Author: Mark Virkler
INTRODUCTION - We are the Bridge
We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a solid biblical foundation and those who easily experience the supernatural essence of Christianity, effortlessly seeing and living in the Spirit. If you have a passion to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and do not have sufficient understanding of how you can do so, let us help you. Our ministry has been privileged to train over a million people how to hear God's voice, interpret dreams, encounter angels, see visions, and move in the healing power of the Holy Spirit - all from a bedrock of undiluted affirmation of the Scriptures.
Experience daily talks with God in the cool of the day and usher in spiritual transformation and reformation.
Let us be the bridge, training you how to live and walk in the Spirit
We Are the Bridge
We bridge the gap between those who have spiritual experiences but can’t explain how they have them and those who want spiritual experiences and need to be told how. We are committed to teaching you HOW you can easily and daily have all the spiritual experiences recorded in Scripture.
We Provide Revelation-Based Learning
We design training so that you experience Spirit revelation. Your heart is ablaze as God’s Spirit opens Scripture to you (Lk. 24:32).
You Experience Internalization Through Immersion
Immersion training involves audio, video, book, workbook, prayer, journaling and intentional practice as you focus intently until you are transformed.
Whatever you focus on, grows within you.
Whatever grows within you, you become.
Transformed while we observe what Jesus is doing
(Heb. 12:1,2; 2 Cor. 3:18).
I Would LOVE to Bring the Experience of a Spirit-filled Conference Home with Me! Can I?
Don’t you just love going to Spirit-filled conventions and conferences? I remember some of those I have attended so clearly. The worship was so amazing, I felt like I was touching heaven in every service.
Revelation and power flows SO FREELY in Spirit-filled conferences
Prophetic words flowed with encouragement and hope. Sometimes I was one of the chosen ones who were called out for a personal word from the Lord that spoke right to the issues I was facing. The teaching was so inspirational; I was amazed at the fascinating and profound truths the speakers brought out of the Scriptures. Passages I had read so many times – maybe even memorized – but suddenly I was seeing revelations I had never seen before.
Right there, I would commit myself to really getting into the Word myself with more consistent daily quiet times. The Spirit called me during the altar time and I soaked in the Presence of the Lord and felt loved, accepted, healed and energized. All around me people would be falling under the power of the Spirit, and even though I was never slain in the Spirit, I was amazed and happy for those who were. What awesome experiences those conferences were!
The high continued as I travelled home with friends and family who were with me, each of us bubbling over with stories of miracles we saw and ways the Lord spoke to us. We sang the anointed songs of worship we learned and were once again overwhelmed by our love for the Lord and His love for us. I just knew that I would never be the same again.
But then daily routine sets in
When I got home, I naturally fell into the normal rhythms of my life. Work and the needs of my family didn’t change while I was away. I would find myself humming the new worship songs in my car, and trying to remember the verses that were so inspirational in the service. I would really try to attain that new level of holiness I committed myself to, and sometimes I did stand strong in the face of temptation. I read the words of my personal prophecy so many times that they are committed to memory, but somehow they don’t have the power to move me like they did at first. I had friends who were facing health crises and I wanted to offer them God’s power, but I just was not sure how to do it.
Sunday morning would finally arrive and I eagerly anticipated returning to that spiritual high I experienced at the conference. Some churches I attended had incredibly skilled worship teams and others seemed to think increased volume meant increased anointing. All the worship teams were devoted and passionate and did their best. Occasionally I would sense the Lord’s Presence; sometimes I would feel like I had touched heaven. But all too often I just either had a good time singing great songs or I was frustrated because I didn’t feel anything.
Maybe a few prophetic words are given, though hardly ever any more. Not like it was back in the 70’s and 80’s. Sometimes they were great and touched my heart; sometimes they were apparently for someone else because they didn’t do a thing for me.
I have sat under some pastors who were excellent Bible teachers who brought revelation and correction and knowledge when I needed it. But they are shepherds over people in all stages of spiritual growth and biblical knowledge. I was raised in Sunday School and church. I studied the Bible and New Testament Greek in college. Frequently Sunday sermons reminded me of things I already learned and encouraged me in my faith (which is a really good thing) but the biblical truths presented were things I already knew.
I wish I knew how to re-create the revelation and power of the Spirit-filled conference
All too often I would leave Sunday service feeling a bit empty and wondering if I had to wait until next year’s conference to experience the thrill of touching God and hearing His personal word for me.
