Author: Mark Virkler
I LOVE to discover new amazing ways to pray which release Spirit life and healing and restoration to my being. I am now up to 50+ ways of praying which I have found effective and meaningful in allowing me to live a blessed life and speed me into my Promised Land.
The training below on Brokenness Healed Through Words of Knowledge is a prayer approach provided by Kurt Green and written up in collaboration with Mark Virkler. The picture below is of Kurt and his wife, Amy Green.
I have different parts within
In this article we will discuss a prayer approach which utilizes words of knowledge to bring forth revelation concerning broken or fragmented parts within so that freedom and healing can spring forth.
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed me To bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners; To proclaim the favorable year of the LORD And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To grant those who mourn in Zion, Giving them a garland instead of ashes, The oil of gladness instead of mourning, The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified (Isa. 61:1-3).
I have noticed in my life that it appears there are different parts within me (Rom. 8:10). When I am in worship, there is a stream of love, faith, hope and power. Then at other times it seems like fear arises and takes over my being – like it is another part within me. Well, it may just be another part within me that is broken and needs to be healed by the hand of the Lord. So let’s get into it.
Simply stated, this prayer approach involves: 1) Asking Jesus to remove a painful emotion, 2) And to heal the wound in our soul that was caused by this emotion. 3) Repeat as necessary until abiding in the kingdom emotions of love, joy, peace, thankfulness and gratitude.
Defining brokenness (i.e. broken parts in us)
- A “fragmented part” – This can be in our spirits, souls, or bodies. These parts are created when we are not able to effectively deal with traumatic events. This brokenness serves the purpose of isolating the negative event and all of its emotions so that our core can remain stable and emotionally functional. Brokenness is often inherited from our ancestors.
- An “alter personality” – a “fragmented part” that has developed a fully functioning mind, will, and emotions of its own.
- The way we discern and remove “fragmented parts” and “alter personalities” is identical for both, so distinguishing them above is done only as a way of providing clear definitions.
- The value of knowing these definitions: A working vocabulary is a tool the Holy Spirit will use. The Holy Spirit can now use these words to bring to our attention any of those issues which need to be addressed and dealt with through prayer.
Ways to discern brokenness which is contributing to a covenant curse
- In our prayer times we can ask the Holy Spirit if there are broken parts to be dealt with. Honor what He says and process it appropriately in prayer. Here is an extremely good worksheet to have at your side as you pray for yourself and others. Be open for God to highlight (lift off this list and draw your attention to) not only the category, but any of the items within each category.
- Assume 90% of the brokenness is being passed down from our ancestors (Ex. 20:4-6), while the other 10% usually comes from our own life’s experiences.
- If you see brokenness in your generational line, assume it has been passed down to you. When brokenness is present in a person’s generational line, it is easier for the next generation to fragment in the same way.
- Observation – When your other prayers for healing and other covenant blessings do not get the expected results, then you can safely assume there are broken parts which need to be dealt with. God chooses for us to walk in the covenant blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 and NOT the covenant curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. Covenant curses become items of prayer focus to resolve and remove. Here is a downloadable checklist of covenant blessings and covenant curses.
What are words of knowledge? How can they help discern issues of brokenness?
- When in prayer and fixed on Jesus, ask for His wisdom concerning any broken parts or alters, and flowing thoughts, pictures, emotions and physical sensations will appear concerning a broken part or an alter personality which needs to be presented to Jesus for healing.
- As you pray these prayers, see Jesus present with you (Acts 2:25), ask for revelation, tune to flow, and in simple childlike faith, honor and follow the flow working through appropriate prayer responses to what is coming to you. Don’t make it hard. Be childlike. Be a believer. If doubt arises and says, “This is not God speaking,” rebuke doubt as it is coming from the accuser (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:10) and simply press on. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6).
Weren’t all curses broken when I accepted Christ?
Positionally, yes, however now you are working out your salvation (Phil. 2:12). You are applying the grace you received (step by step – Ex. 23:29, 30) and by doing so, you are gaining your Promised Land, your land of rest. You are ceasing your labors and living totally out of His voice (Heb. 4:1-12).
The Promised Land was promised to the children of Israel as being theirs (Num. 14:16), but still they had to listen to and obey God’s voice, as they took what was already theirs. Those who didn’t, died in the wilderness and never entered their Promised Land (Num. 26:65).
Why isn’t the prayer approach below fully detailed in Scripture?
Because God is a God who hides himself (Isa. 45:15), and it is the glory of a king to search a matter out (Prov. 25:2). The Bible clearly says there is more truth than what is recorded in Scripture (Jn. 16:12; Jn. 21:25). Therefore, I am glad to explore prayer approaches which are compatible with the principles found in Scripture. The approaches below are compatible.
How to receive a word of knowledge to remove brokenness
- Generational Brokenness – Take the above knowledge and vocabulary along with your entire self/family line and present it before the Holy Spirit. He will highlight generational alters or broken parts.
