great. It begins with Ché Ahn who speaks for the first 47 minutes. Then at minute 48, Lance Wallnau, a prophet (especially to the business and political worlds) begins speaking. Lance delivers an absolutely powerful prophetic word concerning the state of America and the upcoming election.
I urge you to listen immediately and then pass this on to all whom you touch, and if you don’t have two full hours to listen, then begin at minute 48. Click here to watch video on YouTube.
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