Well, that wasn’t good enough for me. I wanted those experiences every day. I wanted to worship in the throne room every time I sang to the Lord. I wanted to get deep revelations from the Spirit every time I opened my Bible. I wanted to hear God speaking to me – personally – every day.
No. I needed to hear Him speaking to me every day. How can I live and walk by the Spirit if I cannot even sense that He is with me, recognize His voice, see His vision? How can I live the Bible if I cannot walk and live by the Spirit? How can I resist temptation and live a holy life? How can I pray for the sick and see the Lord heal? How can I operate the gifts of the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of those around me?
I wasn’t satisfied to wait until someone else gives me a word from the Lord or opens the Scriptures to me. I wanted that direct relationship with God where I could have that “conference experience” by myself, alone in my home.
A "how-to" guy passionately searches for answers
So I began to search the Scriptures. I read books by spiritual leaders. I prayed and fasted and sought the Lord. And He began teaching me. I learned how to hear His voice speaking to me. I learned how to see visions that He had for me. I learned how to recognize the leading of the Spirit within me so I could walk and live in the Spirit. I learned how to enter into throne room worship whenever I want to. I learned how to meditate on the Scriptures in such a way that every time I read my Bible, the Spirit speaks revelation into my heart. I began to pray for the sick and see miraculous healings. I even learned what I needed to change inside myself in order to enjoy being slain in the Spirit. The “conference experience” became my normal Christian life.
The discovery: Step-by-step instructions for living by the Spirit
Now, I had to believe that I was not the only one who had those yearnings inside. And, since I am a teacher, I made it my mission to help everyone who longs to live and walk by the Spirit have the tools that the Lord revealed to help me. I am very practical. I like lists, charts, and step-by-step instructions. So that is the way I teach.
I know that I cannot force God to do anything – speak to me, give me a vision, heal the sick, give me revelation – nothing. However, I am convinced that I don’t need to try to force Him because He is already doing it! Those are the things He has shown us in the Scriptures that He wants to do for us, that are available to us in the New Covenant. All I need to do is put myself in the right position to receive all He has for me. I don’t need to turn on the faucet – the Living Water is already pouring out at full capacity. I just need to get myself under the stream. And the Lord has given me steps I can take to get there.
Let us be the bridge
If you have been looking for that “missing link” between the incredible experiences of Spirit-anointed conferences and your daily Christian walk, you have found it. That’s why we are here: to guide you into receiving everything you have been given in Christ.
The Living Water is flowing; let me show you how to step in.
Photo Credits
Child brushing teeth - © Renáta Křivanová ID 3217859 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
Maze - FreeImages.com/Svilen Milev
Hand - © Dave Bredeson - 116686198 Dreamstime.com
Bridge - Andi Campbell-Jones Zeelandbrug via photopin (license)
BLOCKED from LIVING the Bible? Here Is the “MISSING LINK” You've Been Searching For!
This missing link is not some newly discovered ape-man. Instead, it’s a disconnect. Do you feel there is a huge disconnect between the Bible-quoting traditionalists whose solid grounding in the Scripture looks as if their feet are trapped in cement, preventing them from soaring in the Spirit, and those who naturally feel and experience every spiritual manifestation but couldn't explain how to do it if their life depended on it?
Is it possible to CLEARLY DEFINE spiritual experiences so ALL believers can enjoy them?
Are you a thinker or a feeler? Almost everyone is either left-brain and into theology or right-brain and into spiritual experiences. (To discover if you are left or right brain, complete this free Downloadable Brain Preference Indicator Test. And yes, I know some of you are perfectly balanced, so you don’t need to write me to let me know I missed this insight.)
Much of the time people are offered either solid theological doctrines OR exciting spiritual experiences which nobody can define, explain or reproduce. Those who are really good at moving in the spirit realm aren’t usually gifted teachers as they are generally right-brain. And very few left-brain people have the patience for instructions like, “Lie on the carpet to receive from God.” They’ll start out jealous for it, and because they don’t experience it, they’ll just end up judging the whole thing. Because of the right-brain prophet’s inability to accurately define, biblically support and defend, and clearly articulate the supernatural experience, half the Church misses out on spiritual experiences.