- The Holy Spirit extends healing – We do not necessarily have to be aware of ALL the exact root causes, because we are going to pray in faith, asking and believing for the Holy Spirt to go into ALL areas of brokenness resident for this particular level of healing. This includes those parts and alters we may not necessarily be aware of at this time.
- Levels & layers of brokenness – Often there will be levels or layers of brokenness which will need to be dealt with, either in an immediate follow-up prayer or for a prayer at a later time. During morning devotions would be a great time to do these prayers.
- If after these steps you still do not receive the healing God has promised in His Word that He purchased for you on Calvary, then you go back and repeat the process again, allowing the Holy Spirit to show you another level. Then using the same prayer process, release and dismiss it.
- Strongholds blocking – If you still don’t see improvement, there may be a stronghold preventing the healing from taking place.
Definition of a stronghold – A group of interwoven lies
- All strongholds are based upon lies. A stronghold cannot exist without a lie.
- Lies must ALWAYS be removed so that healing can flow.
- Brokenness will continue to perpetuate more brokenness as long as the lies remain.
- Ask the Holy Spirit what group of interwoven lies you’re believing that allow these broken parts or alters to remain.
- For example, shame is a lie from the enemy. We often AGREE with this lie from the enemy, accepting the feelings of shame, but when we break agreement with that lie it allows the healing to go deeper into the layers & levels of broken parts and alters.
- Become acquainted with common strongholds – These 30 or so category titles are examples.
- This is an extremely good worksheet to have at your side as you pray for yourself and others. Be open for God to highlight not only the category, but any of the items within each category.
- You are asking the Holy Spirit to highlight strongholds of the enemy on this sheet which are present and need to be dealt with at this time. Your attention will simply be drawn to one of these. Deal with those He reveals to you, in the order He reveals them. Stay tuned to the Holy Spirit as you do this exercise, and don’t revert to thinking on your own. SEE what the Holy Spirit is HIGHLIGHTING off the list. Work with THAT!
- Healing comes in layers – The Holy Spirit will be presenting to you the current layer which needs to be healed in order for you go deeper and see full healing manifest in your being.
- Breakthroughs are imparted easily. Reading and speaking in faith the truths of this blog can bring healing quickly.
- Broken parts are irrational in that they formed in brokenness, and thus have an incomplete reality. So once true biblical reality is exposed to them they are dissolved and spiritual forces easily dismissed.
Do I pray for myself or have someone pray for me?
Begin by praying these prayers over yourself for a number of days, weeks or months. If that does not get you the results you desire, then seek out a prayer counselor who understands these topics and is sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Kurt Green is one such experienced prayer counselor who provides prophetic healing ministry over the phone. Here is his website.
Practice makes perfect; HONOR the learning curve
There is no reason you (or your home group) can’t practice praying for one another, applying the information in this blog. When you or a person in your group asks for prayer, you pray, asking the Lord to show you any broken parts in their life and their ancestors’ lives which are present. You scan over the list of 32 categories, seeing what stands out or comes to your attention. You present that, speak it forth in faith and dissolve the broken part. Your group could decide to take a few months practicing this prayer approach and praying for one another weekly as you gather until all are fully healed. This way you develop a spiritual skill, and provide healing for each other. How fun is that – releasing healing power and freedom to all in the group! It’s okay if mistakes happen as God can and will cover them. Nothing terrible will happen. Sounds like an awesome small group activity to me that will raise up a group of skilled prophetic healers.
Feel free to make mistakes as you go through a learning curve. There is no other way to master a new skill. God can and will cover them. So you have a flowing thought and go with it in prayer, and for some odd reason it wasn’t God. It’s not the end of the world. You just spent a moment in prayer which may not have been necessary. How bad is that? Personally, if I have to make a choice between skipping a prayer that I needed and praying a prayer that wasn’t needed, I will always opt for the latter. I don’t want to miss any necessary prayers.
What if the symptoms return?
- Say you experience immediate freedom, and then symptoms come back. The two reasons are:
- The evil spirit left but came back because we went back into agreement with the lie or…
- There is still more brokenness on a deeper level which we have not yet addressed and the enemy is able to reattach to that.
- Solution – deal with the deeper level issue using the same process.
- Continue doing so until FULL freedom is released.
- Don’t assume just a few areas of brokenness. Everyone has many layers of brokenness, so this becomes a fun prayer exercise you can use for days, weeks or months in your morning devotionals, deepening and widening the manifestation of healing until FULL healing is visibly present in your heart and life.
An example of healing taking place – Patti Virkler
As we were learning this prayer technique from Kurt Green, my wife found her pulse up to 105, which is about 30 points higher than normal for her. Kurt prayed and broke off generational brokenness, we retested 30 minutes later and it was down to 84. The next morning, it was back at 105, Kurt prayed again, and 30 minutes later it was down to 81. OK. I am impressed.
