Author: Larry Sparks
The wave of God’s glory that is coming upon the church needs to be released into the Earth. Revival was never meant to be characterized by a start and end date; it was meant to confront and redefine what we consider to be “normal” Christianity. Sadly, we see too much of a revival ebb and flow throughout history. Know that this is not God’s will or evidence of some kind of dispensational theology.
We often like to assign a theological framework to the “ebb and flow” of the Holy Spirit, when in fact, the ebb or decrease is due to the church mountain neglecting responsibility to release carriers of outpouring into the other six mountains of society: family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business. In fact, the very history of revival is defined by outpourings that dynamically started, inevitably waned, and ultimately, stopped.
The Revival That Will Never End…
I believe this next, and consummative, wave of outpouring will be so intense, so dramatic, so glorious, that the church will not be able to restrain or contain it; the mighty rushing River will be released into the Earth!
I believe the Lord is preparing us for the revival that never ends. The heart of God is for His Kingdom to increase until the Jewish Man, Messiah Jesus, splits the sky and returns to planet Earth (see Is. 9:7). Why does revival ebb and flow, namely in the church? Simple: the church was never meant to restrain Holy Spirit outpouring and keep it to themselves. Revival may be birthed in a church context—not necessarily in a building, but among the community of God—but it’s purposed to be released into every sphere of society, that the kingdoms of this world would become the Kingdom of our God and His Christ (see Rev. 11:15). That supernatural governmental shift, where nations are discipled and influenced by the Kingdom, will never take place as long as Holy Spirit outpouring is exclusively defined as extended meetings held within the confines of our church sanctuaries and auditoriums. Yes, we want our services to be characterized by the glorious, intense and dramatic movement of Holy Spirit. They must be! That’s what church should look like; but it’s unto something. Outpouring has an assignment and Jesus is intent on receiving the inheritance of nations (see Ps. 2:8). He will only receive this as His people, filled with the Spirit, go into all the world and fulfill His great desire: disciple the nations.
Jesus is Kicking People out of the Church!
In a recent vision, I saw the most humorous picture of Jesus kicking people out of the church. Okay, so let me give you some context. He was not kicking people out, in terms of excommunication or discipline. He was not severing people from vital connection with the body of Christ. I saw Jesus, with a big smile on His face, kicking people out of the institutional church buildings. I saw people getting powerfully touched by the Spirit in these meetings, Jesus evaluating the people who received these encounters, and then, with a smile, giving these individuals swift kicks in the behind, flinging them out of the church mountain into their respective mountains or spheres of influence. And yet, this sounds a lot like something Jesus would do. Didn’t He say, “GO therefore and make disciples of all nations” (see Matt. 28:19)?
The River of God must flow from the temple in order for it to continue flowing in the temple. In other words, the Presence and power of God must be carried into all nations in order for us to see the great global agenda of Heaven come to pass. Otherwise, we will continue to simply enjoy periods of renewal behind the four walls of our church buildings, with wonderful, but limited results. I believe the Lord is turning it up. He’s turning up the power. He’s turning up the fire. He’s turning up the intensity. Turn it up, Lord! He’s turning it up, so that the level of power encounters in His Presence is so strong, that there is no alternative but to take what we receive in revival and release it to the other six mountains of influence.
The end objective is beautifully pictured in Ezekiel 47, which this prophetic journey moves towards:
… the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing. (Ezekiel 47:12)
Everywhere the River goes, there is life and healing. I believe the Lord wants us to have a very clear picture on how the River is carried into the nations, so that its healing work can be accomplished this side of Heaven.
The Evidence Is All Around…
Back in the 1990’s, there were three major moves of the Holy Spirit in America that were purposed to shift the spiritual landscape: the Toronto Blessing, the Brownsville Revival, and the Smithton Outpouring. Of course, there were other notable movements of the Spirit during this time and after: the revival meetings held by Rodney Howard-Browne in Lakeland, FL; the IHOP Awakening and the Bay (of the Holy Spirit) Revival in the 2000’s; the emergence of Bethel Church as a global center for sustained outpouring and exporter of revival culture to the nations, etc.
So, what’s coming now? As we prepare for this next (and most likely, conclusive) wave of Holy Spirit outpouring, I strongly sense that the degree to which the church enjoys the blessing of sustained outpouring will be directly related to the church exporting people who are touched by outpouring into the other six mountains of culture.
On a side note, I’m grateful for catalytic thought leaders like Dr. Lance Wallnau who, while they love the move of God, are frustrated with the disconnection between Holy Spirit outpouring and a dry and thirsty land. Revival becomes relevant to society when our meetings become portable. We need safe places where people have space to encounter God powerfully and dramatically; however, I prophesy that in this next wave of glory, people will become portable centers of outpouring and revival, carrying the touch of God outside of the four walls and into strategic spheres of societal influence.
