Author: Mark Virkler
The whole teaching on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice has been a wonderful help and has been of great personal benefit both to myself and to my wife, Carol. Dialogue with God is worth a million dollars to any Christian who is serious about the issue of hearing the voice of God. Mark's teaching on this issue profoundly impacted my life. Our church, our leadership team and our ministry team have greatly benefited from your courses and your ministry. It is a privilege for me to recommend 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Ministries to the body of Christ as something that will greatly bless and enhance their personal walk with God."
-- Dr. John Arnott
Founding Pastor of Catch The Fire Toronto
"I have been an active Baptist pastor for thirty-seven years. As far as I am personally concerned, seminars like 'Counseled by God' and '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice' and ' are absolutely fundamental to the building up of the inner life. At this present time we have six ongoing classes in '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice' using Mark's video series and one class on 'Counseled by God.' I highly recommend him and his ministry to you. I would be glad to talk with you on the telephone if you have any questions."
-- Rev. Peter Lord
Senior Pastor of Park Avenue Baptist Church
"I have known Mark for approximately eight years in which he served on our staff for seven years. I believe that Mark has a prophetic ministry for this generation regarding communing with God. Mark and his wife Patti have developed a curriculum and seminar entitled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice which I would highly recommend. The ministry that takes place during these seminars will be life-changing for those who participate.
"The course 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice IS GOING TO CHANGE THE NATION by building a new generation of people that hear God's voice and dream God's dreams."
-- Rev. Thomas Reid
Senior Pastor of The Tabernacle
"When I heard Mark's material in the early 80's, it quadrupled my ability to hear God's voice, taking a lot of the guess work out."
-- Rev. Dale Bolton
Senior Pastor of Thornhill Vineyard
Ontario, Canada
"I read the book Naturally Supernatural a few years ago. I was greatly encouraged to dare to walk deeper in the things of God. This led me to the book 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice which is foundational for hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit. The meditations and exercises of this book presented a clear and inviting approach. An audio tape of the `Four Keys to Hearing God's Voice' by Mark Virkler convinced me to go further. The teaching on this tape was sound, but the most important thing to me was hearing Mark instruct. I became convinced that he spoke about what he knew and not about something he had merely read or heard.
"These materials help us to do what we know to do: stay in God's Word and to seek His counsel. I find that I need that help. I have known greater freedom in myself as a result of working through the materials. It is not just academic, but an examination of life and about ourselves.
"These materials have been refreshing to my spirit and an encouragement in my desire to know our Savior. It is my delight to refer friends and parishioners to them for their own use in their spiritual path."
-- Rev. Ronald G. Hrst, M. Div.
Rector of Trinity Anglican Church
Brockville Ontario, Canada
First, my wife and I really have been blessed by Mark's material. Dialogue with God has revolutionized our walk with God. It has helped our walk to become what we always believed it should be like but we were simply not experiencing.
Thank you for your ministry and thank God for His faithfulness to speak to each one of His children. It has been a struggle but I feel as if I am coming to realize that God really does treat me as His favorite.
-- Stephen Conroy
The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Ministries website has helped me tremendously and really made me grow spiritually. I embrace them wholeheartedly and will recommend them unabashedly.
I didn't realize that it was so easy to hear God's voice or to see visions or have dreams or to walk in the spirit or to be healed of deep emotional pain.
Their books etc will teach you all of these things and so much more. Read them and be blessed.
Visit the website, buy the books, subscribe to the newsletter. These teachings must be shared. I can't keep these blessings to myself. They belong to the World. They belong to you. Thank you so very much, Mark Virkler. My life has been changed. I thank God for your ministry.
-- Tarik Carey
Kingston, Jamaica
"4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice" by Mark and Patti Virkler has dramatically changed my prayer life. I have found I can will to dialogue with Christ on a daily basis, and I do. I believe this inspired approach to be absolutely essential to the growth of every serious Christian. I further believe 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice is an excellent example of the uniquely powerful way God is reaching out to His people today."
-- Dr. Richard Watson
Former Professor at Oral Roberts University
"I feel that you have been appointed by the Lord and anointed by Him to speak this important truth of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice to the body of Christ. May God's blessings be upon you."
-- Ras Robinson
Former Editor and President of "Fulness Magazine"
"Our church, GEREJA YESUS KRISTUS TUHAN c/o ABBALOVE MINISTRIES - Jakarta, has placed books published by Communion with God Ministries into our church library. We use these books in our Bible school and to promote church growth through our cell group program. We also use these books to strengthen the network of churches which relate to us. These books are especially helpful in teaching biblical life principles in a simple, understandable way. We believe you will find these books to be a great blessing in your life and for your church."
