Author: Charity Kayembe
We have just returned from our ministry trip to New Zealand and God did so much during our time there. Leo and I conducted Sacred Supernatural workshops on Hearing God Through Your Dreams, Everyday Angels, and 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. At every event people had incredible encounters with Jesus and the company of Heaven and learned how to receive Holy Spirit’s ministry to them even while they sleep. So exciting!
Spiritual Sword Fighting
I spoke at the Women of Substance conference with 90 ladies from 7 churches, and some who had flown in from as far away as Australia. Wow! They loved it and all journaled and learned how to hear from God the first night. There were many happy tears as they heard their heavenly Father speak words of love and affirmation to them personally.
Then during the activation time on the second day, they asked Jesus about their guardian angels and if He would like to introduce them. There were fun and powerful testimonies shared of meeting angels with surprising names and angels appearing in ways no one would have guessed.
For example, Jesus introduced one lady to Fem, a lady fencing angel. That was super cool because as I told the group, that is the one sport I’ve heard women can actually match men at. I had learned from Lisa Bevere’s teaching on Girls with Swords that fencing is not about strength or speed as much as it’s about strategy and intuition, which women excel at.
That was a very appropriate and awesome vision for a women’s conference (!) and also speaks to the warrior angels who fight with us and for us. As we begin activating our angels’ marching orders and commission them to war on our behalf, we will realize the victory available to us in Christ. This also reminded me of the prophetic picture a friend saw of The Angel’s Sword showing how we collaborate with Heaven through our intercession. Indeed, the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God, and we are always more than conquerors because of Him!
CLU Graduation Ceremony
In addition to seven workshops, we also spoke at a regional meeting for Assemblies of God pastors, did training sessions on ministry in the marketplace (with new teaching from our upcoming book on Overflow of the Spirit!), and participated in a graduation service for one of our recent Christian Leadership University grads. It was an honor to give the commencement address during this special ceremony with FutureCasters. Congratulations, Dr. Mike!
It was a full schedule, and fully overflowing with Holy Spirit’s presence and power. So grateful for your intercession that carried and strengthened us and all those to whom we were ministering! We saw people we prayed for slain in the Spirit as well as baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Such a privilege to help believers experience more and more of the blessings Father has lavishly bestowed on us.
Another highlight was our dreams training at an amazing fellowship in Auckland. Horizon Church already appreciates how God speaks through our nightly visions and actually has a Dream Team available after church on Sunday mornings. So in addition to going up to the altar for healing prayer, you can also go forward and receive assistance interpreting God’s messages to you through your dreams! LOVE IT. What an honor to serve this passionate group and equip them even further in understanding how to translate the language God speaks at night. May churches around the world catch a vision for such an anointed Dream Team ministry!
“My life is forever changed!”
We have already begun receiving emails from participants who attended our very first workshops of this tour and we’re thrilled with all the Lord continues to do. We met Zoey and her friends who had traveled all the way up to New Plymouth on the North Island from Christchurch on the South Island (several hours away). She had an amazing introduction to her angels during our activation time and God is continuing to honor her desire to receive every good gift He has for her. She writes…
Hi Charity and Leo
I trust you are having an amazing trip around New Zealand! It’s been 2 weeks since we met and I got to be blessed under your teaching. My life is forever changed! I am reading ‘everyday angels’ and soaking it all in. So much truth, wisdom and revelation. Not only are you and Joe helping me to see my angels better, but I am becoming more equipped to live a better life with Jesus in His KINGDOM.
Page 102/103 has been mind blowing today! See my highlights! So amazing and thank you so much, can’t wait to encounter more.
I’m always so blessed to hear what Holy Spirit is doing through our books even when we’re no longer there in person. He continues to minister through the resources and we are so grateful for these encouraging testimonies. Yay God!
Flame Throwing Angels
Lastly, many of you have asked if we’ve had any issues with our travel schedule because of the Coronavirus. We appreciate your love and prayers! Thankfully this hasn’t affected our ministry itinerary and Leo and I are both strong and healthy.
Regarding this, I wanted to leave you with a powerful image my friend, Ivey Rorie, shared in her blog.
“While I was praying about it this morning, the Lord showed me a picture that I need to share with you. First He led me to pray this, ‘Father, send out your angels with fire throwers to kill this virus.’ Immediately a picture formed in my mind of all kinds of spiritual beings wielding flame throwers. God taught me that the flame does not hurt humans so the angels can actually use the flame throwers on people. The flame is the fire of the Holy Spirit and Father said that the fire of the Holy Spirit cleanses and heals.
“Yahweh has legions of spiritual warriors which can canvas the entire world in moments. This need not take days and days. Hold this picture in your mind and pray. If you know how to pray in tongues then you can hold onto this image and let the Spirit pray through you. I found myself praying in tongues…today. I am sure that was inspired prayer.
“Stand with me. Be loud. Be obnoxious. This is our planet and our brothers and sisters. We have authority to command things to be as they should be which means in accordance with God’s grace and love.
“Coronavirus, I command you to be gone, eradicated in the name of Jesus!”
Now that is a prophetic vision to observe and collapse! Ivey is right. The heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to the sons of men (Ps. 115:16). That’s us. It is our responsibility to make our part of earth look just like Heaven, so let’s pray into this together right now:
Thank You, Father, for Your angels that set up camp around us, a supernatural perimeter of protection and safety. Angels, be released to fight for us and guard us! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for Your fire that cleanses and heals. We seeYour heavenly warriors dispatched and on the move! We agree with Your vision and version of this situation and we wholeheartedly say YES to it. Angel Armies of the living God, display the power of Heaven on earth now, in Jesus’ name. On earth now as it is in Heaven!
Amen and AMEN!
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