I prophesy that those with significant wealth and influence, businessmen and investors, politicians and media moguls, actors and directors—those who present themselves as dignified and refined—are going to experience undignified, glorious, overwhelming glory encounters in the Presence of God. The church will be a safe space for such meetings to take place—but these will be for the purpose of awakening individuals of influence to the potential of God’s Presence within them.
The key to Holy Spirit outpouring in this next season can be found in the following passages of Scripture in this order: Psalm 63, Psalm 46, John 7:37-39, and Ezekiel 47:12.
- Have Heaven’s perspective of your sphere of influence.
O God, you are my God; eassimrnestly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you;
my flesh faints for you,
as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1, ESV)
Notice that the psalmist does not call the world “lost and dying.” Although this is popular language among evangelicals, I do believe we need to change our description of the world and its people, as our description defines our level of interaction. If we see things as lost and dying, it is possible to embrace a hopelessness that robs us of our assignment. It’s easy to embrace an escapist approach when we view the world as lost, hopeless, dying and damned. We’ll do our best to win as many people to the Lord as we can, while also, hunkering down and preparing for everything to explore like the Death Star.
For the Lord would say: see the world, not as lost and dying, but as dry and weary. See the people in your world, who are disconnected from Living Water, not as hopeless, but as those who are thirsty and desperate for the Fountain you carry. Yes, the people and also, the very culture. The world. The very soil and ground, for the whole of creation is groaning and aching, longing for the manifestation of sons and daughters who carry My Solution into dry and weary places. My Solution is outpouring. My solution is Holy Spirit. My Solution is Myself, for You are where you are because I want to be there. You are where you are because I want my Presence and my rule in that place. You uniquely bring people into proximity with Me. Do not disregard your present station and place of assignment. Most likely, it’s not where you are going to be stationed forever, for I am the God of glory to glory and changing seasons. However, you will walk in a sense of destiny and fulfillment to the degree that you walk aware of your assignment to carry My Presence and My Kingdom into the place you are currently placed.
2. Recognize that you carry Heaven’s Solution into the Chaos.
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling. (Psalm 46:1-3)
Does this sound like the world you presently occupy? A place characterized by fear, anxiety, and trouble? Can you relate to the psalmist’s language of mountains falling into the heart of the sea, waters roaring and foaming? Doesn’t this feel like life sometimes… if not for you, maybe for those around you? In the midst of the shaking and trouble, what is the solution? What is the answer? The psalmist prophesies the answer in Psalm 46:4, and Jesus clarifies in John 7:37-39.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy habitation of the Most High. (Psalm 46:4)
In the midst of all the chaos and calamity, Heaven has a solution—there is a River. Now comes the question: where will this River come from? Out of Heaven? No.
3. Heaven’s River is here.
Back in the 1990’s, Vineyard worship released a wonderful prophetic song of praise called “The River is Here.” Such an expressive, joyful way to give voice to the words of Jesus in John 7:37-39:
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as[f] the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (John 7:37-39)
We are not waiting for outpouring to come down from Heaven; rather, Heaven is waiting for it to come out from the church. For the world to be reached, the River must flow out of the church. Not church as in the buildings or physical structures, but church as in the redeemed community of God filled with the Spirit of God. The level to which we embrace this next season of outpouring will be dependent upon our awareness of the Presence and Person of the Holy Spirit, and how we decide to accommodate His movement in our lives and in our church services. While there is a sovereign element to the Spirit’s movement, in terms of how He moves in a certain context, the fact is that, since the Day of Pentecost, He’s been released into the Earth and He has been moving. He’s been searching for a people who live in tune with Him enough to move with Him.
The problem is that the church has desired to restrain the Spirit and call it revival. I’m not talking about restraining the Spirit’s supernatural movements and manifestations; I’m meaning that we have wanted to keep revival locked up behind four walls and insist that the world comes to our services. Often, the motives are pure; just confused. We truly desire the outpouring of the Spirit, but we neglect to consider the flow of outpouring. It flows through so that it can flow to. Reconsider Jesus’ mandate in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
- “You will receive power…” The you refers to the church, the Spirit-filled people of God on planet Earth.
- “When the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” This refers to the expression of outpouring.
- “You will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth.” Right here, Jesus gives us fruit of what outpouring and revival must produce.
So we reflect once again, could it be that we’ve only played in the “shallow end” of Holy Spirit outpouring, not because God has sovereignly withheld it or because we’re in some special dispensation, but because we have believed revival was to flow into the church, when really, it was meant to flow through the church. Remember, revival was never meant to have a start and stop date. This only happens when it becomes restricted by buildings, walls, gatherings and services. Yes, we will continue to gather as a body and have services, but I prophesy that rather than extended meetings, every meeting will become an opportunity for dynamic Holy Spirit encounter. What was considered unusual in the bygone days of revival will become the new normal, as the people of God become increasingly hungry for the Spirit’s movement in their midst.