The following morning, when Patti checked her pulse on our freely downloaded Instant Heart Rate, it was 83 and has since returned to her normal rate in the mid-70’s. So mission successful! We have to do something in our morning devotionals. Why not this? What could be more fun than hearing from God and getting healed of broken parts on a daily basis as needed.
Words of Knowledge – On both of the above two mornings, Kurt had instructed us to check her pulse because he felt the pulse rate had gone down to 84.
- I asked Kurt how he got this number. His response: “I just look spiritually for what the heart rate should be and the correct number shows up. Then I can pray to remove whatever prevents that number from manifesting. That's about it.”
- Question 2 – I would also like to know the exact questions you are asking the Lord as you are praying with a client.
- Answer – That's an easy answer. When I start working with a client I tune into flow if I'm not already there and do what the Lord shows me. No questions are asked, but I look in a certain way or direction about a certain subject and things start coming up. My intention is what I believe directs my questions to the Lord and He responds to my intention. I've found my intention is in my heart and He responds to my heart as I move with Him.
- Question 3 – Kurt, what do you sense as the broken part is being removed? What is it that you are hearing, seeing or feeling? Normally what is the length of time you find it takes for these to be dismantled?
- Answer – For me I feel a shaking in my core as brokenness is being released from me or others. The degree of shaking indicates the amount of brokenness and the inner shaking stops when the brokenness is healed and the demonic attached to it is released. (Note from Mark: I too experience shaking, especially when speaking release of spiritual forces.)
- Question 4 – Do you address demons, commanding them to leave?
- Answer – My spirit removes the demons after the brokenness is healed. It just knows to do that.
- Question 5 – How does your spirit do that?
- Answer – Good question! It's simple in concept, but it does require a certain belief to make it work. I tell my spirit of my intentions to remove demons and demonic strongholds as healing comes to all the broken parts and alters and sure enough my spirit does the work and removes them. Everything is about intention of our hearts. When intention is coupled with faith it will accomplish what it was sent to do. I often don't have to tell the critters to leave unless I, my wife, or our ancestors have agreed with them somehow. If the spirit or stronghold doesn't come down or leave, Holy Spirit will often show me the agreement so I can break it. If I hear nothing I just wait upon the Lord and trust that He will deal with the negative symptom that is manifesting. Some things are immediate, some take weeks and others take years. Together we work through it all until it is gone.
- Question 6 – You mention your wife in the above answer. What role does she play in this?
- Answer – The Bible says the two have become one. That means we share everything, including demons, so pray for your spouse. If my wife or I have a demonic belief system similar to the one I am releasing in a client, this will often block the release in that client, so I will repent on behalf of myself and my wife. Once I do that it allows the block to release from the client.
One other practice I use that seems to make prayers more effective is praying repentance prayers on behalf of myself, my spouse, and all of our ancestors. So in our prayer of repentance I always include myself, my ancestors, my wife and her ancestors. I include my wife and our ancestors in these prayers because generational agreements often create blocks to my healing and to my freedom.
- Question 7 – So the way you are picking up knowledge from the spirit world is how?
- Answer – I receive it as flowing thoughts, flowing pictures, flowing emotions and flowing physical sensations. I am tuned and responsive to ALL of these four avenues of Spirit communication.
- Question 8 – Do you ever use spoken words, or is it always just intention?
- Answer – There are two primary ways I use words: The first is to repeat what I sense Holy Spirit is saying about the situation and the second is to use words to teach the person I am working with, so they can understand better the process that is taking place so they can more fully cooperate with it.
- Question 9 – You mentioned sometimes it takes years for the healing. So if things are stuck and not moving forward, would you ever draw upon additional ways to pray?
- Answer 9 – When I pray it's foundation is repentance (breaking agreements with the enemy) coupled with words of knowledge, sending angels, removing lies, clearing cellular memories, healing brokenness, releasing captivity, and releasing trauma and shock. Other times it is resting, soaking, worship or using tongues to battle what remains. One thing I like to include in my daily beliefs is that nothing I eat, drink, breathe or absorb will harm me in any way. This shuts down the enemy’s ability to hurt me through the gateway of believing toxins can harm me.
Summary of the steps in this process
Principle – prayer is most effective when ministered to point in time at which the wound occurred and from the perspective of the wounded, broken, captive part within the one receiving prayer.
- Go back to the point in time where the wound occurred
- Let the broken, captive part within you encounter Jesus directly
Pray using the language of the heart which is being tuned to flowing thoughts, flowing pictures and flowing emotions. See, hear, feel. Don’t make this simply mechanical. Make it a heart-level spiritual encounter. The language of the mind is man’s reasoning. Avoid this as you pray.
The MAIN thing is uncovering lies, renouncing them and replacing them with truth. When you identify the lie(s), a) repent for harboring them, b) state your intention to embrace the countering truth, c) rebuke the spirits connected with these lies and d) ask the Holy Spirit to come in and sweep out the lies, brokenness and evil spirits, heal the wounded area in your soul and fill the area with His Spirit. HE DOES! A new freedom is established in this area, on this particular level.