Can a thinker press into spiritual experiences and then define them clearly? What if a left-brain person were passionate enough to pursue spiritual experiences, then simply and biblically define them, and explain HOW to experience them so all could easily have ongoing spiritual encounter (Gal. 5:25)? Living by the Spirit can’t be difficult. It has to be easy enough for a child to do (Lk. 18:16). We just need someone to show us how easy the manifestation of the Spirit really is (1 Cor. 12:7-11).
For example: Experiencing being “slain in the Spirit” – In this blog we define how right-brainers posture themselves internally when they are slain in the Spirit. It is sure different than the left-brain attitude I used to take. Now, I choose a right-brain posture (tuning to pictures, flow and emotions) and I too experience being slain in the Spirit.
Another example: Defining “soaking” - In this blog we clearly define the experience of soaking in God’s presence. Stated briefly, we stay in the presence of the Holy Spirit as we soak and we receive from the Lord. We relax, tune to flowing thoughts (God’s voice), flowing pictures (God’s visions) and flowing emotions (God’s emotions). We journal these all out so we can review them and pursue them when our soaking time is over. This makes soaking a revelation-based, transformational, spiritual encounter.
Lies we must REJECT in order to have the freedom to define spiritual realities!
Lie # 1: “God just does what He wants when He wants so don’t try to figure it out. There are no spiritual laws which govern the spiritual world.”
Countering truth # 1 – There ARE laws which govern the spiritual world.
Just as there are physical laws which govern the physical world, God has established spiritual laws which govern the spiritual world. By defining and understanding the laws of gravity and aerodynamics, planes can take off, soar in the sky, and land without incident. That is why I am willing to fly.
Soaring Spiritually: Here are four heart postures which, when used together, allow us to soar in the Spirit. If we can define the anointing and how to experience it, we can live in it as Jesus did. So, what is anointing? It is very simply the flow of the Spirit out through us. And here are the four childlike heart postures we need to adopt to experience it.
"’If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink…He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.' But this He spoke of the Spirit” (Jn. 7:37-39).
1. Thirsty – “Lord, I’m THIRSTY to be anointed.” (Gal. 2:20 – “Spirit, live out through me.”)
2. Come to Me – “Jesus, I SEE you at my right hand.” (Acts 2:25 – I look and see this picture)
3. Drink – I tune to FLOWING thoughts, pictures, emotions. (Acts 2:17 – Prophecy, visions)
4. Believes – I BELIEVE the flow within is Your River. (Heb. 11:6 – Faith is mandatory)
Jesus then provides a guarantee about the anointing! “From his innermost being WILL FLOW.” Wow! Four spiritual laws which run us smack dab into the anointing, every time! I LOVE it!!! By honoring these laws we can live in the anointing all the time, which is exactly what we agree to do. Why not? They sure are not hard. A child can do them easily.
Lie # 2: Therefore: “If you try to teach principles to activate spiritual realities, you are dishonoring the sovereignty of the Spirit, bringing people back into bondage and self-effort, and worse, opening people up to spiritual deception.”
Countering truth # 2 – I CAN be safe while in the Spirit world!
Jesus guarantees that when we ask for the Spirit, we get the Spirit and not a serpent (Lk. 11:11-13). So if I ask in faith, with my eyes fixed on Jesus, I receive from the Holy Spirit. I make sure I am seeing Jesus at my right hand (Ps. 16:8), and I tune to flow and receive a pure, undefiled stream from the Holy Spirit.
I confirm this by ensuring it lines up with Scripture, and my spiritual advisors affirm that “their hearts bear witness it is true.” In abundance of counselors there is victory (Prov. 11:14). I’m going to let God show me who these two or three advisors are (2 Cor. 13:1), who are alongside me or ahead of me in the area I am pursuing. (When it comes to two-way journaling, we provide advisors here.)
You can discover more of satan’s lies here and God’s truths which counter them. As far as satan is concerned, any lie will do, as long as he ensures that I believe “I cannot live the Bible.”
Precise definitions of spiritual experiences free us to live the Bible!
At this point in my life, I have discarded the lie of dispensationalism which said I cannot have the same spiritual experiences that people in the Bible had. I now press in to experience them ALL!
How to hear His voice - How to walk with God in the Garden in the cool of the day and hear His voice by using 4 simple keys. Over 1 million people have learned to hear His voice using these simple keys.
