Author: Cyndi Foster
A trial is a situation that we find our self facing that is threatening our promises that God has for us in His Word. Some promises that Christians are given from our awesome God would include financial blessings and provision, health for our bodies, peace to our minds, household salvation, divine protection, authority against evil and tragedy as well as any personal promises that line up with the Word of God. For example if the Holy Spirit has placed a ministry calling on your life and you have confirmation that you actually have heard from the Lord, this would be a personal promise for you that others may not share.
Now a trial begins when one of your promises is being threatened and the fulfillment is being challenged. So the first attack is against your peace of mind and the enemy releases fear into your thoughts. This is the time to seek after the wisdom of God. He promises to give you wisdom if you ask with the expectation that He hears you and will direct you. During the trial it is helpful to keep your mind on the promise that God has given you and then to deal honestly as to any doubts or fears that are surfacing. You must draw close to the Lord and in His Presence study His Word to have your faith increased as you find a true and living God who desires to reveal Himself to you. Your faith is increased because you realize that God does hear you and is working on your behalf. Now to actually overcome the attack against your promise, you will have to mature in your relationship with the Lord.
The Holy Spirit is the sanctifier: He will lead you to examine your heart and see if you are in the faith. He will deal with issues of the heart such as selfish ambition, fear of failure, hurts from your past that is causing you to question His faithfulness, the list of areas that the Holy Spirit will have you examine can be long. If you allow this work of the Holy Spirit as you spend time growing in relationship with the Lord (who will reveal Himself through personal ministry, songs and sermons that speak directly to your heart, the encouragement of others and numerous other ways). God is for you and not against you, He is faithful even when we are not.
In the trial God is going to expose and shake those things in our heart that don't belong there. If we are double minded He will direct us to ministry to help us find freedom from pretended faith and false ways of coping with the fear in our hearts (delusion and hyper spirituality may be exposed). We can count it joy because if we yield to Him we will be changed into His likeness and the areas of deception and fear will be purged by His refining fire. We will know Him in a more intimate way than when the trial began. His Word will bring direction to our situation and our pride will have to be humbled as we yield to His Word. If we allow the change then we will be changed and the very things that He has promised will be a reality.
It is key that we do all (which believe me is much more than naming or decreeing a promise) that He requires so that the enemy loses his power to take us captive to do his will. When we yield to the change that Holy Spirit desires to bring with the trial we will have the victory. If we however, remain in fear and denial, and choose to blame others for our situation then we will fall into the enemy's plan. Instead of joy we will feel betrayed by God and our pride will surface and cause our hearts to harden. If you can't count it joys then you are still in the trial or needing a retake. Turn to the Lord and let Him reveal your heart issues and watch as He transforms you. What a God who is after a bride without spot or blemish!
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