These prayers result in a new freedom!
As we become free, we are able to do things we were not previously able to do. So expect a new lifestyle to unfold. Ask the Holy Spirit if there is any specific action to take. Follow this leading and do the action.
For example: For the introvert, God may free them to express friendliness to those they meet, etc.
Step forward, do something new and stretching, (e.g., like Peter went for a walk on the water). Expect and believe that God will be empowering you supernaturally. He will be. This is not you striving in your flesh. This is you cooperating with the rhema of God to you for the moment you are in.
Resources – Take it deeper
- Regions of Captivity by Ana Méndez Ferrell – Chapters 6 & 7 are extremely powerful, “how to” chapters training in the specific steps to restoring captive parts.
- The Praying Medic – An excellent free 54-minute streaming audio on alters and fragments
Three simple steps as detailed by the Praying Medic:
- Identify the painful emotion associated with a particular event, and if this involves you sinfully harboring an emotion, repent and receive God’s forgiveness.
- Ask Jesus to take the painful emotion from you.
- Ask Him to heal the wound in your soul caused by the experience.
If in your lifetime you have experienced many traumas, you will need to use this prayer many times to resolve the many traumas. You may discover it most effective to go through your life one year at a time.
Foundational skills
- Hearing God’s Voice – Electronic training module or hard copy
- Prayers That Heal the Heart - Electronic training module or hard copy
Patti’s testimony concerning her pulse rate
My heartrate had started registering about 50% higher than is normal for me and I was feeling agitated and jittery inside most of the time. My first assumption was that I was getting too much caffeine, so I cut back, then cut coffee out completely. However, that did not have any effect on my pulse.
Mark shared my concern so he asked Kurt what he sensed. He felt it was a generational issue and prayed for release as he was led. When I checked my pulse after his prayer, it had slowed nearly 30% and was in a more healthy range, though still a bit higher than usual. We were very grateful. However, the next morning, it was back up there again – not quite as high but still concerning to us. Kurt explained that healing comes in layers and that you just keep dealing with each layer as it appears until the issue has been resolved. He prayed again as he was led and again the rate dropped significantly.
The following morning it was normal. However when it was high again the next day, Mark and I separately prayed for understanding. I asked the Lord if there was something in me that was the root of the problem, and He said no. So I asked if it was generational and I sensed a distant ancestor who was filled with fear, even terror. I felt that this was the root of the issue and where the demons and related negative energies had found a foothold in my family line. I prayed that my ancestor would sense the Lord’s presence there with him (because Jesus was with Him and there is no time in the spiritual realm) and that he would be released from the power of the fear. I then repented for accepting fear in my own life and prayed that the love of God which saturates me would cast all fear from my life. I commanded any demons of fear and terror to leave me and asked the Holy Spirit to fill the places they had been and to heal all cellular memories of the trauma that had come through my family line. I believed the problem was solved.
The next morning, my heartrate was back up. As Mark and I talked about it, wondering why our prayers had not seemed to have any effect, he shared with me that he had also seen a distant ancestor in my family who seemed to be trapped in a cage or cell – a dark place without walls and no escape – and he was terrified. This was a great confirmation to both of us that we had seen the same, and therefore probably true, vision. Mark had also prayed for angels to be sent to bring release. Neither of us had felt any kind of release of the fear the ancestor was feeling but just believed that the work was done. We talked more about the power of inner healing prayer and decided we should pray for inner healing for the terrified man. So I did that.
I began the inner healing prayer by looking again, more intently, to see what the Spirit would show me about this person’s situation. I saw him in what appeared to be a cave whose entrance had collapsed, trapping him. He felt the air supply diminishing and believed that he would die a slow death of suffocation alone in that place. He was afraid, hopeless and in despair.
As I began to feel some of what he was feeling, I prayed that the Lord would restore his sight and open his spiritual eyes to see that he was not alone. That Jesus was there with him, along with his angels. That the light of God’s glory and presence would fill that space, driving out all darkness. I prayed that the God of Hope would fill him with hope that this was not the end, that the Lord still had plans for him and he would live and not die. (If his fear was passed down through the generations, then he must have fathered my next generation ancestor after this experience. So he could not have died in that cave.)
I prayed that the love of God would cast out all fear. I watched as the light of God’s glory filled that room. Jesus and several angels surrounded him. As he lay on the floor curled into a hopeless ball of fear, Jesus came over and took him in His arms to comfort him. I saw a small shaft of light shine down through the cave, showing that there was an opening to the outside that would let in needed air until he was rescued.
Once I felt that his terror had abated and he was in the Lord’s presence, I repented for harboring any thoughts of fear that gave place to the generational spirits in my life. I thanked the Lord for His love that fills me and is the power to cast out all fear. Then I commanded any spirits of fear, hopelessness and despair to leave me, in the Name of Jesus. I asked the Holy Spirit fill all the places that the enemy had touched, filling every space with His light and driving out all darkness. I asked Him to move through every one of my cells, healing the cellular memories of this trauma that had been passed down through the generations, binding up the broken parts and filling them with His healing light.