- A 7 step healing model - Brings healing to your body, and it works!
- Experience deliverance - Demons are easily cast out using this 7 step deliverance process. Jesus used deliverance. It gets quick results! I prefer quick.
- Dream interpretation - We can interpret dreams easily by using the principles of Christian dream interpretation. This allows us to receive FREE, nightly counsel from the Wonderful Counselor! How priceless is this!
- Encountering Angels - Angels are all around us. They can be experienced daily if we will become childlike, look, see and believe.
Normative or sporadic? The above spiritual encounters are to be normative in the Christian’s life. We choose to start new believers off with the Spirit! That’s what Peter did in Acts 2:38! We give copies of Your Extraordinary Life to new believers and recommend churches offer a new members’ class which walks them through it.
Let us “be the bridge” by providing precise definitions of spiritual encounter so you can live the Bible!
You are uniquely gifted by God to fulfill the destiny He has for you. I trust you know what your gifts and destiny are. If not, this blog will help you discover your gifts and call.
My wife, my daughter and I (Patti, Charity and Mark) are left-brain prophetic teachers, called by God to train Christians how they can easily live and walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25). Our books and teachings start with an exhaustive examination of the Hebrew and Greek words related to the topic. We pull together every occurrence in the Old and New Testament, and analyze/synthesize them into a practical, comprehensive, and thoroughly biblically-grounded teaching on the topic, while still providing an interesting and fun experience for the reader/viewer! Once truth is lived out in our lives, we share it with you, explaining the steps you can take to join us.
Can we all agree on this, the Bible is meant to be lived!
Speak life over yourself…
“I Can Live the Bible!”
Passionate Pursuit - 10 Kingdom Passions Which Empower You to LIVE as Jesus Did!
You can live like Jesus did! You can experience all the spiritual encounters we see recorded in Scripture. By affirming the 10 Kingdom Passions below, you are stating your willingness, readiness and ability to pursue the Christian lifestyle of walking and living in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25).
First Kingdom Passion - I Can Live as Jesus Lived
In the past I believed the lie that I could not live as Jesus did since He was God. I eventually noticed that Jesus emptied Himself (Phil. 2:7) of His Godlike abilities, and instead chose to live naturally and continuously from the Spirit (Jn. 5:19, 20, 30). He came to show me how God intended me to live. My passionate goal is: I don’t plan to stop growing until I replicate Jesus’ experience, which is that all who come are healed.
In a recent healing service where I ministered, we saw a lot of people experience healing! Yay God! Since we want healing to be normative and easy for you and your home group, we will be posting this entire service online for free downloading so you too can experience an immersion into the Spirit’s healing stream! I will announce that it's available in my blog next week, so be looking for it. You will definitely want to try it for yourself!
During October of 2018 we will make available a free streaming video series on Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. Receive access to this no cost online event by registering here.
Jesus lived out of the Father’s initiative. We can do that! I use these 4 keys to hearing God’s voice. They are: a) quiet myself down, b) fix my eyes on Jesus (see Him at my right side), c) tune to spontaneity (His voice is sensed as flowing spontaneous thoughts), and d) write out the flow of thoughts that are coming to me. We guarantee success if you use all four keys as Habakkuk and John did (Hab. 2:1, 2; Rev. 1:9-11)!
Second Kingdom Passion - I Do NOT Live in a Religious Box
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / eliteds3
I, along with many Christians, was told that if I left my denomination, I would go to hell. I used to believe that lie and lived in a prison of fear. However, Jesus broke out of religious norms by saying, “You have heard it said…but I say unto you.” So now I am no longer in bondage to a dusty theology which is 500 or 2000 years old. God continues to reveal Himself fresh in every generation. We press into His ongoing revelation (2 Pet. 1:19). His revelation allows us to see the heart of the matter. Paul came out of the wilderness talking about “true knowledge” (Col. 2:2; 3:10), which was knowledge he gained from revelation of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:17, 18). (Now before anyone gets worried about my theology, I do hold to the Apostles’ Creed.)
Another area where I am completely out of the box is my morning devotional practice. I have not had what is considered a typical morning devotional practice for 35 years.
