Author: Mark Virkler
My attitude toward marketing had always been “yuck”. I told the Lord that I hated marketing. The Lord spoke to me: “I want to teach you to LOVE MARKETING, and to become good at it. For you will become good at what you love.”
My Reflections: God’s grace flows out through the channel of His love (Matt. 14:14; Gal. 5:6). Without love, there is no revelation, anointing or breakthrough. Breakthroughs require love, passion, and whole-hearted search which result in God disclosing Himself to you. This is followed by steps of obedient implementation of the revelation(s) received.
Journaling: Each marketing piece is to come from My River, My flow, My heart, and it will speak directly to their heart. It is to be birthed in prayer and then sent with prayer. Then My Spirit will carry My message on the wings of My love into their hearts. Then I will prosper you. Then you will have success.
Mark, you know what the language of the heart is. It is imagination, pictures, emotions, flow, pondering, and meditation. The heart deals with attitudes, motivations and character traits. Communicating to the heart involves discerning their deepest needs, aspirations, God- given destinies, passions and desires.
I know all about the issues surrounding people’s hearts. I will show you their hearts’ needs, aspirations, fears and desires. I will grant you powerful stories and parables which will touch their hearts in a meaningful way, allowing My Spirit to work mightily within them, convincing them of what they are to do.
You know what a healed heart is. It is a heart full of faith, hope and love. The driving goals and passions of each person’s heart are to experience these things. You are to help lead them into these things. You know what an unhealed heart is. It is a heart filled with fear, despair and anger. As you write, you are moving people from their fears, angers and despair to a place of faith, hope and love. It is really as simple as that.
Journaling: “Appeal to the heart with honesty and integrity and get out of the way.”
Scripture: He who wins souls is wise (Prov. 11:30).
Principles of Sharing
As Exemplified in
Scripture as Applied
People must hear in order to respond. |
How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? |
No one will invest in something they have not heard about. |
We must have a communicator. |
And how will they hear without a preacher? |
We must tell the good news about our products and services. |
We must send a communicator. |
How will they preach unless they are sent? |
We need to send out sales people to tell the benefits. |
The communicator is a gift from God, to be honored and cherished. |
These people who are sent are beautiful people, graced by God with the gifts to inspire. |
Responses are not our concern. |
However, they did not all heed the good news; |
Not everyone will accept our great products or services. |
God must move in the hearer’s heart. |
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. |
God needs to speak into their hearts for them to invest. |
We are to pray for God to move in the hearer’s heart. |
We have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that … (Col. 1:9). |
We should always pray that God move in the hearts of those we are communicating with. |
Shared responsibility: We do our part, and God does His. |
I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth (1 Cor. 3:6). |
We release responsibility for the end results into God’s hands. |
Prayer of Repentance
Lord, I repent: for my judgments against marketers, seeing them all as evil manipulators. I repent for my scorn against marketing, saying, “I have a powerful message, they should recognize it and come to me.” I turn away from these attitudes and believe that marketers can be honest, serving their clients in the best way possible, and marketing is a biblical idea, for You said, “How will they know unless someone tell them,” and You sent us out to tell the world of Your good news of salvation. So there is a place to go out and serve society well by telling them good news which can enhance their lives. Those who are ready and able will respond to the invitation. Others will not, and that is fine. That is the way it is.
Friendship Marketing Defined
Discovering pains, needs and aspirations which I can help fulfill
through the anointed resources God has made available within me.
Joining hands with friends who have been touched by Communion With God,
and together sharing this powerful, life-transforming experience with the world.
Helping others fulfill their destinies by serving them with the gifts God has perfected in me.
Mission - Passion - Difference
- Our Mission – To saturate the world with communion with God
- Our Passion – Exploring Christian spirituality and kingdom lifestyle WITHOUT FEAR
- Our Difference – Definable, transferable, applicable, revelation-based learning
Your Turn...
What is your mission, passion and difference which you offer to the world? What is your attitude toward marketing? Do some journaling and let God speak to you.
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