Eddy Leo, Pastor of Abbalove Ministries
20,000 member cell congregation, Jakarta, Indonesia
"Nine years ago we had Mark come and teach 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice at the church we pastored in Ontario, Canada. The principles he taught guided us in hearing the Lord's voice until that voice eventually led us and our five children here to Kiev, Ukraine to work with YWAM as missionaries. Those same communion with God principles kept us here during difficult days of lawlessness and lack in the nation. Recently, we had Mark come to Kiev and teach over 900 Ukrainians in these same principles and the response was overwhelming, with hundreds expressing a new release of God's voice in their lives as well as the way they see and understand God's character. Many pastors are now asking for return visits from Mark. Mark's book is now being translated into Russian and we are looking forward to many from this former atheistic communist nation to be transformed with 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice as one of our primary tools."
-- Dan & Gwen Slade
Youth with a Mission
Kiev, Ukraine
"It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Mark Virkler and Communion with God Ministries. Several years ago, I attended a 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice seminar which changed my life. The revelation that I could hear the voice of God was truly amazing, it took me beyond a doctrine to an intimate experience. This has had a profound effect on our congregation as many have also done the course and have been released into a exciting way of living because they are actually hearing from God themselves. This has resulted in growth and maturity.
"So impressed have we been that we now offer the courses through our own Bible College."
-- Rev. Robert O. Marshall
Senior Pastor of Tableland Christian Faith Centre
Assistant Superintendent of the Assemblies of God,
Far Northern District
Queensland, Australia
For me, the key to my `hearing' was to write it down! Thank you for this insight from Hab. 2:1,2. Every time I start, I am hesitant and think, this cannot be anything. Then God teaches me something new again. The threshold every time is to put my pen on paper and start writing out the first thought, however stupid or erratic it may feel. Only after having been obedient in jotting down this preliminary thought, there is flow."
-- Pekka Hyvonen
Dear Dr. Virkler, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your teaching and ministry. God has used you to radically change my life.
I've been a Christian for over 25 years, but always struggled to hear God speak. I never heard anything! Anytime someone would tell me 'God told me' I would get angry because He never told me anything! I could really relate to your story.
Several years ago, a friend (whom I think you've met via the telephone) here in Anchorage, Alaska, gave me a copy of your tape '4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.' (God must have told him how much I struggled in this area!) Anyway, I was skeptical, and thought if there were really 4 simple keys, I should have discovered them by this time, as I had a strong Bible background and prayer life. But, having nothing to lose, I decided to listen anyway. Amazingly, and stunningly, the principles worked just as you simply explained! I was so thrilled.
Since that time, my relationship with the Lord has blossomed and grown more than I can describe. Thank you. I ordered your workbook, and went through the Communion with God teachings, and I love to journal.
I am a teacher, so I want to explain things so other people 'get it'. I knew that if I had struggled this much over the years to hear from God, others must have the same difficulty. I talked with our pastor and with Dave Brock (a local prayer counselor and member of our church) and we developed a workshop called 'Hearing the Voice of God.'
We present a number of short teachings on the many ways (including Journaling) God speaks....We've done 5 quarterly workshops so far. The participants are always wowed out and tell us their lives will never be the same. I'm thrilled that I get to participate in their God discoveries. So thanks be to God and to you for your impact on lives across the country!
"Approximately three years ago, I had the privilege of reading your book, Dialogue with God. It revolutionized my prayer life. As a pastor, there is probably no greater desire in the people I am around than to hear God's voice and to flow in His love and power. Your book does an excellent job of giving people the tools to do that. We have a Wednesday night training center where we teach classes on Bible study, counseling skills, praying for the sick, spiritual gifts, renewing the mind, and other classes to equip the saints. We purchased your video tapes and 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice workbooks and teacher's guide to use in teaching a class in our training center. It has become one of the most popular classes we offer. I thank the Lord for the understanding He birthed in you."
-- Pastor John A. Chisholm
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Urbana, Illinois
"In the process of starting our college in Malaysia, I was introduced to a course of study called 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice containing a real anointed teaching on drawing closer to God. It is the favorite of all our students and I don't think I will ever have a school without it."
-- Harold Reents
Former Dean at Christ for the Nations
"Next to salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, Mark Virkler's seminar 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice has been my most life-changing experience."
-- Pastor Lyman Rice
I received my first copy of 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice in 1985, and have treasured it all these years as one of the most valuable tools that the Lord has used in my journey into intimacy with Him.I was having trouble with "vision" because I was never taught to value vision. I perceived that I was to have vision, but did not know how to receive. The concepts, and revelations of CWG are vital to our life in and walk in the Spirit. I really could not say enough about how valuable CWG is to the Body of Christ.
CWG helps you to believe and receive that this walk is for everyone, not just for select ones. It gives you major deliverance from "I'm not good enough" and "I'm not chosen" syndrome. CWG helps you to embrace the reality of an experiential life of intimacy that transforms you entire relationship with God.CWG also takes you step by step into this incredible journey, so that you feel safe and secure in pursuing the Lord in this way. WOW! CWG should be in the hands and heart of every person on the planet.
