Author: Patricia Canazon
Submitted by Mark Virkler on December 19, 2017
Jesus, what is it that You would say to me today?
I am here My child. Do not fear the small stuff. All is small stuff when your eyes are upon Me. Let Me take your hand today and guide you victorious through each increment of your day. Do not fret, I am here. I will show you the way - I am the way. I will not disappoint you. I can always be trusted. Feed yourself more faithfully on My Word. I will build you up and not tear you down. I will show you the way. Come, My child. Come Away with Me. Fear not the scorn of man; they can not harm you. Stay your eye upon Me. I will not fail you - I will not let you down. Quiet yourself in My presence. Train yourself to calm and quiet all flesh. Do not be discouraged but trust that I will continuously build you up. Close yourself in to where I am..
I am right here for you alone. It is no wonder you fret when you let your eyes go beyond My view. Bring your eyes back to Me, My child. Your life is in Me alone. Nothing else involves your occupancy. Occupy in Me alone. I will get you out - I will bring you through. I know the way - I am the way. I will show you all things. Now train yourself to be still in Me. You can not fail in Me. There is nothing to fret.
Jesus, I did not do so well with my eating yesterday. Please strengthen yet again my cords. Grace me to stay within Your boundaries and not go beyond the fence of Your grace.
My child, all is well. I am here and will direct and redirect your steps until all victory is achieved. You have victory on every side - every side! I am will bring you through. My way is perfect.
Jesus, please give me a gem - a word I can hold on to in time of temptation - Jesus, something concrete and true. Jesus, I'm desperate for You - I can't succeed without You.
I'm going to bring you through, My child. I am right here beside you. My love is carrying you. I hold you and will never let you go. We are one - Forever one!
I love to watch you My child. One step at a time - one step in front of the other with Me beside you - with Me as your guide. It doesn't get any better. I am is with you, My child. The God of the universe is here with My Patricia. Yes, My Patricia. My precious one. What the enemy meant for evil I turn for My good. You are My princess; My Princess Patricia. Shhh - be still - I am God and I am for you and I am coming through. We shall ride the wave together. My wave of glory we shall ride on the heights of Mount Gilead. As a lamb to the slaughter you shall go but it is I who shall be sacrificed. It is I who went before you and made myself your sacrifice. Do not fear them. Bless those who despitefully use you. Bless those who scorn and look down upon you. Bless them, My child. My perfect love for you carries you over to the other side; to the side of victory. My love is in you. Be strong and do not fear them. I break every allegiance to the kingdom of darkness off you. Your agreement is found in Me alone. We shall walk in unison for we are one!
My Positive, Present Tense Declarations Based on The Above Journaling
My Lord is here with me; I am full of faith and I overcome with my eyes on my Lord.
My Lord takes my hand today and guides me victoriously through each increment of this day.
My Lord is here to show me the way for He is the way and I am encouraged in my Lord.
I come away with my Beloved.
I stay my eye upon my Lord and bless those around me.
I quiet myself in my Lord's presence and He gives me success.
I train myself to calm and quiet all flesh.
I am encouraged and trust that my Lord will continuously build me up.
I close myself in to where my Lord is, for He is right here for me alone.
I stay my eyes upon my Lord at all times.
I bring my eyes back to my Lord for my life is in my Lord alone!
I occupy in my Lord alone for He is bringing me through to victory.
My Lord knows the way for He is the way.
I train myself to be still in my Lord for He is showing me all things.
All is well for my Lord is right here and He is directing and redirecting my steps until all victory is achieved!
I have victory on every side - every side!
I am is bringing me through for His way is perfect.
My Lord is right here beside me; His love is carrying me.
My Lord holds me and will forever hold me for we are one; forever one!
My Lord watches me take one step at a time in His presence.
I put one step in front of the other with my Lord beside me; with my Lord guiding me.
My Lord is the best for He is with me!
The God of the universe is here with Patricia!
Yes, my Lord is with me and I am His precious one.
I am my Beloved's daughter Patricia!
My Lord turns all things into good in my life for I am my Lord's princess!
I am still for my Lord is my God and He is for me and He is coming through!
My Lord and I ride the wave of His glory on the heights of Mount Gilead.
My Lord is my sacrificed Lamb; once slain for me and all humanity!
I bless those around me that they may see the beauty of the Once True Sacrificed Lamb of God for all humanity.
My Lord's perfect love for me carries me over to the other side of victory!
My Lord's love is in me; therefore I am strong.
My Lord breaks every allegiance and all allegiance to the kingdom of darkness off me!
My agreement is found in my Lord, The Christ, alone!
My Lord and I walk in unison for we are one.
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