Third Kingdom Passion - I Pursue the Bible AND the Spirit
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / Gerson Robles
The disciples on the Emmaus Road declared, “Were not our hearts burning within us as He was opening Scriptures to us?” (Lk. 24:32). I was saved in a church which focused exclusively on the Bible. Other churches focus almost exclusively on spiritual phenomena. I decided NOT to choose the Word or the Spirit. I choose the Word AND the Spirit. I choose to both eat and drink! My food is the Word (Ps. 1:2, 3) and my drink is the Living Water of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 4:10). How far will we get if we neglect either food or water for three months? YET HOW MANY DO this spiritually and then experience wreckage in their lives.
What blessings do we get by following the Spirit? When believers live out of the voice of God (Deut. 28:1 KJV and NKJV) the resulting anointing will cause them to lend and not borrow, be the head and not the tail, and be above and not underneath (Deut. 28:12,13). Then the world will look at us and stand in awe (Deut. 28:10).
Is your heart on fire when you meditate? We choose the experience of our hearts burning as He opens up Scripture to us! We are to prayerfully meditate upon Scripture, asking for and receiving revelation from the Spirit. We tune to flow. God speaks. We hear and our hearts are aflame.
Fourth Kingdom Passion - I ONLY Reason TOGETHER with God
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / artM
Every school and Bible College I ever attended trained me to reason on my own. The lie was, “God gave me a brain; I am supposed to use it.” Well, not really! God has wired us to receive revelation and science now proves this is true. Jesus rebuked the disciples for reasoning without divine revelation (Matt. 16:5-12; Mk. 8:15-18). The ONLY biblical command to reason is to reason together with God (Isa. 1:18). That is what we choose to do. My practical working definition of reasoning together with God is: I picture Jesus at my right hand (Acts 2:25), ask for His input, tune to flowing thoughts, pictures and emotions, and I receive revelation. I now have the mind of Christ on the matter (Eph. 1:17; 1 Cor. 2:16; Isa. 55:9).
It’s time we train others how to reason properly, or they will NEVER experience the mind of Christ and their lives will always be a mess! Reason guided by the flow of the Holy Spirit is the ONLY kind of reasoning allowed! Revelation knowledge made Abraham the Father of Faith (Gen. 12:1-3) and reasoned knowledge caused Abraham to create an Ishmael (Gen. 16), which started a 3000-year war.
Fifth Kingdom Passion - I HONOR the Spirit by Choosing to Live and Walk in the Spirit
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / Simona Balint
Peter’s altar call in the first sermon ever preached in the Church age was, “Repent and be baptized and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). Well, well! When I was saved, the Holy Spirit wasn’t even mentioned. It took me ten years before I could identify the voice of the Holy Spirit within and another 35 to learn to walk in the 9-fold manifestation of the Spirit. Wow! 50 years? You’ve got to be kidding! Obedience to the command to live and walk by the Spirit was delayed by 50 years (Gal. 5:25)!!!! Fine, since I choose to believe the Bible is meant to be lived, I teach all believers HOW to experience the nine-fold manifestation of the Spirit. In sharing this concept with one founder and overseer of a network of charismatic churches, his comment was, “We need to teach them the basics first, before introducing them to the Spirit.”
Wow! Really? A charismatic church network that doesn’t believe the Spirit is “the basics”? Well, the first of six foundational doctrines is “repentance from dead works” (Heb. 6:1, 2). A dead work is a work done outside the energizing and guidance of the Holy Spirit! Can the Spirit be any more basic than that? Actually all six foundational experiences deal with the release of the Spirit and we'll be exploring that thoroughly in my next blog.
Jesus said, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing” (Jn. 6:63)! "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing” (Jn. 15:5). So what exactly outside of the Spirit is it that I need to teach them? Seems to me like once you learn to operate out of the law of “the spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:2) you release the fruits and gifts of the Spirit. I would say this sets you up quite well to accomplish all that you need to accomplish (Gal. 5:22-25; 1 Cor. 12:7-11).
The basics ARE “life in the Spirit!” Come on, Church! Let’s actually focus on what the New Testament instructs us to focus on. Let our altar calls be like Peter’s (Acts 2:38). Let’s know what the basics really are. All four Gospel writers introduced Jesus as the One who came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:11; Mk. 1:8; Lk. 3:16; Jn. 1:33). What could possibly give us the right to decide that Jesus’ primary mission is secondary! Jesus sent the Comforter (Jn. 16:7). Let’s introduce new believers to the Holy Spirit immediately!