Prophetic Words Announcing Revival and the Next Wave of Glory…
I prophesy that we are entering a season where we all have the invitation to participate in a revival that is not meant to have an end date, but only increase and intensify until the Son of Man splits the sky and sets down on planet Earth. This fulfills the ever-expanding Kingdom prophecy of Isaiah 9:7, that “of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end.” This does not confirm some kind of imbalanced, victorious eschatology scenario, where everything just keeps getting better and better. Quite the contrary. From now, until Jesus returns, Scripture makes it clear that we will experience both the advancement of light and darkness. Darkness will be prevalent upon the earth, and deep darkness upon the people, but, at the same time, glory will arise upon the people God and push back darkness (see Is. 60:1-2). This is revival and I believe that the beginning stages of mass outpouring unlike we’ve ever seen are upon us.
Out of this reality, I prophesy the following:
Prophecy for revival among mainline evangelicals
I prophesy that the Holy Spirit is going to visit mainline evangelicals, overwhelming their hearts with an insatiable hunger and thirst for the move of God in their lives and congregations. Although these leaders may be uncomfortable with some of the phenomena and controversy surrounding the Charismatic revivals, they will be gripped specifically by the words of Jim Cymbala (Brooklyn Tabernacle), Leonard Ravenhill, A.W. Tozer, and others, who present a stirring vision for what could be in an outpouring of the Spirit. I prophesy reputable voices like those mentioned would supernaturally demolish defenses, and position hearts to welcome the fullness of the Spirit, no matter what it looks like.
Prophecy for megachurches and non-denominational churches: creating space for the Spirit
I prophesy that the spiritual hunger level of church congregations will not go unnoticed. Even if churches need to adhere to a strict schedule (60-75 minute services, multiple services, children’s church, parking lot protocol, etc.), leaders will be absolutely overwhelmed with hunger for Holy Spirit and, from the moment services begin, create space for God to move and connect with people. I prophesy that from the moment these gatherings begin with praise and worship, the Spirit will fall in these houses of worship. I see people flocking to the front of the church during praise and worship, and yes, even during the sermon. I see people being touched by the power of God, falling down, laughing, shaking, crying, weeping, all the while, the congregation continues to listen to the pastor and participate in the worship, celebrating the great things God is doing in their midst.
I prophesy that, specifically, the example of Toronto/Catch the Fire leaders during the revival will become protocol for these non-denominational and mainline churches to model as they seek to pastor a move of God, while not restraining the Spirit’s fire.
I see what took place in Toronto expanding and extending to churches that would never have embraced such phenomena in the 1990’s, but now, are absolutely desperate for God’s invasion and overhaul in their midst. The Lord would say, some need the sermon, and some need the floor—both options must be clearly available in the days in which you are living.
Prophecy of legal right through praise and worship songs
I prophesy that in the days ahead, hunger for Holy Spirit encounters and outpouring will escalate to such a pinnacle, that God will look for any means necessary to visit and invade communities of people, even those who have been on the fence when it comes to supernatural manifestations and such. Although they’ve been on the fence, their sincere declarations of worship have granted Heaven legal right to actually fulfill on the lyrics of those songs and “flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”
Prophecy of the River flowing through the mountains
Finally, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me that revival and outpouring in the Church mountain will be sustained to the degree that the Church mountain intentionally impacts the other six mountains of culture. We conclude right where we started.
Let me recap the Scriptural progression of what, I believe, the Lord is doing:
- Psalm 63:1 – the world is dry and thirsty. They need what quenches thirst.
- Psalm 46:1-3 – the world is dry and thirsty because of the anxiety, fear, and trauma experienced on a regular basis. There is, however, a solution: the River of God.
- John 7:37-39 – the world’s solution resides in the interior life of every single believer. The River is a Person, and His name is Holy Spirit. May we be awakened to the reality that we host the River that heals nations.
We conclude with where the River is supposed to go and flow—into the mountains.
I prophesy right now that for the River of God to increase and grow in momentum, for the Kingdom to expand and increase in the Earth, the River must be released out of the church mountain, from the church mountain into the other mountains. Revival’s effectiveness is not measured by how many meetings a church had, how many years these meetings continued undisrupted, or what manner of manifestations took place during a season of visitation; revival’s impact is measured by transformed communities and regions. Revival’s impact should be evaluated by how the other six mountains and spheres of society were transformed by carriers of the River of God going into these places and releasing revival in that unique context.
For the Lord would say, “I am getting ready to fall upon My people like never before, but whether or not My Spirit rests upon them—whether or not what they experience and encounter remains in a sustained manner—will be determined by whether or not they can steward My movement into the places I have assigned them. For the encounter comes with an assignment.”
Again, sounds like something the Lord would say. Once again, consider Jesus’ instructions in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Power encounters come with a clear assignment—that we, the church, would carry His glory and Presence outside the community of believers and into the ends of the earth. The role of the church? We are portable tabernacles of Holy Spirit’s presence. We are flesh and blood sanctuaries who carry His glory. We are the ones who are beyond-privileged to receive power encounters of the Spirit coming upon us. But remember, these encounters come with assignments!
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