Author: Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche 2 Likes
A Life of Answers
The answers are in the House! Your miracle is in the House! Your resurrection is in the House! Your retrieval is in the House! Your provision is in the House of God!
God has a special appointment with you. He has a “now” appointment with the answers that you have sought, and the answers that others need. You will not live a life of questionings; you will participate in a life of answers!
There will be no more limitation. There will be no more acceptance of something lost. There will only be expectation of the harvest on the seed sown. Your return is going to far outweigh your dedication and your commitment. What you have done is God is about to come back to you in the form of a huge end-time supernatural wave of blessing that will not fail to reach every part of your life through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Every confinement and restriction and lack in your life is going to fall off of you by the apostolic and prophetic visitation of God! You’re going to see a reversal. America is going to once again be the sought out place to do business. It’s just the Word of the Lord, amen. You can mark it down.
“You are on an assignment, and that assignment began, and the call came, and you heeded that call, and you answered that call. And that call came clearly to you, and harvests on your obedience came, but My next phase and My next level,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “is not that of confinement or limitation in any arena of your life. No bars, no chains, no limitations for My body, the Church. And that which you’ve honored Me with,” says the Lord, “I will multiply back to you. And that which you put in My Hand,” says the Spirit of Grace, “I’ll keep and I’ll protect. And that which you dedicate to Me, I will consecrate and set apart. And that which you trust Me for, I will not fail you in. There will be My Presence, My Power, My Joy, My Victory, causing you to sing, to leap, to jump, to stride and to shout victoriously, triumphantly in every circumstance of life. For I have sent you to be a light in the middle of a world that lies in darkness, and deliver men and women form captivity and the enslavement that they’re in. And I am going to empower you, teaching, instructing and imparting. And there will be a transformation in every part of your life.” says the Lord.
You’re coming in connection with protection for everything in your life!
+ Apostle Doctor Christian Harfouche
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