Author: Dr. Clarice Fluitt 2 Likes
Prophetic Insight
I envisioned a massive and ornate desk situated in the 3rd heaven. The desk represented the position of ultimate power, judgment and authority. The top of the desk was overflowing with what appeared to be millions of recommendations for very important and powerful promotions for those who qualified to administrate within the realms of almightiness. Those who qualified would be entrusted with astounding miraculous impartations for the purpose of administrating the miraculous.
I saw one of the recommendation forms. It was a long and complicated document filled with endless questions. As I read the questions, I realized that the answer to every question written was “Jesus.” There was one question which was the deciding answer for those who were receiving this divine promotion of supernatural power and love. The question was written in bold letters: Do you have any offense toward anyone including yourself?
The scene changed and I saw great and mighty angels all dressed like electricians. They were very busy and fully engaged in their project. All of the candidates who were qualified were being wired to handle a double portion of God’s power. It was as if they were extension cords plugged into God’s love, power and word. Each person was handing over all their previous divine connections in exchange for unlimited unction.
God gave me a similitude of electricity to understand what I was seeing. The previous connections could only carry 110 watts of electrical power and had to be exchanged and wired to carry 220 watts (double power) of electrical power.
The great Judge was quickly selecting and empowering those who were being equipped to work great miracles and release the prophetic understanding of the finished work of Christ throughout the earth.
All those who chose to allow a spirit of offense to remain in their lives were immediately disqualified for the promotion into the position of power and dominion!
I heard a voice proclaim:
“The whole earth shifts on July 1, 2014.
Great gates have swung wide.
A supernatural and global shift has occurred in the heavens and will make itself known in the earth.”
Prepare yourself to stand in faith:
- You will see the exposure and judgment of evil and corrupt activities in global governments.
- The organized church world will be exposed for some of its unscriptural and worldly actions and ultimately be restored to its divine purpose.
- A major shift in the whole earth will include:
(a) Weather patterns
(b) Finances
(c) The increase of the revelation of Jesus to the whole world.
The wicked will increase in their wickedness but the righteous will become passionately bold in sharing their faith.
Teens to 30 years old will lead the church into a new day. Strong young backs and spiritual wisdom from the older generation will unite together.
It will be a great day for many and a terrible day for others.
We must choose to release all offenses and see no one except in Christ. View yourself and others through Son-glasses.
Do not accommodate negative thoughts, words or actions.
The heavens have been violently torn and God has provided the believer with access into eternal glory. Choose ye this day to activate, ratify and prophesy God’s promises.
The Kingdom of God is an unshakable kingdom.
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