Author: Stephanie Wylkynsone
Biblical meditation (Joshua 1:8) involves many things, with the key ingredient being that God speaks to you through the Scripture passage. Here is an example of God speaking about Galatians 3:27. May we each see ourselves only as God sees us, clothed in Christ's righteousness!
Lord, what do You want to say to me about Galatians 3:27?
“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (NASB)
“Each follower of me looks like me. You have your individual personalities and physical characteristics, but in the spirit, you look like me. What do I look like? Gentle, patient, kind, considerate, loving, not self-seeking. You’ve been baptized by water and the Spirit. You all look the same to me. Clean, washed, forgiven, and beautiful. I don’t see your flaws, I see your potential. I always have hope for you. I never give up on you, I never fail you. You have purposely chosen me, chosen to put on my characteristics. You’ve been washed cleaned from your old ways and put on a new garment of praise, a new garment of goodness. That’s how I see you, with clean garments, always clean.
How do I act? With love, understanding. I will stop what I’m doing for you. I will take the time to listen to you, heal you, and pray for you. I am never too busy for you. I give you my garment, my clean white-washed garment. I give you myself, everything I have to offer. I give you my goodness, my love, my faithfulness. I invite you to put on everything I have to give you, every good thing. You have this right as my child, my follower, to put this on. You make a conscious choice to clothe yourself with my attributes. You readily take what I have to give you. With joy you see the blessing in this. Rejoice, my child! Delight in wearing my garment like a child delights to dress up. Each day, put on this garment, my garment. Wear it like it is your own, because it is. It is mine, but you own it. I give it to you. Like Jacob gave his favorite son Joseph a beautiful garment because he loved him, I give this to you. You are my favorite child. All of you are my favorite child. There is no favoritism with me. One is not better than the other or more important. You are all important to me, all valuable to me, all worth saving.
I don’t judge based on gender, skin color, socio-economic status, age, ability. I judge based on the heart. What is your heart attitude toward me? Will you receive me and all I have to give you, or will you reject it? I tell you, receive it, and live. Then give it to others. Give gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, and love. Give more than you thought possible, for I am with you. I energize you. I don’t deplete you. I give you the strength to minister to others, to love them as I love you. Yes, let me fill you, cover you, envelop you, surround you, breathe through you, work through you. See with my eyes, look with my vision, hear with my hearing, and know with my knowing. Embrace all I have to give you. Then give it away.
My Spirit walks on the water. My Spirit multiplies loaves and fish. My Spirit teaches the poor and needy. My Spirit heals the sick. My Spirit loves. My Spirit lifts up heavy burdens. My Spirit brings relief. My Spirit soothes wounds. My Spirit reaches where others do not, deep in the crevices of the heart. My Spirit fills up and overflows out of the believer. My Spirit never gives up. My Spirit anoints, guides, directs, speaks truth. My Spirit teaches and admonishes. My Spirit reaches out to you in the watches of the night. My Spirit lifts up the hurting heart. My Spirit is always with you. I am as close to you as you see now. I am always here for you. You can call on my name anytime, anywhere.”
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