Author: Mark Virkler
We know God speaks to us as a still small voice within, as flowing, spontaneous thoughts which light upon our minds. However, the Bible also teaches that God’s voice comes through miraculous events which He orchestrates. Exodus 4:8 is one such example.
And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign (Ex. 4:8 KJV).
New American Standard Bible confirms in the margin that the Hebrew word, “qôl” is literally voice. The KJV translates this word as “voice” 378 times. Brown, Driver, Briggs, defines this word as “voice, sound, noise.”
So in the above verse, God’s miraculous “signs” were considered the voice of God. Truly interesting, and truly something I had never noticed before.
This verse was brought to my attention by Charles Cooper, a lead teacher at Calvary Assembly of God church in Winter Park FL, where I was conducting a seminar on hearing God’s voice this last weekend.
So what are the signs which God is referring to in Exodus chapter four? If you read the first seven verses, you will discover the signs are: a rod turning into a snake and then back into a staff, and a hand becoming leprous and then being instantly healed. In the remainder of chapter 4, God lists additional signs.
So this makes me wonder: Have I seen miraculous signs which were God speaking to me? This is a question we could all pose to God in our daily journaling. I want to encourage you to post any journaling you receive as a comment below. It will be interesting to see what God says about the supernatural signs He has revealed in our lives.
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