At the time I was praying this, Kurt was also praying and he sensed….
As you described the man in the cave holding onto fear and terror I saw a generational alter with a full functioning mind, will and emotions. It had been placed in captivity by the enemy about 200 years ago. This part was trapped in fear. The part itself believed the lies that fear was real and it was dangerous to leave the cave. This is called captivity (Isa. 61:1). Alters will often submit to the enemy and enter and stay in captivity to the lying spirits that constantly surround them. Once the lying spirits were removed from the scene that was created 200 years ago in Patti's generational line, the broken alter was free to leave the cave and receive healing. This remaining broken alter being held captive by lies of fear was probably the last stronghold of the enemy. Once this part was released and healed, Patti's heart rate was able to return to normal. Her heart no longer felt the fear and terror that it once carried and peace was restored.
This may be the last stronghold that will increase Patti's heart rate, but if it does go up again we just find the remaining places of captivity & brokenness, remove the spirits and lies surrounding them and heal them until her heart rate comes back to normal. We can do this with any negative manifestation that we find resistant to our other prayers. These kinds of prayers will often bring breakthrough when other prayers don't.
The next time we checked my pulse, my heartrate was 79 which is close to normal for me and the lowest it had been in a week or so.
Mark’s Testimony – More Than Enough – Journaling About Weight Loss
Lord, what is hindering me from being at my target weight which is… (I paused and listened for God to give me my target weight, and received … 168) of 168? (Note: My goal was 160, so I am now going to revise it to His spoken words over me of 168, which was my weight in 11th grade.)
Mark, you were always considered pudgy. You received that in school, and that of being fat. They were words spoken over you. You embraced them. Now your system is run by the power invested in these words.
Break the power of these words. Repent for embracing them and claiming them as your own version of your life and vision of yourself.
I repented and dismissed the demons and spiritual forces connected to them. My body shook as they left. “Lord, heal up the torn areas of my soul.”
I asked God for a new word to describe me. He spoke: “You are your perfect weight of 168. That is my ordained weight for you and that is what I speak over you.”
Lord, I receive it. 168 is my perfect weight and that is who I am designed to be and what I am currently at. These words are life to my entire being. I speak these words over my being. Excess weight, drop off. Excess weight, you are needed no more. Your job is done. You are dismissed NOW in Jesus’ name. Evaporate under the mighty hand of Jesus. Thank You, Lord. (Shaking took place.)
- I am speaking spiritual reality to my being (Mk. 11:22-24).
- Lord, I receive and speak 168 over myself. As I do this a sense of freedom from stress and a release spread over me. Thank You, Lord.
Lord, are ancestors involved in this holding on of weight?
Yes, Mark, both your parents and grandparents were heavy and it has gone down through the generational lines for many centuries, beginning when there was fear that there would NEVER be enough. This fear permeated every aspect of their lives. Money, food, provisions. And that fear has permeated every area of your life. There will not be enough of anything: time, food, money, people who learn how to hear My voice, etc. Break off this lie from your previous generations and from your own life, and it will dissipate.
I asked how far back in my generational line does this go… the first thought that lit upon my mind was the Roman Empire, but that was immediately followed by a thought that it went even further back, all the way back to the time of Noah.
So I prayed and broke this lie (that there would never be enough) off from my ancestors and my life.
God speaks (what is below) and I watch my ancestors as He speaks the following over my ancestral line. I see them celebrating in freedom and abundance in their lives. It is like a year of Jubilee, however this year of Jubilee, or year of complete release and freedom, is going to extend their entire lifetimes.
“I AM MORE THAN ENOUGH for each and every area and aspect of your life. Receive ME, and you have ALL YOU NEED and ABUNDANCE in each and every area of life.
“Slow down, relax, smell the roses. Enjoy life. Celebrate life in all its fullness and all its abundance. Celebrate ME, THE ONE WHO IS MORE THAN ENOUGH IN ALL AREAS AND FOR EVERYTHING, FOR I AM WITH YOU, AND WITH YOUR ANCESTORS THROUGHOUT ALL TIME.”
Thank You, Lord. I release to you all demons and all false beliefs that there is limitation. You are the limitless God. You are the creative God. You create things out of nothing. You create that which is seen from that which is unseen. You create MORE THAN ENOUGH for each and every circumstance if I will only come to You, ask, trust and believe. Lord, I come, I ask for more than enough in each and every area of my life. I trust You as my provider. I rest in You and in Your provision as my complete provider of each and every thing that I need. YOU are my ALL and ALL! Thank You, Lord.
I receive freedom, release and relaxation from fear and stress. Body, respond. Body, be at peace. Body, relax. Heart, relax. Mind, relax; desires, relax. You are free from stress. The Lord Jesus Christ is your provider. All is well. Be at peace. Receive from His stream of living water. Bask in His stream of living water. It is more than enough. Bathe in His stream of living water. Thank You, Lord. I REST!
