Author: Lisa Benedict
As I taught on How to Hear God’s Voice at Catch the Fire School of Revival, Lisa journaled, asking the Lord, “How would You have me use the eyes of my heart?” - Mark Virkler
“See through Me to the needs around you by the lens of My great heart and My miraculous love. Miracles are My love in motion, and they all begin in My heart’s desires.” As I heard this, I saw Jesus before me in pure white robes and His heart appeared to burn through His garments and gleam as if on fire.
Jesus spoke with authority as He said, “Use your eyes to see how I want to restore everyone to My original intention. See without earthly filters that tint and distort the true vision of My pure, intentional compassion.”
As the words of Jesus flowed like a river of fire from His heart to mine, I saw flashes of burning light shooting out of His heart towards me. His robe became glistering white now and His heart appeared transparent to my eyes. And I saw the people in His heart awaiting miracles!
Then Jesus spoke with His eyes burning straight into my soul and said, “Use your eyes to gaze in devotion upon Me to see what I see and to take action as I move upon your heart. Do not allow the world to distort My intentions to do miracles.”
I saw the flames of Jesus’ heart beaming out to the people needing miracles, and He was glorified as they received His miraculous love!
I now realize Jesus wants me to become aware of those needing miracles, and to minister to them out of His pure compassion and power. I am seeing impossibilities as opportunities for God’s miraculous, life-changing transformation!
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