Author: Mark Virkler
We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a solid biblical foundation and those who easily experience the supernatural essence of Christianity, effortlessly seeing and living in the Spirit. If you have a passion to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and do not have sufficient understanding of how you can do so, let us help you. Our ministry has been privileged to train over a million people how to hear God's voice, interpret dreams, encounter angels, see visions, and move in the healing power of the Holy Spirit - all from a bedrock of undiluted affirmation of the Scriptures.
Experience daily talks with God in the cool of the day and usher in spiritual transformation and reformation.
Let us be the bridge, training you how to live and walk in the Spirit
We Are the Bridge
We bridge the gap between those who have spiritual experiences but can’t explain how they have them and those who want spiritual experiences and need to be told how. We are committed to teaching you HOW you can easily and daily have all the spiritual experiences recorded in Scripture.
We Provide Revelation-Based Learning
We design training so that you experience Spirit revelation. Your heart is ablaze as God’s Spirit opens Scripture to you (Lk. 24:32).
You Experience Internalization Through Immersion
Immersion training involves audio, video, book, workbook, prayer, journaling and intentional practice as you focus intently until you are transformed.
Whatever you focus on, grows within you.
Whatever grows within you, you become.
Transformed while we observe what Jesus is doing
(Heb. 12:1,2; 2 Cor. 3:18).
Photo credit: Andi Campbell-Jones Zeelandbrug via photopin (license)
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