Author: Mark Virkler
When I first looked and saw my guardian angel, I saw a 10-foot warrior angel, dressed with armor and shield and sword. He was standing at attention and motionless at my side. After seeing this for several days and feeling perplexed, I asked myself, “Does he think the war is over? I’m sure still fighting.” So since I couldn’t figure it out, I went to the Lord in two-way journaling and asked Him why my warrior angel was doing nothing.
Jesus answered, “Because you have never commissioned him.”
I said, “Well, I thought angels were under Your authority, not mine.”
His response was, “Yes, they are under My authority, but I have seated you with Me to rule and reign (Eph. 1:21; 2:6; Gen. 1:28; Ps. 8:6), and part of your training for rulership is to commission your angel. As long as you are under My authority, your guardian angel will be under your authority. If you ever step out from under My authority, then your guardian angel will no longer be under your authority. Commission him to fight. He will go, he will fight and he will win.”
So I began commissioning my warrior angel, and sure enough, I would see him go, flash his sword a couple of times, win and return within seconds.
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