Sixth Kingdom Passion - I Demand Practical, Definable Truth Concerning the Spirit
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / B S K
I hate non-answer answers. For example, “How do you hear God’s voice?” Answer: “You just know that you know.” “How do you see vision?” “You just see.” “How do you speak in tongues?” “You seek the Lord and wait on Him.” “What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?” “Tears.” “What is soaking?” “You’ll know it when it happens."
Some have waited 20 years and still are not speaking in tongues. This lady who waited 20 years was speaking in tongues within two days of hearing me teach on it. I waited 10 years before I learned that God’s voice is sensed as flowing thoughts, and His visions as flowing pictures. It is TIME for the Church to offer clear definitions of spiritual realities, so people hungry for spiritual experiences can be satisfied within the Church and not forced out to the New Age Movement in their search for supernatural encounter. Counterfeits are the unpaid bills of the Church! In my effort to clearly define my spirit, I looked up all 1200 verses on heart and spirit, which we put into a training module on How to Walk by the Spirit. We’ve had enough preaching about what we are supposed to be doing. We need specific instruction on HOW to do it.
How about this precise definition for how to speak in tongues: To speak in tongues YOU must SPEAK (Acts 2:4). It says, “They spoke.” Next, it says, “The Spirit gave the utterance.” Therefore you choose not to form the syllables with your conscious mind. Instead you tune to flow, allowing the River of the Holy Spirit within you to form the syllables through “flow.” You choose to believe this flow of syllables is tongues, because you know that those who come to God must believe. So you step out on the water (i.e. speak syllables you didn’t intentionally form with your mind). With your eyes fixed on Jesus you worship him, first in your native language, and then switch to tongues (Acts 2:11), utilizing any syllables which flow forth. Childlike faith allows you to enter His Kingdom. So drop doubt, analysis and fear. Simply believe the babbling sounds are from the Holy Spirit.
Personally, when I stepped out in faith and I spoke from flow, my mind had a fit, saying this is baby talk and worthless. I took the unbelieving thoughts in my mind captive, telling them to shut up (2 Cor. 10:5). I told my mind that it was my spirit speaking mysteries to God, and building itself up (1 Cor. 14:2, 4). My mind quit attacking and I found myself speaking in tongues. Months later someone even translated what I was saying and told me that in Portuguese I was saying, “Hooray, long live Jesus!” Hallelujah! This manifestation of the Spirit is available to all who ask, believe and yield their tongue to Spirit control. Try it. You’ll like it.
Seventh Kingdom Passion - I Do NOT Camp Out!
Photo Credit: FreeImages.com / ali halit diker
Denominations are formed when God restores a truth, and a group of believers decide to camp out around this restored truth! I’ve been part of Baptist, Methodist, Charismatic and Word of Faith churches, and each one has camped out around a specialized truth God gave to them. I am NEVER camping out! At 66, I am LOVING learning new stuff all the time. Why, recently the Lord told me, “Mark, you need to learn to LOVE marketing. The reason you are no good at marketing is because you hate it. My anointing does not ride on the carrier wave of hatred. It rides on the carrier wave of love. Anything you do not have a passion and love for, you will not have an anointing for.”
My response back was: “Lord, cut out my anger and hatred and give me a love and anointing for all things.”
Doesn’t this one simple journal entry keep one moving forward in mastering area after area of growth? This growth is constantly being directed and empowered by the Spirit.
Eighth Kingdom Passion - I Am a Continuous Overcomer
I joyfully celebrate the continual increase of His government (Isa. 9:7), and the corresponding shrinking of satan’s government. I speak ONLY words of life! God reigns. God rules, I win! I never speak words of death. I always win because I know how to draw upon the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit! By the power of the Spirit I overcome (Rom. 8:1-14). Demons, darkness and evil are defeated. Kingdom emotions of peace and joy flood me (Rom. 14:17). I LOVE being an overcomer. Depression is gone! I never say, “I can’t” because I CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13).