I re-read all the above, seeing it, feeling it, deepening it and just soaking it in so it could do it’s full intended work in my life.
I sense I will be re-reading and re-experiencing this daily over several days, until every cell in my being has FULLY received it and is walking in this new light, this new freedom, this new victory. I WANT TO FEEL THIS REVELATION AND THIS RELEASE ONLY, AND NEVER GO BACK TO THE BELIEF OR FEELING OF THERE NEVER BEING ENOUGH, which meant I must rush and gorge myself all the time. Rush when I teach, rush when I eat, rush when I work, rush when I play, rush when I pray. Spirit of rush, be gone. Your power is broken. Spirit of peace and fulfillment and contentment come. Thank You, Lord. I receive it now. I breathe it in. I relax and feel and experience peace penetrating every cell of my being. Ah… it feels so good.
I sat and let this penetrate my heart for a while, so it would be fully resident within me.
Stop and smell the roses!
Excess weight, be released now. Drop off now in Jesus’ name, you are no longer needed. You are no longer necessary. Jesus provides more than enough. All is well. Be at peace. I see it being shed, just releasing, just falling away. Thank You, Lord. My body shakes as I speak this over myself.
Additional prayers from Kurt
Past negative words can be trapped in our brokenness and our captivity and that causes our body to malfunction (e.g., add weight to protect ourselves from these negative words):
- These negative words can even be trapped in the generational line causing weight gain (or some other malady) for the offspring even though they have never had a negative word spoken over them. These trapped negative words can produce overeating, or even make it difficult to lose weight by slowing our metabolism, but these words trapped in brokenness and captivity can be released by praying over every negative word that still remains over our brokenness or captivity. They can be removed layer by layer from us and our generational line to assist in the weight loss process.
A prayer that releases these negative words might go something like this: Lord, I thank You for removing negative words that I and others may have said over our broken parts and any place of captivity. I also thank You for removing any negative words said likewise over my ancestors and I thank You for healing my brokenness and the brokenness within my generational line. I also thank You for doing the same for my spouse, for my children and for all my relatives. (Tune to flow, see and feel this release and healing taking place.)
- There are also times when witchcraft curses and mind control spirits from others come over our brokenness and produce the same effect. Since the source of this in not a trapped word over our brokenness we must pray for those that curse us, praying blessing and healing over them and their brokenness to break off these kinds of curses. Then we can release healing to our brokenness and release our captivity to reverse the effect of these curses. These kinds of curses are quite common, so it is very important to pray for those that curse us. It benefits us as well as them.
A prayer that releases these witchcraft curses and mind control spirits might go something like this: Lord, I forgive and release and choose to honor and bless each person that is being used by the enemy to curse and control me. I send healing to their brokenness and release them from their captivity.
I release these curses and mind control spirits from me. I also release healing to my own brokenness and release any captivity within me and my generational line and my spouse’s generational line. (Tune to flow, see and feel this release, deliverance and healing taking place.)
Prayer Worksheet to Resolve Brokenness Using Words of Knowledge
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me. The LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted parts within me. He has sent me to bind up broken areas, to proclaim liberty to captive areas and freedom to parts within which are being held prisoner. Today is my day of release! (Isaiah 61:1, paraphrase)
Principles: Prayer is most effective when applied directly to the point in time at which the wound occurred and when the broken, captive part has direct encounters with Jesus.
In simple childlike faith I accept the flowing thoughts, pictures, emotions and physical sensations coming to me as God’s words of knowledge, since my eyes are fixed on Jesus.
Seven prayer steps to resolve brokenness (Steps 1-3 may be sufficient)
If accustomed to two-way journaling, it may be easiest to journal as you pray through these steps. Make these heart prayers, meaning believe, see and feel them. These prayers can be spoken or simply the intention of your heart. Use this in daily devotions for a while till no more issues come up.
- Lord, what physical, emotional or spiritual symptom do you want to address? a) Brokenness issue as listed here OR b) Symptom as listed here. While viewing these lists we ask You, Holy Spirit, to illumine the item in the lists that are contributing to the symptom which You want to address and then show me where this entered my family line. Listen to His response.
Record broken area or symptom here… When did this enter my family line… |
- Healing broken areas – Holy Spirit, go into ALL areas of brokenness for this particular level, and heal them. Include those parts and alters I may not necessarily be aware of.
Tune to flow and cooperate with what you see Jesus doing! (Inner healing, dismissing demons, repenting of lies believed, seeing and feeling your soul being knit back together, etc.). You may want to record what you experience in this box... |
- Additional levels of brokenness – Lord are there additional earlier generations which also have brokenness in them that need to be released? If He shows you another level, respond with Prayer Step 2. Continue asking this same question until He says that all generations are clear.
