Author: Mark Virkler
Restless leg syndrome started seven weeks after open heart surgery. I prayed for healing and then journaled and God has told me I was healed physically. Yet the symptoms of the infirmity persist. So now what do I do? Acknowledge I still have restless leg syndrome, or acknowledge that I’m healed?
Ingredients of a miracle
It appears to me that miracles and healing occur when I hear His spoken promise to me, believe this spoken word, see a vision of the healing completed, and feel the emotions of being fully restored, causing me to speak and act according to these promises!
Exemplified by the Father of Faith: When I do all of the above, my healing and recovery spring forth. Abraham experienced a miracle of a promised son when he was 100 years old (Gen. 21:5). He believed God’s spoken promise (Gen. 12:1,2), held a visionof the promise fulfilled (Gen. 15:1,5,6), and spoke the promise. You will note that Abraham spoke his new name “I am Abraham” (literal meaning is “father of many nations” - Gen. 17:5) for a full year before his wife gave birth to their first child. Abraham felt so impassioned by this vision and promise, he was emotionally prepared to acton it by taking his son to a mountain top to slay him in obedience to the spoken word of the Lord (Gen. 22), believing that God could raise him from the dead (Heb. 11:19). This made Abraham a friend of God (Jas 2:23).
Discounting symptoms: He did not consider his own body, already become dead, (being about a hundred years old,) and the deadness of Sarah's womb, and at the promise of God did not stagger in unbelief,but was strengthened in faith, having given glory to God, and having been fully persuaded that what He hath promised He is able also to do: wherefore also it was reckoned to him to righteousness(Rom. 4:19-22 YLT)
God’s rhema to me concerning physical healing
Mark, come fully out of agreement with all demonic forces who send you physical symptoms saying you still have these infirmities, which I have said you are healed from.
You overcome the demons, the symptoms and the infirmity by believing, speaking and envisioning that which I have spoken to you. Thus recovery comes. Recovery moves forward. Healing light and healing processes are turned on in your body which continue the recovery process. As long as you are believing, speaking and envisioning that which I speak to you, recovery is continuing. If you quit believing, speaking and envisioning that which I say, then recovery goes into remission.
So keep recovery moving forward by continuously believing, speaking and envisioning that which I have spoken. As you are well aware, clear envisioning produces the kingdom emotions of gratefulness, thankfulness and compassion. So now you have combined hearing, believing, speaking, seeing, feeling and acting. Together these activities move recovery forward to victory. So stand firm in what I have spoken and full victory shall be yours. You recall in the wilderness, the Israelites would not believe, speak, see, feel or act on my promise that I had given them the Promised Land so they aborted this miracle I had planned for them. Learn from their mistakes. Receive your miracle.
Lord, why is it so hard to confess I am healed, when the symptoms are still present?
Mark, it is because you are looking primarilyat the physical world rather than the spiritual world. You need to change your gaze and gaze longer in the spiritual world and then the confession, “I am healed” will no longer be hard to make. Because you see the reality of the healing in the spiritual world and whatever you gaze upon becomes your reality. Abraham gazed at the stars in the sky and faith grew for My promise to him that he would be the father of many nations (Gen. 15:1-6; Rom. 4:16-22). Follow the steps of Abraham, the Father of Faith.
Yes, Lord.
We are called to cooperate with the Lord for miracles to happen
- Moses had to go and speak to the king: Moses had to cooperate with God by walking to Pharaoh’s palace, and demanding —“Let My people go!”
- The priests had to step into the water for it to part: When the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the LORD… rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan will be cut off, (Joshua 3:13).
- The Israelites had to to go battle praising God for the victory: This brought victory in war as God set ambushes against the enemy (2 Chronicles 20:14-22).
My Journaling: Lord, what about natural means to recover from Restless Leg Syndrome? Shall I pursue these in faith that you work through them in bringing restoration?
Yes, Mark, you should. There are three stances you can take when it comes to natural remedies. 1) You can be unaware of them, 2) You can know the good remedies and do them in faith that I can and do work through them or 3) You can know them and not do them. The best of these three stances is to know how to use herbs for the service of man and use them (Ps. 104:14 YLT). Remember Paul told Timothy to take a little wine for his stomach's sake (1 Tim. 5:23).
For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2 Chronicles 16:9)
I will bow down toward Your holy temple And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your word according to all Your name. On the day I called, You answered me; You made me bold with strength in my soul (Psalm 138:2,3)
Additional Reflections
- Did YOU Lay Hands on the Sick As Commanded? Lay on hands (Mk. 16:18) and command healing (Acts 14:10)
- Click here for my Research on Natural Remedies For Restless Leg Syndrome
Heart Attack Series
- How Could I Have Been So Wrong?
- Biblical Truths Related to Heart Disease
- Causes of Heart Disease: Inflammation, Oxidation, Sugar and Stress
- Drugs, Nutrition and the Lord
- Ever So SLOWLY Learning About Blood Pressure
- Common Denominators of Great Diets
- For Heaven’s Sake, Celebrate!
- God Says I’m Healed Yet Symptoms Persist
- Labor To Enter Into Rest (coming soon)
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