Author: Mark Virkler
Question from Obed about Dreams
I am trying to understand how dreams can be a medium of communication by spiritual beings. I am of the belief that only God knows our thoughts. Satan is incapable of this. However, I do not fully understand the biology or the physics of dreams. I do not believe in communication with the dead for the bible teaches that the dead know nothing. So that leaves us with heavenly beings or demonic beings.
An angel appeared to Mary to inform her that she was with child in a dream. If heavenly angels can communicate with us in a dream, I assume that demonic angels can do likewise. My question then is how they get in our heads seeing that only God knows our thoughts. During our unconscious state, how do spirits feed information into our heads by way of our visual, audio, smell, and touch and even taste senses? If demons are capable of interacting with us via our dreams, what defense do we have against this spiritual rape?
I am highly disturbed over this idea and I wish you can grant me an intelligent and biblical resolution to this. I anxiously await your response.
Response from Mark Virkler
The Bible says God speaks through the dream, and we have about 50 dreams in the Bible proving this. My experience also confirms this. I have only had one dream that the Lord told me not to consider for He said it was of the devil. And I have interpreted my dreams for 30 years. So 99.999% of my dreams have come from God.
I did have one re-occurring dream that I had a stroke and I would awaken and my head and arms actually felt paralyzed and I had to shake the sensation off. I dreamed this about 3-5 times a week for 10-15 years.
I finally discovered that this came from a demon which had entered me when my grandfather died unexpectedly and I was traumatized by his sudden death. A demon of “fear of stroke” took that opportunity to enter and instill an ongoing fear within me for many years. So I would characterize this dream as a valid dream, showing the condition of my heart, which was that it was damaged and in need of prayer ministry in order for it to be healed. I am grateful to report that I did get that demon of “fear of stroke” cast out about 30 years ago and the dream has never returned.
So dreams come from our hearts and if our hearts are wounded or under demonic distress, then the dream shows that. Once the heart is healed, the dream shows that. The dream mirrors the condition and messages from your heart and from God to your heart.
We have lots more training material on dreams here: http://www.cwgministries.org/store/dream-your-way-wisdom-complete-discounted-package. I trust it will be helpful to you!
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