Author: Kushla Rollinson
When Papa Showed Them Heaven
I jwanted to share an experience that changed our group from being a “dance” group, to being a gathering of Papa’s kids, who just wanted more of Him. I shared one day with the girls about an gold dust experience I had. They of course wanted that, and it was just a simple “Papa, as you’ve done for me, please do for them.” They looked and their hands were covered in a light gold dust. Each of them kept looking and just giggling like kids do, and the more they giggled the more the gold dust increased until it was big flakes on their eyelids, cheeks and legs. At one point, some of them were covered head to toe in this gold dust.
After that, a huge spirit of wanting to repent and give themselves fully to God just came over them. It wasn’t anything initiated by me or anything, just one by one, each girl started to weep, and cry and just tell Papa how much they loved him. I mean, the youngest girl here was 8 years old, I couldn’t fathom what they would want to apologise for, but after that, there was a definite glow over them.
I hadn’t realized at the time, but we had been worshipping and playing with the gold dust for over 4 hours. It felt like moments.
The next time we met, the girls didn’t want to dance, they wanted to get straight into the business of prayer and meeting with the Lord. Our classes usually started at 4pm. I wouldn’t even say it was prayer, but they all wanted me to lay hands on and pray for them, they didn’t just want to know about Him, they wanted to experience His presence. That was the most beautiful part. They just had no doubt.
I prayed for them one by one, and encouraged them to pray for each other. Just like flies, they started to drop. I don’t think many of them had seen someone slain in the Spirit before, but they fell out on the floor. At times they would laugh out loud.
On this particular session, we asked the Lord specifically to show them the homes He had prepared for them in heaven. And this is the remarkable thing – most of the girls were only “out” for 10-15 minutes but when they recounted their experiences, the vividness and detail of what they explained was like they had been in their homes for hours or even days.
One girl described her home like a large ranch, it had many animals in it, some she didn’t recognize. Jesus walked with her and showed her the stables of many of the animals. He told her that he made her with a love for animals, and knew she would enjoy them. She described her bedroom, in vivid detail, including the tapestry and rugs. She said she put her hand over the floor and the floor wasn’t hard, but it was moving and alive. She struggled to describe this bit, but she said that it was like the whole house breathed – it was also full of light and life. She even described the atmosphere of heaven, and that when she was there, she felt like she was walking in marshmallows, because that’s what she imagined love might look like. Her description of the “space” that you lived in was, as she said, thick with what she kept describing over and over as a hug, “like someone with their arms around you and you’re happier than you could ever be”. She said that happy here wasn’t like happy there. Afterwards she had this light in her cheeks and eyes, and she kept asking to go back to check her animals. So cute!
This was quite unusual but a few girls all experienced the same thing – they all described individually the same experience. They said they found themselves in a room and the whole place was full of light it was so bright, but it didn’t hurt their eyes. They could see something in the middle of the room but they couldn’t make it out. And there were circles of people around the middle which kept going out into wider and wider circles. They all said they just felt scared, but they weren’t scared. I think the children were trying to look for the word “in awe.”
People were singing and they wanted to sing too, and they started to sing. They lifted their hands up and felt waves upon waves wash over them. They wanted to sing louder and louder, but so did everyone else. This experience for these girls lasted 30 minutes and they were out. When they came out of it, their hands and legs where trembling and they couldn’t speak without crying. Every time I would ask them to describe what happened, they would cry and start to praise God.
After this experience, all the girls wanted to go to “the light room”.
Most of the girls did go back, and the same thing happened to them. After that is when the girls wanted to start coming to a prayer meeting on a Wednesday nights.
In another session, as we started to just thank God for being such a good dad – this was after a few of the girls explained they had been disappointed by their earth dads. We just thanked Him that He was someone we could trust and rely on. One of them asked, “can we see an angel?” I just had to, in my Spirit say, “ok Lord this is all you,” lol. Then I said, “well, sure we can.”
We just started to just thank the Lord for all our favorite experiences in Him. The room got thicker and there was a fog in the room. In the corner of the room, we all saw an angel - he had a white garment on to the floor and shoes. They all, of course, went to him and wanted “selfies” with him – it was hilarious. After that, they saw him open up a jar and pour it all into the room. They just started laughing hysterically so much they were holding their sides – I couldn’t stop laughing but at the same time, I was just in awe of what was happening.
This went on for 3 or 4 hours. The girls were late home, so I had to take them all out for dinner. Even at McDonalds they were still trying to go back to heaven.
Another one that was quite interesting, was that we were all focusing on seeing Jesus’ face. One by one, they could all see the same image in their mind. As we kept asking the Holy Spirit to guide us and lead us into all truth in Him, I would ask them to describe what they were seeing. They said He was standing there on a path, each girl would add a piece of detail, which they would all agree they were seeing. They described his clothes, his face, and the lines of his smile, his hair. They said he was holding out his hand to them, but he also had sandals on, brown leather sandals. One by one they took His hand, and they walked down a road together. The road had some inclines and descents but it was a small narrow path only big enough for two people to walk. I asked them where he was taking them, and what did they feel He was trying to say. They all almost at the same time said, He was showing us the path to walk, He wants to lead us to the place He’s made for our lives. He wants us to wear sandals like Him, because we need to tell people about who He really is, not what people say He’s like. He is sad that people don’t know what He is really like. He’s also walking beside us.
At this point, they all became very quiet and spent the next 30 minutes in their own private time just walking the path with him. They said he spoke into their hearts and told them about people they needed to say sorry too, and one particular girl had been having suicidal thoughts (she was 11 at the time) and she said, he held her, and pushed something into her heart. She said, he has seen all the things that she had gone through, but that he would never leave her and his Dad was her Dad now, too.
This session was at least 2 or 3 hours.
The last one that was really lovely – was when one of the girls went to a parade in heaven - she called it that. But she described a street of gold. What is interesting is that this girl is unchurched. She hasn’t heard the gospel or the streets of gold – she has no reference point to describe this. This is why I wholeheartedly believe her experience. The things she described, you’d have to really know your Bible to know, or else read other Christian literature. She has had no exposure to this.
She described golden streets that showed “your face in them.” They were so shiny and everyone there was so happy; she’d never seen such happy people. She said even the flowers were smiling. She described them as moving but there was no wind. She said in this parade, new people had come home to heaven, and everyone was celebrating. It was like a big parade and people clapped and made lots of noise. But she also said, when someone was saved, in the “white light room” everyone would dance and sing and just laugh. She said that it made Papa really happy and everyone was so excited when Papa was happy, and then Papa was happy when they were happy, and it just went in circles like that.
She said there were lots of people on the streets, people having like picnics with other people on grassy hills, and people playing games. She said there were angels on the streets too and they were play games with the people. She saw some angels playing tag or “hide and go seek” with some adult people. She thought that was strange that adults were playing games like that. She didn’t want to leave because she got invited to play a game of tag with some angels and other people. But it was home time and she had to be dropped off. We had to wake her up from this experience.
She was desperate to go back, so she could play the game. She kept saying, but why did you bring me back, it was my turn. She was only out for about 10 minutes, or maybe 30 minutes at the most, but the details were just too much.
After the girls started going to heaven, they were always on the front row at church; first ones to worship, last ones to sit down. Many times during prayer call, they were the first ones up, and would be slain in the Spirit, and they would pray for each other.
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