Author: Mark Virkler
I received a call this morning from a lady who had purchased Prayers That Heal the Heart and she exclaimed, “Everyone needs to hear this!” I agree.
Many have shared with me that this is the most thorough prayer series available to heal a wounded heart. In this approach, every heart wound receives the standard seven prayers coupled with a follow up Bible meditation which seals the victory by building a hedge of protection which demons cannot penetrate. This approach completely dissolves and removes the heart wound and accompanying spiritual forces, pouring in healing oil and filling the area with the Holy Spirit. Utilizing ALL these steps provides an AMAZING end product, that of a fully healed heart!
- Prayers That Heal the Heart hard copy version
- Prayers That Heal the Heart electronic training module
Prerequisite is that you can hear God's voice and see His visions
Since healing the heart requires that you interact with God, it is imperative that you are able to hear God’s voice and see vision, so we highly recommend people go through the training on Hearing God’s Voice: hardcopy version here or electronic training module here. Plan for a 10-week training experience combining video sessions, a book and a workbook. Then move on to Prayers That Heal the Heart, which also has a video series, book and workbook. If you do it this way, you experience maximum healing. Life is too short to walk through it half healed. Take the time to be fully healed!
Gather a group in your home or church to watch the video series with you. Why? For two reasons:
- So your friends can grow spiritually and be healed, and
- So you can grow spiritually and be healed faster.
The synergy of two or more working together on a project multiplies the effectiveness of the end result, which is why I NEVER learn anything alone. I always team up with others who want to pursue the area I am exploring.
Get started by inviting your friends
So how about if you pray and ask the Lord who He would have you invite over to your home for a 10-week series on hearing God’s voice followed by a 7- or 13-week video series on “Prayers that Heal the Heart” (you can watch one or two sessions each time you gather).
As a group you can discuss together the things you are learning, ask questions and pray for one another. You help each other out in the learning and healing process.
In the Prayers That Heal the Heart course, when you get to prayer seven, deliverance prayer, you will be taught how you can pray deliverance for each other.
Prayer counselor available
If it is necessary to receive personal deliverance ministry over the phone, Rev. Paul Stanton is willing to be contacted.
Rev. Paul Stanton - Counsels by phone, skype and in person (1-2 day sessions are available as are weekly sessions). Paul counsels for a free will offering. Paul specializes in: Prayers that Heal the Heart counseling, career counseling, financial and marriage counseling, and family counseling. Paul is located in York Haven, PA.
- A one hour counseling session needs to be scheduled before the actual deliverance session.
- Depending on individual situations, deliverance could take 1 or 2 one-hour sessions.
Email: riverinusa@bellsouth.net
Website: www.riverinusa.com
Phone: 717-384-1038
Let’s successfully experience intimacy with God and get folks healed up! I pray for your success, beyond your wildest imagination!
Since I wrote Prayers That Heal the Heart, I have added two additional prayers to the seven listed there. I highly recommend you add these two additional prayers. I have, and they have helped greatly by removing stored tension in my body and soul.
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