Although I have had CWG for 20 years now, it seems that I have been in the dark about all of the other wonderful material that you have. This last week I ordered a bunch of the material from your catalog. I am devouring them!!
Wading Deeper into the River of God is so anointed...every word....that I know that I personally received revival and renewal and refreshing in my heart. I have been having a truly WOW experience all week. But the BEST was my encounter with the How to Build a Winning Team book. For years I have felt like a crazy person because I have perceived in my spirit that the Lord had something different in His Heart and Mind concerning how the Body is to function. Your book confirmed all that I have had in my heart for years. I really consider this week of my life to be a major deliverance because now I know that I am not crazy. I believe that there are sooo many of the body members that are suffering because they feel that something just isn't right, but are shamed into believing it is their problem. I feel that the magnitude of this problem is very similar to when Martin Luther was raised up to bring deliverance to the Lord's people. I am praying for your voice and the voice of others to be heard so that the people can be free and the Lord's heart and mind will be manifest in His Church. I believe that it is time for another "95 Thesis" to be nailed to the door.
-- Andrea Bennett
"I just wanted to let you know how much I am already enjoying 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It is amazing, because the way I have found that God speaks to me and through me is very much how you have outlined in your course. However, I have never found any material that presents it so clearly and concisely. Thanks."
-- Pastor Brad
"The seminar 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice, taught by Mark Virkler, was a direct answer to prayer. All the subjects taught have brought me into a deeper relationship with Him, and this experience has been shared by many who attended the seminar."
-- Jeanette King
"One of the most enlightening seminars I have ever attended."
-- Gloria English
"The 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice seminar took me into a deeper spiritual insight than any seminar I have been in. I have had a very real revelation."
-- Joan Spain
"Delicious, I ate it up. What I was ready for, and needed. The thing I liked most about the seminar was the journaling."
-- Paula Gerino
The guys from the federal Prison Camp as well as the mentors just couldn't say enough about the materials and what they've learned through 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice."
-- Steve Cronk
South Florida Area Director
Prison Fellowship
"I am pastor of a small Assemblies of God church in Grantham, England. A couple of months ago a friend (who attends the Shartsbury church you recently taught at) lent me some 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice tapes - he knew that I had become very discouraged at my ability to hear the voice of God. Well, the tapes were helpful to say the least and now I am back pastoring after three and a half years recovering from my last pastorate.
"Because the tapes have been such a blessing to me, after nearly twenty years of struggling how to hear God's voice and then know it was, I want to use the 4 Keys videos in the cell/home groups."
-- Pastor Graham Thomas
Grantham Christian Fellowship
Grantham, England
"During the 13 weeks of the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice course we had an average attendance of approximately 90. We asked that those who had attended the majority of the sessions fill out a questionnaire. Their 57 responses were tabulated.
"From the responses, we found that 87.7% thought the class should be offered again with 78.9% saying they would re-attend. Every respondent but one said they would recommend the class to others. That one respondent was 'not sure.'"
-- Skip and Polly Wood
"Mark Virkler's work comes like a breath of fresh air. His book Dialogue with God revolutionized my prayer life. It isn't so much that Virkler has come up with a 'new' approach. What he has done is to codify and systematize much of what the Bible teaches and what many great Christians have known through the centuries: That God loves His children and has given them a means of communication - dream, vision and His word, both written and spoken.
"We have been using 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice for some months now in all our home groups and one after another people whose prayer lives were dry difficult affairs have blossomed as they have heard the Heavenly Father commune with them, His children."
-- Rev. Bill A. VanZutphen
Baptist Church
Wollongong, Australia
"I heartily recommend the teaching ministry of Mark Virkler to you. In particular I commend the seminar 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. This teaching has brought breakthrough to many who have despaired at hearing personally from God. The fruit of Mark's ministry has been an enthusiastic release of people to pursue an intimate devotional life with the Lord.
"Mark has many other resources as well. Each has been developed and tested by Mark out of his own 'real life' experiences. Again, I would encourage you to invite Mark to minister to your church."
-- Rev. Ron Allen
Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Fort Wayne, Indiana
"What I needed to hear for years! I was blessed for all eternity."
-- Floyd Wells
"One of the best seminars that I have ever attended."
-- Jane Hodges
"We need more experiential basic teaching of this kind to bring maturity to the body. Excellent."
-- Judy
"Your manual on 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice is very, very rich and wonderful. I am going to study personally with it. I praise God for your ministry and wonderful contribution to the body of Christ. If you have written other study manuals, would you kindly send a copy of each one of them to me? I will gladly pay the cost for each one as others do."
-- Dr. David Yonggi Cho
Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church, the world's largest church (with 1,000,000 members) in Seoul, South Korea
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