Author: Mark Virkler
Do you have a theology concerning the role of kingdom emotions to release a miracle? I sure didn’t. I just scorned emotions as being soulish. However, 37 years ago when I began hearing God’s voice through two-way journaling, God reminded me that Jesus, moved by compassion, healed (Matt. 14:14). So I accepted, intellectually, that there was a place for emotions.
I have just spent the last two years of my life meditating on the role of Kingdom Emotions to release Kingdom Power. The revelation I have received has caused me to move from disdain, (thinking emotions were soulish), to acceptance (Jesus expressed emotions), to honor (faith is energized by love - Gal. 5:6).
Look what emotions accomplish!
Joy strengthens us (Neh. 8:10). Peace rules us (Col. 3:15). Love compels us (2 Cor. 5:14). Compassion moves us (Matt. 9:36). These are true, Spirit-born emotions which we FEEL (Rom. 14:17; Gal. 5:22)! They are not a “put on” emotion, or a simple mental “thank you” at the end of a prayer.
Compassion is the carrier wave of the Spirit’s power (Matt. 14:14). WOW! This is a totally different view of emotion than is normally held. I have changed my mind completely about emotions. Rather than emotions being soulish and unreliable, they are reliable when birthed by the Holy Spirit and they carry healing power.
What do you think? Could miracles be this easy?
A miracle is halted if my mind says, “I believe,” and my heart feels, “This is not going to happen.” In this case the emotion of the heart has short-circuited the mind’s belief.
Align the following three and the Spirit’s power is released
- Heart – emotions (Jesus felt compassion)
- Head - beliefs (Jesus believed God desired all to be healed)
- Body – speech (Jesus spoke, “Be healed”)
In a worst case scenario I do this all in reverse: my mind believes God is not in control, and my heart feels the emotion of fear, and I speak words of discouragement. WOW! Now I have released the power of the domain of darkness into my life (Col. 1:13)! Obviously this is done far too often. My commitment is to NEVER do this again!
FEEL TODAY the emotions of God’s promise fulfilled
by seeing it already done!
As I behold a picture of God’s vision of my future reality (Gen. 15:5,6),
I am living in the future moment now. My emotions are excited with gratitude,
and I am in the state where God’s miraculous grace releases His divine provisions.
To summarize
The focus of the book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit Born Emotions is that our heart (emotions) must be in alignment with our mind (belief) in order to receive a miracle of divine healing.
John Arnott tells the story of revival dying in a youth group in his church (many years ago), because he told them to cool the emotional manifestations. Now, obviously, in the most recent revival, he is allowing emotional intensity to continue (holy laughter, roaring, etc.) and the revival continues.
Never again will I say, “Emotions are soulish and need to be overruled.”
LOVE is God’s on/off switch for unleashing healing power!
View 14 sessions of streaming video free during December
My two year exploration of the power of Kingdom emotions has resulted in new book, and video training package and electronic course. We are offering free viewing of the video training for a limited time during the month of December and the e-learning module will be available at a huge discount until December 13th for those who want to make this revelation their own. It will allow you to honor and celebrate and enjoy God’s emotions which carry His healing touch to a world that is hurting.
Get the REVELATION - Items Available for Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions
- Explore the Book - 314 pages
- Explore the CD Package - book, 2 sets of CDs
- Explore the DVD Package - book, 1 set of DVDs and 1 set of CDs
- Explore the downloadable training module - contains all the above plus more!
- Downloadable PowerPoint (200+ slides) - Excellent to review the key points and to teach a group. See the text of 9 of the PowerPoint here.
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