Ninth Kingdom Passion - I Live Fearlessly
I was taught to fear the antichrist, evil men, evil governments, the New Age and fate. Thank God, I am free of all these fears. We NEVER move in fear, only in faith. We never build our theology out of fear or reaction to the New Age Movement or any other cult group. We ALWAYS explore the Bible intently and determine through revelation knowledge if an idea is either specifically taught in the Bible or is compatible with biblical principles. If an idea is compatible and it bears good fruit, we embrace it, regardless of who offered it to us. Even Pharaoh received divine revelation from God (Gen. 41). Any book which says I cannot learn from a New Ager or a heathen I throw away, as it is obviously unbiblical! We can learn from anyone. We EXPLORE new territories with no fear!
Tenth Kingdom Passion - I Equip, Encourage and Empower Others
I share revelation that is replicable, truth that is transferable, training that is experiential. I teach you how to do things yourself (Eph. 4:11,12). We all can be Spiritual Giants if we know how to fully engage the biblical, practical and supernatural aspects of Spirit-anointed living. I can show you how. My training is to equip you to “do yourself” and not be dependent on me or any intermediary between you and God. I’m just a temporary tutorial bridge connecting you to God and then getting out of the way.
I Am an Engaged Spirit-Anointed World-Changer
Because I release the Holy Spirit to all whom I touch
Training Modules at CLU School of the Spirit Deepen the Above Passions and Skills
One student writes, “This training module was not a study; it was an experience. I’m more thankful not for the certificate of completion but for the things I learned.” (Bramuel Musya)
- 20+ electronic, downloadable training modules are available here.
- 12 more exhilarating testimonies of lives empowered through these online modules
Open your home to your friends who are passionate for more of the Spirit. Ask the Lord who to invite. Use these life-changing video modules (with books and workbooks), with your friends. Train right from your home. Provide the Word and the Spirit with practical working definitions of spiritual realities.
The Foundation of a Christian’s Life – Not What You Thought
Did You Know That All Six of God’s Foundational Doctrines Deal with the Release of the Spirit?
As a teenager, I worked for a construction crew which laid brick and mortar foundations for buildings. When we completed a foundation, we moved on to another site and laid another foundation. A few years later, I worked for another construction crew, called a "roughing crew" which built the wood frame home structures on top of a foundation. When we showed up at the construction site, the foundation was already there and we simply built upon it.
In our Christian lives, we first build a foundation. When it is complete, we build our lives upon that foundation. Jesus talks about some who build upon sand rather than the rock and when the storm hits, those with the faulty foundation fall (Matt. 7:24-27). So what if my foundation is faulty? What if I used the wrong materials and the foundation of my spiritual life cannot withstand the pressures that come against it and everything comes crashing down? Wouldn't that be tragic?
In counseling I have come across situations where a Christian becomes demonized and is tormented by that fact. It is so defiling to their identity of who they are as a Christian they frantically try to get it out. However, deliverance ministry doesn't work. In this situation, my counsel is, "Restore your foundation and the demons will come out easily." So what does that mean? What do they need to restore to their lives?
What exactly is the foundation of our being, the core of our identity? Who are we deep within?
What is the FOUNDATION of the Christian's life?
God has clearly stated what He considers foundational:
Let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about baptisms and laying on of hands, and the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. And this we will do, if God permits (Heb. 6:1-3).
A building inspector inspects the foundation and if done properly, grants a "permit" for the construction to continue. If the foundation is not built to specifications, the permit is not granted, and it must be fixed before continuing to build. I truly believe God does the same thing in our lives. He gives us permission to go on if we have laid the foundation properly, and if not, then we need to go back and work on our foundation.
All six foundational experiences deal with encountering and releasing the River of the Holy Spirit.
Repentance from dead works – Since my new identity is that I am joined to Christ (1 Cor. 6:17), I now only do "live works," those the Spirit directs (Jn. 5:19,20,30). A live work is birthed, guided by, empowered and cumulated by the Holy Spirit. A dead work is anything done in separation from God. It is like an Ishmael, in that I come up with the idea on my own (Gen.16:1,20) rather than God speaking it (Gen. 12:1-3).
- Faith toward God – I believe the River of the Spirit flows within me (Jn. 7:37-39). I have a revelation of the truth that the River of God flows within me. I honor it by living out of its flow (Jn. 6:63). This is completely different than self-initiated behavior (Jn. 14:10; 16:13)
- Doctrine of baptisms – I experience several baptisms. Two of these are baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-38). The baptism in the Holy Spirit endues me with power so I can cast out demons, heal the sick and do the works of my heavenly Father (Acts 1:8).
