Author: Bart Hadaway
by Bart Hadaway
The prophet Ezekiel lived and prophesied during the darkest days of Judah and Israel. The Word of the Lord through him was severe on many fronts. And yet in the midst of harsh rebukes, judgments, and chastisement, some of the most profound promises of blessing also were given. No doubt America is facing some of its darkest days and challenges. Warnings abound, and rightly so, through many righteous and reliable prophetic voices in our midst. And yet, I believe that God is issuing a heavenly invitation to the church in America such as the one issued to Israel as spoken through Ezekiel.
In order to receive the fullness of the blessing of God’s invitation, we must embrace the heart of God found in the entire 36th chapter. First and foremost, the prophetic promise came out of His own passion for His people and more importantly, His own name’s sake (see vs. 11, 21, 22, and 32). Much like America is being mocked by the nations of the world today, Israel was being mocked and the name of God was being profaned because of the condition of the people of God. Whether you believe that we are being judged or reaping what we have sown, the name of God is not being glorified through or by His people as He desires. The loss of influence and respect within the church of America brings shame on the name of God just as in the days of Ezekiel (see vs. 20-23). But we need to understand that God is jealous not only for His people, but even more for His own name! Make no mistake. God loves His people passionately. He cares for us and every detail of our lives (see Ps. 37:23 NLT). But He is also passionate to see His name glorified in all the earth. The statement “then you shall know that I am the Lord” occurs 23 times in Ezekiel. Our God Who sits on His throne with the foundation of righteousness and justice WILL bring glory to His name! Every prophetic decree in Ezekiel 36 was initiated by God. But at the end of the chapter, He extended His invitation to us to ask Him for these blessings. “I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them.” God is always inviting His people to partner with Him in His work in the earth. That is our inheritance and our privilege.
Two years ago, the Lord spoke very clearly to me. I heard Him say “this will be the finest hour for the church in America. Now believe it!” What that exactly looks like and how God will make it happen may not be completely clear. But, when God speaks, He will fulfill His word (Ez. 36:36). Many have been crying out to the Lord for a long time to send a great revival and outpouring of His Spirit to us. While we are seeing pockets of His grace and power in many places, we are yet to see the revival needed to change the direction of our nation. About a year ago as I was walking down the street in our neighborhood, the Lord spoke a short but direct word to me. “And turn from their wicked ways.” I knew He was highlighting II Chron. 7:14. For many years, prayer movements across our land have been praying and decreeing this verse. I believe the Lord is saying that we have humbled ourselves, we have prayed, and we have sought His face. And yet, we have not fully turned from our wicked ways. Compromise and sin within the church is proportionately the same as in the world. We must see a revival of righteousness in the church! Please hear me. The last thing we need is a man made or man imposed standard of righteousness. This is not something we can create. This is something that can only come from the initiation of the Holy Spirit. Our part is to cry out to God for His mercy and His convicting power. There is coming an outpouring of the fear of the Lord that will bring in true righteousness. It is through the fear of the Lord that men turn from evil (see Pr. 16:6). While we are contending for this, we must be diligent to ask God to search our hearts and cleanse us of everything within (see II Cor. 7:1). He is passionate to do this! Ez. 36:25-27 is a great promise from God to cleanse us and give us a heart for Him and His ways.
Church, God’s invitation is being extended during this kairos moment. Let’s lay aside every distraction and hindrance. Let’s turn our hearts fully toward Him. Let’s answer the call given to us by the prophet Ezekiel. I believe this should be our finest hour. God’s grace, mercy, love, and power are promises to His people. We must see them fully realized for our nation. Let’s answer the call given by the prophet Zephaniah.
Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, o undesirable nation. Before the decree is issued, or the day passes like chaff; before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you; before the day of the Lord’s anger comes up you! Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of Lord’s anger.
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