Author: Mike Bastien
The Dream: I dreamt that I suddenly died at 7:30pm. I was in heaven with Jesus. I said, “It's not my time,” and something like, “What about my family and the others that still need to hear?” Jesus said, “You don’t want to be here yet? I said, "No, not yet."
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At that, Jesus pushed me into a huge river and I was “lost” in the river as the current was very strong.
Next thing I knew I was back on earth in my bed and opened my eyes, realizing I was raised from the dead. The time was 4:30 am. (I knew the times because I asked my brother Maurice who was in the room when I was raised up.)
I then traveled to tell people what the Lord had done and many were surprised that I was alive.
Analysis of the ingredients in the dream:
Action - Died suddenly. Talking to Jesus. Pushed into river. Raised from the dead. Traveled.
Emotion - perplexed, anxious about timing, unsettled. Many amazed and bewildered.
Setting - working around house, studying, preparing for next course; lot of wondering now that I have BA…going towards Masters, where this will all take me?
I’m wondering why there was such specific times as to when I died and when I was raised from the dead. 9 hours later? What does this all mean?
Journaled interpretation of the dream:
Lord, this is puzzling. What do You want to say?
"Son, I have the timing of every moment in your life. I am that specific. In the fulness of time, when I see fit, according to My wisdom and purpose, I will cause areas of death in your life that need to die. I will raise you up. You will be a wonder unto many that wanted you dead, or were glad that you were dead and those that were praying for resurrection life to come forth will rejoice with you.
I will push you into the river of My life, of My overly abundant life and you will be swallowed up and My life will come forth. I did not gently plead with you; I pushed you in. That was so much fun! I was laughing and laughing as I watched you being swallowed up in Me and My life. It was a sight to behold. My way, My life, My river always leads to resurrection life and power. Out of that you will minister with great effectiveness because of My life flowing out through you. You will not be aware of you or your past. I will wipe your conscience completely clean and any remembrance of past sins or failures. You will minister Me, out of a free heart. Oh son, I have so many good things in store for you. You have a hard time believing that at times. You often think and feel that it is too late and you're getting on in years. I tell you, the best is yet to come!"
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