- Laying on of hands – I release the Spirit as I lay hands on people (Mk. 6:5). Jesus healed by laying hands on the sick and releasing to them the healing power of God which was flowing within Him. The power of The River which flows within me (Jn. 7:37-39) is released to others as I lay hands on them and also see the sick healed.
- Resurrection of the dead – I'm actually dead and Christ lives through me (Gal. 2:20). Every day I acknowledge that I choose to live out of divine initiative by tuning to flow within, rather than doing things based on my own strength and reasonings (Jn. 8:28; Matt. 16:5-12). I don't picture life as me living, and God as ONLY up in heaven, but rather I picture true reality, that the Spirit is alive and flowing from within me. I am one spirit with Him (1 Cor. 6:17). Jesus is present, living His life out through me. Not only do I sense the Spirit within, but I also see Jesus at my right hand (Acts 2:25), and I also see that I am His body (1 Cor.12:27). So it's Jesus alive standing here, rather than me. Seeing and believing that and living tuned to His Spirit within sure removes fear, hopelessness, unworthiness and inferiority.
- Eternal judgment – I choose to leave judging to God (Rom. 14:4,13; Heb. 12:23) so I can focus on compassionately touching and blessing all I encounter. Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). Healing power rides on the carrier wave of compassion. I choose to release a healing compassionate touch to all I meet so I give up judging. I begin by allowing God to love me first and then I extend His love, flowing within me, out to others.
And yes, there is much more that can be said about each of God’s foundational doctrines, but the above statements are core meanings of each of the six.
Many do NOT see that the River which flows from the Throne IS what creates fruitfulness!
He showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb ... On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations (Rev. 12:1-2).
Ezekiel saw “A river.. on the bank of the river there were very many trees… everything will live where the river goes (Ezek. 47:1-9).
From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water … this He spoke of the Spirit (Jn. 7:37,38).
Our lifestyle is to be one of living and walking by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). Jesus did. He did nothing on His own initiative, but only what He heard and saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19,20,30). His birth was surrounded by dreams of guidance and protection.
One Pentecostal group of churches I know will not ordain a minister unless they sign a statement saying they don't believe in dreams!! Wow! Really? One-third of the Bible gone, just like that!
Training people how to manifest the 9-fold manifestation of the Spirit should be foundational in any church (1 Cor. 12:7-11). Since the flesh profits nothing, and it is only Jesus' spoken words (rhema's) which are Spirit and life (Jn. 6:63), the most important thing to teach is how to hear His voice.
However, I too was exactly like those who ignore the Spirit. I believed Christian growth centered around theology and setting my will to be better. I've had to repent for my worship of two false gods: rationalism (relying on reason) and humanism (believing it is about me and my strength).
I now choose to be nourished by His River daily, which includes His voice, vision, dreams, emotions, encountering angels and feeling the energizing power of His Spirit (Rom. 8:2).
Let's restore to the Spirit His place of centrality in the Christian's life!
Make sure you are laying a GOOD foundation. Let's get back to God's basics, which are that I live and walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). This begins with daily communion with God in the Garden. This is my established, new identity. This is where the power to overcome the flesh comes from. This is where the power to repel demons flows from. This is where life, joy and happiness appear. This is where our healing touch to the world comes from.
Interaction with the Spirit is the center of everything. Then, when the earthquake hits, you are left standing!
River of Life Application - Come swim in God's River
- Click here for a free streaming instrumental audio Holy Spirit encounter - In this devotional you are led into an encounter with the Holy Spirit. With the eyes of your heart you will see the reality of Ezekiel 47:1-12 and Revelation 22:1,2. You will also see yourself as in the Upper Room in Acts 2:1-4, being immersed in the Holy Spirit. As you meditate on this, and enter deeply into it, the Holy Spirit can and will bring intimacy, transformation, and healing.
- Engage in daily fellowship with God in the cool of the day. Do two-way journaling.
- Experience the River of the Holy Spirit Instrumental Devotional daily.
- Introduce new believers to the Holy Spirit immediately upon conversion! The book Your Extraordinary Life is designed to do exactly that, and you can purchase a box of 52 of these books for $52 plus shipping by contacting 716-681-4896.
- Here are 20+ training modules which place the Holy Spirit at the center of each lesson, each week. You are led into Spirit encounters in EVERY training experience. Perfect for you and those you disciple.
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