Tune to flow and cooperate with what you see Jesus doing! (Inner healing, dismissing demons, repenting of lies believed, seeing and feeling your soul being knit back together, etc.) |
- Is there a stronghold present locking the alter in place? (Brokenness issue as listed here) If the above prayers are not providing a release, ask “Holy Spirit, what stronghold (a group of interwoven lies) am I or my spouse believing that allows these broken parts or alters to remain?” Repent and renounce the lies, and speak God’s truth which counters the lies. In the prayer of repentance we always include ourselves, our ancestors, our spouse and their ancestors. Command demons to leave in Jesus’ name, then dismiss the alter.
- I release healing to those broken parts within me that were in captivity.
Prayer: Lord, I thank You for removing the power of the negative words that I and others have spoken over my broken inner parts and places of my captivity. I also thank You for removing any negative words said likewise over my ancestors and I thank You for healing not only my brokenness but also the brokenness within my generational line. I also thank You for doing the same for my spouse, for my children and for all my relatives. In Jesus’ name I dismiss all demonic forces that were connected with this sin and I ask the Holy Spirit to fill and take control of these areas from this day on. Lord knit my being back together in Jesus’ name. (Feel this release, deliverance, and healing taking place.) |
- If I sense that curses are involved – I break off witchcraft or mind control spirits that reside over the broken and captive areas:
Prayer: Lord, I forgive and release and choose to honor and bless each person that is being used by the enemy to curse and control me. I send healing to their brokenness and release them from their captivity. I release these curses and mind control spirits from me. I also release healing to my own brokenness and release any captivity within me and my generational line and my spouse’s generational line. (Tune to flow, see and feel this release, deliverance and healing taking place.) |
- If the healing process appears stalled, I ask, “Holy Spirit, would You ‘highlight’ from the additional prayer approaches listed below the one You would have me take to continue moving forward in this healing process?” Sending angels, replacing beliefs, clearing cellular memories, resting, soaking, soaking in God’s healing stream, throne room worship, inner healing, binding interfering demons, two-way journaling, seeking revelation through a dream, replacing emotions, fasting, speaking words of faith, praise, thankfulness, Emotional Freedom Techniques, roaring & prophetic actions or speaking in tongues. Lord, do I need to seek out advice from wise spiritual or health counselors? Do I need to adjust my nutrition?
Type here the prayer approach God is asking you to use, and then apply it… |
Maintain healing: Three follow-up steps
- I create a memorial of God’s healing/victory as a testimony to myself and all future generations by recording what I experienced as I went through the prayers resolving the brokenness.
Create this memorial summary by copying and pasting into this box the information you have recorded in the previous 7 prayer boxes… |
- I review my healing experience the following day to deepen it.
Type up what you do, see, feel and experience as you prayerfully review your healing encounter… |
- I express daily thankfulness for the healing. Thankfulness lets me continually bask in God’s healing energy. Now that fragmented parts have been integrated and demons and curses dismissed, destructive continuous wounding has quit and healing can proceed to damaged areas in my soul and body. See blogs on Breaking Agreement with Lies of the Enemy and Positional Prayers of Forgiveness, Victory, Thankfulness and Rejoicing Attract Miracles.
I proclaim that this is the favorable day of the LORD in my life as God has healed up broken parts within me! It is also the day of the judgment of God upon sin, curses and tormenting demons that were fueling this brokenness. God has replaced my mourning with praise and the oil of gladness! I put on a mantle of praise which replaces the spirit of fainting. I am now an oak of righteousness, planted by the LORD, glorifying Him! (Paraphrase from Isaiah 61:1-3) |
A downloadable, writeable version of above prayer worksheet is available here.
Have FUN while being made whole!
Restoration into full covenant blessings is a PROCESS!
Mark Virkler’s testimony of experiencing healing of broken parts
Below is some of my journaling over a several week period.
Lord, what is hindering my skin from clearing up?
Generational curses placed on your family line many years ago by a witch who did not like the fact that your ancestor was a preacher. So she cursed him and his descendants with skin conditions.
Walk in righteousness so the curse has no reason to alight, and the skin irritation will no longer cling to your body. You know this is a curse as listed in Deuteronomy 28. So repent and rebuke it; break off these chains, and cast it away from your life forever.
Action: I prayed as the Lord instructed and I shook as demons left. I saw the broken parts become one unified whole being filled with God’s brilliant light, praising, worshiping and TRUSTING God. FREEDOM HAS ARRIVED! I AM SET FREE BY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. HEAVEN REJOICES WITH ME IN THIS NEW FREEDOM AND RELEASE. ALL IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. ALL IS WELL WITH MY SOUL. I BASK IN HIS GLORIOUS VICTORY.
I soaked for a while in this revelation, repenting, releasing, experiencing light and glory and freedom, spirit, soul and body. I receive freedom and deliverance.
Prayerfully reviewing yesterday’s healing encounter to deepen it
I found the following morning that my heart wanted to review, meditate and speak this victory over myself, and I was led to do this by using EFT tapping.
