Author: Mike Bastien
Lord, where would You like to meet with me today?
"Right where you are now. In your office. I am sitting on the chair right beside you. Turn the eyes of your heart now and see Me sitting, waiting to be with you this morning."
I see you, Lord. I then see you twirling around and around on the chair.
"Join Me, Mike."
I join in with the Lord as we are spinning around on our chairs.
I see the Lord laughing as He watches me spinning around with Him. He then says, "I’m not always serious, you know. I like to have fun, too. You have to learn to let go of being so serious about yourself and life and be like a little child. Children don’t care how they look…they just have fun. Twirl with Me. Walk with Me. Run with Me. Take strolls along the beach with Me. There will be times when I will speak to you about important and serious things about your life and there will be times where I will just be having fun and enjoying our time together. There is always a balance of the two in every relationship.
"When I walked in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve, do you think it was always serious and deep? There were times where we stood by the waters and threw rocks and watched them skip and bounce. There were times we chased butterflies and watched My creation in all its beauty and we never spoke a word to each other. I so enjoyed watching Adam name all the animals and laughed at some of the names that he came up with. It was so much fun. There were days I would walk with them and just listen to their dreams and desires and they would in turn listen to Me as I spoke to them concerning My desires and plans for their lives.
"A father loves to play with his children. There is a time to play and there is a time for work, correction and teaching. Be open to Me in all these times whether it is a fun time or serious time. Enjoy Me and all that I have for you, son. There is a time to laugh and there is a time to cry. I am there in both times. Both are precious moments for Me and I invite you to enjoy these times with Me."
Prayer Note: Mike just received a cancer diagnosis and is asking for prayer at the CWG Prayer house.
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