Author: Patricia King
by Patricia King
“Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder the things of the past. Behold, I will do something new. Now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18,19
September 13/14, 2007 is Rosh Hashanah or the Hebrew New Year. This time of year has always been significant to me and I love to prepare. It seems that this particular time in the Jewish calendar is like a thermometer for the rest of the year.
This New Year (September 2007 – September 2008) in the Hebrew calendar is Year 5768. In a recent article I read by Chuck Pierce in the Elijah Rain magazine, he states that this year is, “The Year of the Full Circle of Life – A New Beginning is Yours”. Let’s embrace this new cycle.
The number 7 symbolizes the completion of a cycle and the number 8 is the number of new beginnings. The last 7 years (September 2000 – September 2007) was a prophetic season – a season where the Lord revealed insights, perceptions, and revelations concerning a new spiritual era and great transition for the Church. The last 7 years for us at Extreme Prophetic were years where we blew a prophetic trumpet regarding taking the Light into the Darkness, the Spiritual Revolution, and the emerging Media Army. Year after year in this season, we built the vision of the Body of Christ transitioning into a spiritually oriented church that would reach out into the darkness with supernatural demonstrations of Kingdom power and dominion… heaven to earth. The last 7 years included a prophetic call to look beyond where we have walked and look to the greatness of the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in the earth. This 7-year prophetic season has shaken and challenged mindsets and structures. It was meant to.
We have now completed that cycle although shakings will continue. Great change awaits us and therefore flexibility and acute submission to the Holy Spirit will be required. It is now time to build and lay hold of everything we saw in the last season. The last 7 years were spent receiving revelation and proclaiming the vision. The next seven years will involve building and embracing what we have seen.
It is possible, if we rise to the occasion, to experience more mobilization of the Body of Christ into a true apostolic mandate in the next 7 years than ever before in church history. It is truly an apostolic season we are entering into. It is truly a light invading the darkness season – a time for us to arise, shine, and fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. We had glimpses of the apostolic season in the last 7 years, but now it will come into full bloom.
Love will be the greatest key for the church in the next 7 years. Without love, we are nothing and what we accomplish profits nothing without it (1 Corinthians 13). Love is to be our greatest aim (1 Corinthians 14:1). In order to come into the full measure of this apostolic season, love needs to be perfected in the church. Everything that is not of love and true faith will be shaken. The LOVE WAR has been declared and the Body will be tested on this. Love will open doors to the heart of nations. Let’s grow and mature in love.
It is important to prepare for Rosh Hashanah this year. In many ways, your preparation will determine how you will be influenced over the next year. The Lord is waiting to pour fresh oil out upon you. Here are 8 things to help you prepare for this new season:
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight what He revealed to you in the last 7 years. What He revealed, you will now walk in the next 7 years if you choose. Define these things clearly. Write them down and ask the Lord to manifest in your life over the next 7 years all that He revealed to you in the last 7 years.
2. Invite the Holy Spirit to convict you of any area of your life, where you have not submitted to Him. Ask Him to cleanse you from waywardness and from all sin. Invite Him to destroy within you any enemy of love. Ask Him to align you to God’s love and to perfect you in love. Complete submission to the Lord in this next season is vital.
3. Invite the Lord to increase His grace (His divine influence) upon your life as you seek Him. Take time to fast and pray before Rosh Hashanah. Pray until you are confident that you are clothed in greater grace. There is warfare over the next season, but you can establish the victory now. Hide in His grace. Grace, Grace, Grace. Grace is a great key for victory in this next 7-year cycle.
4. Ask the Lord to quicken personal promises to you from the Word for this coming year and this next 7-year season. Stand on those promises. Write them down. Meditate on them. The Word does not return void but accomplishes everything it is sent to do.
5. Praise Him as you establish Him in the highest place in your life. Praise will be a weapon for great victories in the next 7 years.
6. Pray much in tongues so that His mysteries can be birthed in your midst.
7. Invite the Lord to give you a clear strategy for the next year. Get ready to build or move into what He is showing you. Your faith will need action in the next year.
8. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh with His Presence that you might go forth in the fullness of His will, purpose, and power.
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