Author: Charity Virkler Kayembe
The Inside Scoop
What are some ways my angels assist me? And maybe even in a different, helpful way from the Lord’s own personal intervention Himself? I mean, I’m a daughter of God! What do they know that I don’t, and how did they find it out anyway?
Well for one thing, they’ve been around a lot longer. They’ve seen more, they get how life works – the enemy’s tactics for one. And also about heaven, and Jesus. They’ve been watching Father and Jesus and Holy Spirit and how they do things and what’s best for them for (almost) forever. I just showed up a few decades ago; my angels have been serving Father for millennia. They know what blesses Him more than I do. They know what Jesus likes better than I do.

In a Multitude of Counselors…
It’s kind of like Esther preparing to spend her night with the King. All the maidens could pick anything they wanted for the evening, but what did Esther do?
She talked to Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who obviously would have known the king much better than Esther did – and she asked him what he recommended. So that’s what she took, and she found favor (Esther 2:15).
Similarly, I’m betrothed to Christ and want to bless Him, love Him and serve Him and Father in ways they appreciate most. What’s best for them? How do they like to be worshiped? What do they enjoy hearing whispered in their ears from the lips of their children? What makes them laugh or brings them the most joy and pleasure?
Loving Love Himself
Since my angels have been observing various worship and acts of service and love expressed from millions of children down through the ages, I believe they have more insight about all of the above than I do. So in a way, angels can be like our Hegais. Great advice givers who know more about some God things than we do simply because they’ve been around longer, hung out with Him more, and have seen His relationships play out with His family over and over again.
It’s like when I threw Leo a surprise party shortly after we were married and wanted it to be extra special. So unbeknownst to him, I talked with his family, who unlike me, had known him all his life. That way I could get everything just perfect and exactly how he’d want it to be.
And so it is with Jesus. I want to love Him in His love language. And while the irony of trying to “surprise” an omniscient God is not lost on me, I still think He appreciates the gesture. I know that I have captured His heart with a single glance of my eyes (Song of Solomon 4:9). When He feels that much for me, how can I not give Him my best love in return?
For God’s Sake
That’s how it makes it be about HIM. It’s not angels for angels’ sakes. They would never stand for that! They always defer to God. Always talk about Jesus. Always and only have His interests and work at heart. The reason that I’m my angels’ whole world is because I’m their assignment. They bless Father by taking care of me because that’s what He’s asked of them. So they do it perfectly and faithfully and happily, because they love God too and live to serve and honor Him.
The way I see it is that if our angels can help us be better children of God, and better friends of Holy Spirit, and better lovers of Jesus… what could be better than that?
Mirror image courtesy of Witthaya Phonsawat at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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