My heart wants to speak the rhema words the Lord had spoken to me from yesterday’s healing. I want to confess His words over and over, thus internalizing and owning them fully and completely. If I do this with tapping, the tapping helps release trapped energies, and restore balance and freedom to my energy pathways. Here is the 5-10 minute tapping out of the story of my release and healing.
Since I want to speak, I want to confess, I want to declare and I want to meditate, I combined these activities with tapping. I experienced great release, freedom, joy and peace.
As I tuned to flow, and began tapping, I noted that my heart began with a statement about the reality of the captivity I had been in, and even in that captivity, my statement was, “I fully and completely accept myself.”
Each time I circled through the tapping points, the story of the healing process unfolded, line by line, one new affirming line each time I cycled. As I tapped, here is what unfolded naturally from flow. This is what my spirit wanted to speak and declare and release into my being. As I did, I was clearing energy pathways so they would be completely unblocked and receive God’s divine restorative energy. The tapping story consisted of short phrases which covered the following topics. Peace and release was intensified as I spoke and tapped through this story below:
- The captivity I was in
- The revelation of what God spoke
- The victory that He accomplished
- The release I felt
- The new truth I now accept
- The new lifestyle I now embrace
- The victory I now declare is mine
- The worship of my King for what He has accomplished
My spirit chose to close with the following words: I speak healing to my skin in Jesus’ name. Skin, be healed in Jesus’ name. Skin, be restored in Jesus’ name. Skin, come alive and be refreshed in Jesus’ name. Skin, I love you, appreciate you and adore you. You are a gift in my life to be cherished, loved, appreciated and accepted. Thank you for the job you do. Thank you for the job you do. Thank you for the job you do. Thank you for the job you do. Thank you for the job you do. Thank you for the job you do. You are loved and appreciated. Be healed and loved and released from the effects of this curse.
I give you the nourishment you need to be restored. I give you the nourishment you need to be restored. I give you the nourishment you need to be restored. What do you need?
What I sensed back was: “Emotional love and support.” (Compassion releases healing – Matt. 14:14)
My response: OK, I choose to love and support my skin.
For several days that followed…
In my devotional times for the next few days, I practiced the above directives and watched and experienced Jesus healing up the damaged areas in my soul and body, knitting me back together with His healing touch. My body shook day after day as He released forces, set me free and joined my inner being back together. This shaking was an amazing experience. I spoke words of life and healing to my soul, skin and physical organs. These were wonderful Holy Spirit encounters. The shaking occurred when I prayerfully read and spoke and reviewed the words of the Lord, written above.
Dream – My past action is not being applied to my current situation
In this dream, an action I applied to my past was not coming forward and being applied to my current reality. I tried it several times, and still the past application in my life did not appear to apply or stick to my life when I fast forward into my current reality.
Journaling: Lord, it appears I am not bringing freedom from the curse forward properly in my life, health and body.
Mark, the curse is broken, now it is the outworking of it. It is My application of these truths to your life, health and skin. So speak to your skin in My name. Release all stored trauma in the cells of your skin. (That is, cleanse cellular memories.) See your skin healed and radiant. See it bright and smooth and flexible and free of all irritation and discomfort. For that is how it is. That is the way it is. In the Spirit world, that is what I see. I want you to see it also, and to speak it and to feel it and to declare it, and it will be yours.
Action – As I spoke cleansing of cellular trauma and cellular memories, my body shook and shook. I also spoke life and freedom and wholeness to all cells.
A later journal entry – Lord, what about the skin irritation?
Mark, your body is still healing up from being torn for so many decades by this curse and demonic damage. It is in the process of healing. Continue to be thankful for the healing, and speak life and love to your skin and a soul and spirit without spot or wrinkle, purified and fit for the Master’s use. This will continue to bring healing. And yes, adding the product “Restore” to continue to heal up the gut is helpful and valuable and will assist in completing the job. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
A dream discussing the process of healing brokenness
In this dream I am trying to get back home from a family fun outing and my family and friends are with me. I am tossing unnecessary stuff from the suitcase as I am packing. I am rushing and pushing and others in my group are taking longer than I wanted to get packed and get on the road. Patti wants to take time and go back into the amusement park and have some fun with me and our children. She wants to know what fun activities I would like to do at the park. My response: “Anything, I don’t care.”
Eventually we have delayed so long in packing that we do not have enough time to get home that day and will need to stay overnight in a hotel as we drive home. So I am thinking rather than do that, maybe it is just as well to simply stay and play longer and enjoy the park and then go home in the morning.
Journaling: Mark, since you have a long way to go to get totally free, relax and have fun along the way. Take the time to have fun. Enjoy Life. Patti is the one who wants to enjoy life and not work all the time.
Let the bringing of My grace to your life and those in your past be fun and enjoyable. As you pray for healing of brokenness for yourself and your past generations, you actually DO bring freedom to their lives as well as to you and to your children.
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